
Thursday, August 08, 2013

Ponds Cold Cream-Review

A few months back, I ditched the foaming face wash for good. Frustrated with the cost (over seven dollars a bottle) and the way it was drying out my skin, I decided to use cold cream exclusively for removing makeup/cleansing my skin. At three months, I'm pleased with the way my skin looks.

The dryness that had required the use of heavy moisturiser day, and night has all but disappeared. Sometimes, after removing makeup with cotton rounds, I will use a warm washcloth to wipe away the cold cream residue. Most evenings, I don't bother, leaving a bit of the cold cream behind on my skin. My skin hasn't looked this good...well, ever really. I won't claim to look any younger than my years, but the skin I have is soft, clear, and not in the tiniest bit dry.

Yes, the fragrance will remind you of your grandmother. I rather liked my gran, cranky as she was so this is not much of an issue. The smell does dissipate after a bit.

I wear heavy, concealing makeup and the cold cream removes it without difficulty. You need to be careful to really tissue it off from your eyes, as it can be unpleasantly blurry should you miss any. Thankfully, it doesn't sting. I've done this more than a few times-learn from my mistakes.

A large jar will last. Not forever of course, but close. I still have a month or so left in the same jar I've been using for three. Not bad at all.

I'm not sure how well cold cream would work for younger skin, or those with a tendency to blemish. I have only used Ponds, and cannot speak to the efficacy of other brands. The label does not indicate the use of any nut-based products/oils/etc. You should check the label each time you purchase skin care items, as formulations can change. Because of allergies, we need to be particularly careful with skincare/cosmetics, and the like as they often contain nut oils or butters. I will admit, the somewhat short, straightforward list of ingredients was the initial selling point for me. I bought Ponds because I didn't need an advanced degree in chemistry to understand the contents. I can't speak for other consumers, but the ingredients are the first thing I look at when trying a new product-even before price. The fact that it is inexpensive is just a happy bonus.

There is a sort of retro vibe from the little pots with coloured lids. I can't remember what the jars looked like years ago, though I'm sure they were glass rather than plastic. The design is well thought out, with the opening being large enough to reach into. Don't laugh, my hands are not dainty! Unlike tubes, or pumps where you lose a good amount of product, the cold cream pots enable the consumer to use every last bit. The lid stays on tightly (again, no one thinks of this until you have one fail) and the cold cream maintains the same quality it had when initially opened.

Overall, if they keep the product as it is, I expect to continue buying it until I reach the point where I no longer care if I look like Baby Jane. For now though, I'll continue using the cold cream.

I am not being compensated in any way for this review, and all opinions are my own.

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