
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I Just Wanted Wholemeal Biscuits

I've made these silly biscuits so many times, it would seem impossible to ruin them-yet that is exactly what I did...twice.

The first attempt, I used too much brown sugar, and let the dough get warm-those turned into a very thin, shapeless molasses type sweet. Not bad, for what they are, but not what I wanted. The second batch, I forgot to add half the butter. Those are also still edible, and not horrible, but still far from what I wanted. Oh, to be like everyone else and go purchase a packet! I rarely engage in this sort of self-pity, but damn it, I now have a big, bloody tray filled with biscuits I'll likely end up crumbling for a pie crust after they go good and stale.

Oh, and I have a fever. A really awful, swell the mercury fever, which I guess is nice as I was the only person in the household not freezing this morning in the sub-zero temperatures.

#%$()&^%#$& biscuits! I don't think I'll be trying a third time today-the Universe obviously thinks I don't need them.

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