
Sunday, September 08, 2013

Still Summer Here

It is still very much summer in Omaha. Tomorrow we are set to hit 97 degrees F. and the humidity? Just look at my hair! I believe the technical term is, "Jewfro."

I figured it was a good time to give my 50's Lantz one last wear before gingham looks absurd among fall leaves. No sign of autumn around here-green, green, green everywhere you look. My garden is still happily producing peppers, thyme, basil and the like. I seem to be the only one ready for fall-but then I just scored insanely nice kilts at the Goodwill. Please god, send frost.

Outfit Particulars:
Dress: Lantz, purchased at a vintage shop that I doubt still exists in Brookline, Mass circa 1992
Earrings: Target
Necklace: K-Mart (I watched that thing until it was marked down to almost nothing...then, I pounced!)
Hair Clips: Walgreens $2.99
Handbag: K-Mart, also an end of season clearance
Belt: Came with a dress years ago
Shoes: Can't remember, but they're new (ish)
Bracelets: Thrifted various places
Lippy: Loreal British Red
 Yes, I could have ironed it. Do you know how hot it is out there?

The blue nail varnish is Wet and Wild quick dry. Two coats have stayed on perfect for days. I don't however like the colour...somewhere between mermaid, and hypothermia.
The necklace lays flat! That almost never happens with cheap-O stuff.
Checks are difficult to photograph without going blind. Mr. ETB eventually gave up. If you look closely, you can see native grasses behind me. We live next to a nursing college, so we wandered around the campus looking for interesting spots to take photos.
The heels look worse than they are. I am a complete klutz, and I can manage walking stairs in these without difficulty. Yes, my legs are pale, thanks for noticing.
I'm ready for Fall. Are you?

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