
Monday, July 02, 2012

The Garden Grows...and Grows...and...Well, You Get the Idea

I hadn't planned to grow anything other than sunflowers on the north side of the house, but once the sunflowers dug in, it looked so I planted cantaloupe. That went so well, I put in a patch of watermelon. Pleased with the quickly established watermelons, I decided I must grow a patch of red seeded citron melon. Without any planning, the north side of the house is home to a melon patch. As they grow so well, and so quickly, I seem unable to stop. We stay warm here well into October, so I can still get in a few more varieties if I feel ambitious. I feel ambitious.

Red seeded citron melon is a very old, now largely forgotten variety that is not suitable for eating fresh. Instead, the melon can be preserved (like citron) or cooked into a fruit paste, or marmalade. As I have angelica growing, it seems almost obligatory to grow citron melon.

I'm ordering a few late season crops, and varieties that can overwinter like purple sprouting broccoli. Red turnips are intriguing as well. Mr. ETB wants to grow flax next year. I told Danny we were getting rid of his bed, and putting in a spinning wheel and loom instead. He only half thinks we're kidding. I have Goldenrod growing, so I could actually use it to dye linen. I doubt very much this will happen, but I'm told you can eat flax, so it wouldn't be a complete waste to grow it.

This is the week I have set aside for pickling my grape leaves, but the thought of running the canner in this heat is causing me to reconsider my plans.

The first glads bloomed today.


  1. Flax seed meal mixed with water makes a great substitute for eggs in recipes. I would love to see a few photos of your booming garden. I am developing a case of garden envy.

  2. Funny, I bought a box of flax seed for baking and stuck it in the freezer-promptly forgot about it. I should give the egg substitute a try.

    Garden envy only lasts until you imagine weeding in 99 degree heat. I'll try to get out there for some photos.
