
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

And Behind Door Number One...

...we have dresses, skirts, blouses, and handbags. Jackets and trousers live in another room.
Would you like to see some interesting, recent acquisitions? Of course you would, that's why you're here.

How about a 1970's polyester jumpsuit with rhinestone studs?
 But...I don't even like Elvis!
 I do like wide legs though...would you look at those? You could rig a sail boat with those things.
Same trip I ended up with a hot pink and white off the shoulder polka dot jumpsuit. I needed them, you wouldn't understand. This skirt is too big for me, but at .98 cents I had to buy it. I can take it in, or find it a good home.

 I have a similar skirt I bought around 1979 that has hunting dogs on it.
For years, I bought all my clothes in blue, green, and white so that I could put together outfits easily. I wasn't the best dressed person in the office (lots and lots of plaid) but at least I was never mis-matched.  Most of my household is decorated in blue and green as well (dishes, linen, lamps). I'm consistent in my taste, huh?

A dress so nice...I bought it twice. I mean, what are the odds? Anyone want to dress as twins?

 Summer will be here about a bright, orange dress?
 Oh look...a skort! I think we all know this won't wait until summer. I need electric blue tights, and a matching cardigan. Hell yeah.
Fine, fine, lovely clothes you say but what about handbags? Well, I picked up this beauty last weekend. Anyone able to translate?
 I have several pairs of navy shoes, but only two handbags. I really did need this bag.
Finally, I'll leave you with a couple pair of shoes. Both terribly "granny", but at my age, I could be a granny.
Oh look, another pair of bone coloured sling back shoes. That makes what, six? Seven?

I don't think these are any older than the 70's, based on the way the label reads. Maybe late 60's at most, but they didn't start using N M and W on shoes until later. Still, a nice enough pair of shoes for $2.99

I hope you enjoyed this impromptu, poorly lit/photographed peek at my recent purchases. I promise, that pink polka dot jumpsuit will make an appearance soon.

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