
Friday, January 21, 2011

Too Good To Be Fudge

It should have a better name, because this is no run-of-the-mill fudge you get in the damn Wisconsin Dells (or Cape Cod, or wherever your fudge based memories originate). You know, I almost thought better of posting the phrase, "fudge based memories" because I know what sort of search hits that will bring, but what the hell, I'm bored. Go ahead, entertain me.

But you must promise to make this candy! Promise me. Swear it right now (I mean come on, if you're gonna make an oath it ought to be for something worth it). Yeah, I'll wait. Done? OK here's the recipe.

You Will Need:

4 tablespoons dark cocoa powder
3 cups granulated sugar
1 cup heavy cream
3 tablespoons corn syrup (yes, it will make you obese-it has NOTHING to do with the cup of heavy is ALL the corn syrup)
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Combine cocoa, sugar, cream, corn syrup and salt in a large heavy pot. Cook to 236 degrees F. Remove from heat and let cool 5 minutes. yes, you must wait the entire five minutes or the Windigoes will get you (We're having a blizzard at the moment-never mind). After five minutes, beat in the butter and extract with a wooden spoon and beat like hell. Beat it like Windigoes are trying to eat your brains and the only thing standing between you and that Windigo is a wooden spoon. Keep going until your fudge is nice and glossy and the angry Windigoes leave. Pour it into a buttered dish and don't touch it (or the Banshee will get you) and when it is cool, cut it into squares. The trimmings don't have calories (a fact, really) so make sure to cut your squares nice and neat even if you have to keep cutting away at the edges. Makes about 2 pounds of Windigo chasing fudge.

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