
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Church Lady Chic

(Click on photos to embiggen)
 I don't know what possessed me, but as soon as I caught a glimpse of myself in this vintage paisley dress, I knew what I had to do...
Because a dress like this demands an embroidered cardigan and sweater clip.

Looks like separates, but look-a secret panel!
 No abs in there, I'm afraid.

 Man, I drew my eyebrows on cockeyed today. That's OK, no one sees them behind the glasses.
 Pleats and flounces! Flattering? Hell no. Wearing it anyway? Hell yeah!
 Outfit Particulars:

late 70's paisley dress-Thrift America .99 cents
Bracelet-Thrift World-$1.99 Turned out to my surprise, to be gold.
Earrings-Thrift America
Sweater Clip-Can't remember
Cameo-retail, 80's
1970's cardigan-Thrift World, Millard

 I can't help it-I loved these Church Lady dresses. The fact that I seem to be the only person that wants them means I have a wide selection to chose from when I go thrifting. I mean, come on it has pleats and paisley! That's like gin and tonic. Some things are just meant to be together.

OK, I'm off to flirt with toyboys do the grocery shopping. See you soon.


  1. Now, that's a coincidence, I have a collection of mid-length, often floral dresses which Simon calls my Church Picnic Dresses! With a cardi and ladylike shoes, I do rather look as though I should be singing hymns and handing round the sandwiches (never gonna happen...)
    I have a soft spot for paisley and this style of dress, if you wear it with attitude, it totally works!
    Bracelet? GOLD? It's beautiful, what a find.
    Hope the flirting was successful! xxxx

  2. I thought it was odd to put rhinestones in gold, so I didn't notice it at first.

  3. Just noticed I had the hot water bottle hanging in the background. Can't get more old lady than that!

  4. Love it! Church lady chic is the new in:) You are just missing the church hat:) You look so cute, you inspiring me to put on a nice dress:)

  5. He he, just read the comments about the hot water bottle in the backdrop. I missed this, I love that you have this. I loved these growing up. We would sleep at my "nana's" house and she had no heating in the bedroom so these were just the best to warm up our feet and the bed. You know what I also just thought about yesterday and comes back into my mind, soap-on-a-rope, now please also tell me you have this in your bathroom too!

  6. @Joanna

    I WISH I had soap on a rope! Every Christmas I would get Tinkerbell soap on a rope from my sister. Without fail. I haven't seen those in years.

    I thought about a hat, but decided the kid suffers enough being seen in public with me ;)

  7. Sex pistols t shirt one day, church lady paisley frock the next - is there anything you don't look good in?

  8. @Northern Mum

    You're too kind, as I'm not sure I look good in either.

    I can't wear skinny jeans, as I'm 5'2, and uh...not skinny ;)

    Please tell me you've worn that beautiful green skirt by now. I can't wait to see what you do with it.
