
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blue 1940's Rayon Dress

(Look! I slung a bedsheet over the shower curtain for a backdrop. It sorta got hung up at the bottom, but hey everybody, I did set design). If you know me it should be obvious that I'm not serious. It should be obvious even if you don't.

Oh, I love this dress. Every time I wear it, it needs a few more stitches of repair. I know it will not last forever, but oh, how I love this dress. When I bought it in the 80's, it was merely old rather than vintage. Over the years, It has lost most of the rhinestones in the neckline and hip baubles, and I've removed two of them that did nothing but snag. Most days, I wear a necklace to detract from the fraying cut-out neckline decoration, but oh, how I love this dress.

With zippers at both the back, and side I have found this dress gives me room for both weight gain, and weight loss. I've worn it comfortably at a size ten, and at a size fourteen. The waist is lowered (not quite a drop waist, but close) which makes it comfortable to wear without concern for a belt. Today, I was able to slip it over my head without using any zippers, though heaven knows, I haven't lost any weight. This dress always fits perfectly-everyone should have a piece of clothing they can depend on. This is my dependable blue rayon dress. Oh, how I love this dress.

Outfit Particulars:

1940's rayon dress: thrifted at some long gone store on Southport in Chicago in the 80's
Necklace: Gordman's
Earrings: La Rel (came with a matching bracelet that I can't wear because it snags everything. Good match with the necklace though, eh?)
Bangles: Assorted thrift shops
Art Deco Ring: This was purchased at a thrift shop in Clinton, Mass in the early 90's. The setting is silver, the emeralds are real, save for one which appears to have been added later, and the white stones are rhinestone. This ring is a total mystery (why? Who? Why, why, why?) but it must have been well loved to go to the bother of replacing stones.
Sheets: Gift from the in-laws, something they bought in the 60's. It is such lovely soft fabric. I think it is destined for re-working as a dress.


  1. I love vintage sheets. My spare bedroom decor is vintage and I'm always scrounging the thrift shops looking for quality vintage bedding. Your knack for sewing makes me envious. I have a perfectly good sewing machine going to waste in the basement.

  2. I don't sew much, but I won't have much of an excuse soon, as I'm looking for a good quality sewing machine. I'm tired of clothes that don't fit my 5'2 body, and if Danny keeps growing as he is, he'll never have shirts long enough in the sleeves unless I make them!

    I admit to hoarding vintage patterns, and fabric. I suppose it is only right I do something with them.

    I don't know what you do for curtains, but putting together a patchwork is pretty simple, if you have a bunch of odds and ends. I bought a large bag of trims at the Historical Society sale that are still sitting sealed in a bag in direct sunlight outside in case anything crawls out. I quarantine everything before it comes in. I think the Women's Day magazines from 1943 are OK-I should get those out of the car now and sort through them. Anyway, is there a period you favour for fabric, so I can keep an eye out for you?

    Next week, I'm going to feature my Groovy 1960's Peter Max pillowcases that I've somehow managed to save from my childhood.

  3. I switch it up between a masculine look and soft feminine patterns. It varies from Wild West pillow cases to bright floral. The Jazz age fabric would be outrageously expensive so I try to find patterns that are a play on that time period.
    I am the granddaughter of a master quilt maker, you would think somewhere along the line my sewing skills would have kicked in.

  4. I'll keep my eyes open.
