
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cordials-Make Them Now

So dead simple, but you have to make use of the fruit in season. The photo does not show how jewel-like the raspberry is-trust me on this one.

Wash and dry your fruit. Fill a quart mason jar with brandy for the cherries, vodka for the raspberries. Don't invest in good vodka for this-you want the, "OK With Life's Disappointments" brand. Plunk it together in the jar, give it a gentle shake every day, and let it sit for two months.

Drain through cheesecloth (several layers). Combine with an equal ratio of simple syrup (more or less to your tastes) and strain again. Store in the prettiest bottles you have. There, you have your Christmas gifts sorted, and it is only August.


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I know you've done this a lot, if last year's posts were any indication. What are some of the best ones you've made? Did the pumpkin one come out well? Etc?

  2. Well, I still have some pumpkin around, so clearly it wasn't a favourite of Mr. ETB's. I thought it was OK in a pumpkin pie sort of way. I'd add more spices if I did it again. The rhubarb tasted like grass-really sour grass-I liked it, but no one else did.

    My favourite so far has been the blackberry brandy, but the peppermint made with candy canes was also really delicious. Cherry brandy reminds me of cough syrup straight, but it is great brushed on a cake layer to moisten it.

    The grapefruit rosemary juniper stuff? That was disgusting alone, but wonderful as a mixer.

    I haven't tasted the honey brandy yet-maybe I'll go do that tonight ;)

    Any of the extracts (coffee beans in vodka, licorice root in vodka, lemon or orange peel) can be turned into cordials with the addition of simple syrup, and the addition of other liquors. Use your imagination.

    I have a LOT of fresh prune plums at the moment (with more on the way)and I'm planning to do a batch of them in vodka. Sometimes you see recipes that have you add the sugar and fruit at the same time to ferment it in the booze-I don't do it that way, as I'd be concerned about bacterial growth,or just the jars exploding. Your call. I also prefer to taste the results before sweetening-sometimes they need less than you'd expect.

    Seriously though-use inexpensive booze. I once brandied some pears in a bottle of really expensive brandy and I couldn't tell the difference between the stuff for eight bucks a bottle. Save your Asbach for drinking as is.

    Good luck. Let me know what you make-I'm always curious to hear how people's concoctions turn out. Odds are, even if you're not wild about it, you'll use it to brush on a fruitcake or something.

  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I think the process' similarity to extract-making that made me miss the opportunity to concoct cordials previously. I didn't realize with a simple additional step that it could be a whole other useful thing.

    I've always wanted to try making a limoncello, and I'm interested in the 'milk liquor' thing, but I will definitely try this first, seeing how easy it is. I'm a fan of grapes, so maybe I'll give that a try. Hmm, I wonder what else I could do... Maybe I should reverse engineer by thinking of drinks I would like to try and then make cordials based on those flavors. Either way, I'll definitely let you know if I come up with anything good! Thanks for the response!

  4. For the limoncello, this one:
