
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I Filled the Magazine Stand, Baked, and Bottled Some Booze

Productive sort of day.
 I asked Mr. ETB, "So what do you think of Germaine Greer?" He shrugged. More of a Betty Freidan kind of guy, I guess.
 Ooooh, trippy!
 Harper's Bazaar from 1971. Would you look at the list of who's who on the cover?
I would wear the hell out of that dress on the cover if I could get my hands on it. The magazine said, "Don't diet" which is great because...
...there's a pound of butter in those. We won't talk about the sugar in...
...cherry divinity. At least alcohol is good for you and your heart...
Two bottles of caraway extract, Blackberry cordial, Caraway cordial,  Homemade "Pernod", Anise cordial, and not shown, fennel and anise extracts. I'm not sure I'd drink sweetened caraway extract straight, but it may be good with soda. No...not rye, unless...wait, what about an extract that tastes like salt beef? Could I be on to something here? Rye berries, pickling spice, caraway extract? I could call it, "Deli in a glass." OK, I need to work on that.


  1. I would wear the hell out of that dress too.
    Pernod is the drink of the devil. There speaks someone who was very, very sick as a result of a surfeit of the stuff in about 1982, and I never recovered a taste for it. Ouzo is nearly as bad... Meringues and biscuits, however, are angel food and therefore permitted. xxxx

  2. Interesting. Mr. ETB can't tolerate Ouzo either-had some sort of terrible allergic reaction to the stuff.

    Has it put you off All Sorts? They always seemed vaguely boozy to me.
