
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pickled Mushrooms

If you find yourself with large quantities of mushrooms, this recipe will take care of 2 lbs. That sounds like a lot, but after they cook down, you get about two pints-hardly worth firing up the canner. Trust me, these will go fast.

I used the first of my oregano growing in the garden and is very assertive oregano. That's not bad...I suppose I prefer marjoram in most instances.

No pictures as I had a bad Linux crash and along with taking out all my bookmarks, the camera software needs to be re-installed. Still, I have to say-this crap happens once or twice a year which is about 1,000% less than what I had with Windows. So there. You don't need a picture of pickled mushrooms. They're brown. There's some flecks from the herbs. See? Easy mental image to conjure. I knew you could do it. Evoking the scent of Greek oregano is another matter.

I made adjustments from the original recipe which called for aubergine and mushrooms. I'm sure my family wouldn't touch that (idiots) so I used the mushrooms that were threatening to take over my kitchen. I landed an outrageously good deal on mushrooms, but I had to buy 5 lbs. That's not difficult to run through at my house, so I bought them. Mine were plain, old button mushrooms, but I don't see why this wouldn't work with other varieties.

Adapted from The Best of Food and Wine Salads, Vegetables, and Grains 1993

You Will Need:

1 1/2 cups white vermouth
2/3 cup white wine vinegar
3 large garlic cloves, sliced
1 large cinnamon stick
1 bay leaf
1 tablespoon oregano (I just threw the stalk and all in the pot)
1 tablespoon basil
3 whole cloves
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons coarse salt
1 cup water
2 lbs. mushrooms, cut into quarters
1/3 cup olive oil

In a medium non-reactive pan (that means don't use tin. Stainless or enamel are fine) combine wine, vinegar, garlic, cinnamon, bay leaf, oregano, basil, cloves, salt, sugar, and 1 cup of water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce to simmer and cook 5 minutes over low heat.

Add mushrooms, return to a simmer and cook stirring occasionally for 10 minutes.

Strain contents, discarding liquid. Pick out cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf and oregano. Place mushrooms in a bowl to cool to room temp. Add the olive oil, sprinkle with about 1 tablespoon each wine and vinegar and toss gently to coat. Cover with cling film and chill overnight.

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