
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Praise My Pud

I insist the family applaud the Christmas pudding, and this year they did not disappoint. I didn't set it alight, but I don't think anyone cared.

Just look at that beauty. I made it in October. The Christmas cake was made around the same time. What you see here is the last of the cakes made with homemade graham crackers and candied fruit. Some people might find it too moist and dense, but we loved it. I haven't tried the sourdough fruitcake yet, but it has enough booze it in to last until next Christmas (I doubt it will make it past New Year's). I still have another pudding as well, which we'll break out for St. Patrick's Day.
(Christmas cake made with graham crackers)

So, was it worth all the candying of fruit, baking and preserving? I really do think so, but only because I was interested in doing it. Making glaceed fruit is a project (quite the project) and if I didn't enjoy it, that might have cut into my appreciation of the cake. Truthfully, I don't think the fruit in the plastic tubs at the grocer is as terrible as people insist, and if it is the difference between doing holiday baking and not-why go ahead and use it.

I learned a few interesting things in the kitchen this Christmas, most importantly being-beer battered, deep fried sardines are awesome! Aw c'mon, it was Christmas Eve-I needed something impressive. Everyone was impressed, all right!

I also learned that giving a six year old a magic set is a good decision. He likes the erector set, but the magic set came with a wand, disappearing coins, and other neat stuff. Abracadabra. He's also having tons of fun with batteries, copper wire, lightbulbs, and propellers. We'll be building a radio after the first of the year when we resume school. Danny's pretty excited about that.

Lastly, I got exactly what I wanted for Christmas-a lovely, relaxing day with my two favourite guys, cake for breakfast, and a beautiful, latex-free hot water bottle. I filled it, hopped back into bed and luxuriated in the warmth. I was also gifted a beautiful set of fluffy, soft bath towels in a beautiful rose colour, and new scissors for paper, to help preserve the life of my good sewing scissors (I don't like using fabric scissors on paper as they dull).

Now, to sew a cosy for the hot water bottle.

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