
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Paprika Baked Tofu in Puff Paste With Carrots and Red Peppers

Everything I've used here, I've done before (Puff paste recipe HERE, Tofu recipe HERE.) But I thought it might be worthwhile to show you a different way of putting it together. I pre-cooked both the tofu, and vegetables earlier in the day so that the pastry could bake quickly at high heat (425 degrees F.). After rolling out the puff paste, I mounded the filling in a strip down the centre, then cut strips to fold over ladder-style. I brushed them lightly with an egg wash and baked.

I don't see any reason you couldn't do this with store-bought puff paste- I've used the stuff with excellent results on desserts, etc. If you do make your own, it freezes well and costs considerably less than store bought, and you get some control of the butter quality as well-but really, I wouldn't turn my nose up at the frozen variety.

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