
Monday, May 06, 2013

Other Uses For Apple Juice Concentrate

Remember last week when I made the reduced apple juice syrup? Remember how delicious it was in caramel sauce, and stirred into a glass of milk? Well yesterday, I found yet another use for that magical stuff-glazing apple fritters.

Me, I'm not an apple fritter person. I'm not really much of a fritter person period, but the boys are. Still, I don't make them often, and to be honest, I always viewed them as a dumping ground for less than perfect apples. Last weekend, I looked at that jar of apple syrup in the fridge, and resolved to fry some fritters for breakfast.

I know they liked the fritters (there were only a few left over) but they glaze was the real star. I used about 1 tablespoon syrup to enough icing sugar for a glaze, then poured it over the still-hot fritters as they drained on a rack. I didn't try the fritters, but I did taste the glaze and well...Oh. My. God.

Really, don't make too much of thi,s as you'll feel obligated to use it all (straight from the spoon is a good way-you save the calories of an apple fritter, and let's be honest, the sugar topping is the best part anyway). I don't know how we ever survived without a jar of apple syrup ready to spruce up anything needing a good tart, sweet shot of flavour-but I can assure you, it will now be a staple item in my kitchen.

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