
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Links To Cool Things

I haven't done one of these posts in a while. I'm not sure why, as there's some really great stuff out there.

"Hey, are you checkin' out me bird?" That's OK, we want you to check out the Nebraska birds at Expect to spend several hours clicking your way through. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Did you hear about that dumbass Gwyneth Paltrow spending $100,000 to educate young Apple in ancient Greek? Psst, don't tell Gwynnie, but you can get the materials, and even forums on teaching-for free. HERE. Kale-juice smoothie not included. Because she drinks those-to stay slim or something. I know it must be true, I read it in the Daily mail.

You'll hate me for this, but click over to Mod Cloth. The clothes are surprisingly affordable, and there's some great stuff in the sale category. The vintage stuff goes really fast-you need to pretty much stalk the site to get the deals.

How could I not link to a recipe for something called, Schneeballen? You're welcome. I'm so impressed with these, I'm not even going to make a German joke. I want to, but I won't-just this time.

Got an allergic kid, and all the cool cake decorations are made in factories that process nuts? Yeah, that pisses me off too. Fear not! Thanks to THIS recipe, you can make your own jimmies. Seriously, you can make your own. How badass is that?

Something to do with leftover bread crusts (yes, just the crusts).

Classic children's books-free on line.

Ethnocentrism in action via a 1922 cookbook for social workers.

Best Blog Name ever.

Big Other

Bangable Dudes in History (in case you are the last people alive that haven't heard about this site).

For the weather nerds-make your own barometer.

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