
Sunday, March 09, 2014

Ultra Suede Cowgirl

Before we set off for South Dakota, we stopped by the Joslyn Museum to see the Poseidon exhibit. It was a beautiful day, and the grounds are so lovely, so we spent some time enjoying the morning. The building directly behind me is the High School.
From this direction, you can see the pink granite Art Deco grandeur of the museum.
Fuck you art, with your Impressionists, and Pre-Raphaelite assholes. You just fuck off.
 Yes, as a matter of fact, I am a "piece of work." See above for suitable response to your observation.
Outfit Particulars:

1970's Ultra Suede jacket(part of a suit) Goodwill
90's Ultra Suede circle skirt-Thrifted
Ankle Boots-K Mart
1960's painted tooled leather belt-hand-me-down from my cousin Andi around 1975 (she had the coolest stuff. I also inherited her Black Sabbath records when she went off to university).
Tank top-retail
Handbag-Ruby Begonia's Lincoln, Nebraska
Hair flowers-Tiff and Tam
Wooden Necklace-Thrifted
Lippy-Revlon limited edition vintage re-issue Fifth Ave. Red (which I really don't like as it makes my teeth look yellow).

Finally, whenever we go somewhere that requires us to climb an impressive staircase like this...

...we have to do a version of this...


  1. A coffee and cream delight of an outfit, which would look oh-so-ladylike, were it not for the finger... Always love seeing all the little details of what you wear. And beautiful stained glass and dancing on the stairs too? You spoil us! xxx

  2. The stained glass windows are hidden away in a corner of the museum that was previously used as an office. I just adore that room, but strangely they don't do much to encourage visitors to check out the windows, light fixtures, and other Deco details. Just fools like us that want to pose for their best, "You're all sacked!" photos behind the desk.
