
Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Think Spring

 The plastic footed bowl was a dollar. Once I get some cellophane wrap and a bow on these, I think it will make a nice presentation as Easter gifts. This was the trial run, which means we have to eat these ourselves. Oh, the sacrifices I'm willing to make.
 I really adore those food colouring markers for small details. Piping whiskers on bunnies isn't the best use of my time. The "give away" ones will be more meticulously decorated.
Danny was pleased to hear that unlike most things I bake close to Thursday, these aren't headed to the library. I mean, the look of relief on the kid's face-you'd think we don't feed him or something.

With Easter and Passover overlapping this year, it is going to be an effort juggling things. Personally, I'm not religious, but I do try to respect people's cultural traditions. Most multi-faith things can get combined reasonably well, but I don't think you can bake a paska out of matzo meal. Can you? Maybe? No, no. Of course you can't. I can't. Probably. Shit, I know where this is headed.

Completely unrelated-we have a breeding pair of robins nesting in our tree. They visit our feeder several times a day to kick everything they don't like off the platform, and fly away with the raisins. Now the female has taken to perching on the feeder, and peering in our window as if to scold us that there weren't enough raisins. She isn't eating, she's just sitting there like a spoiled child. They've arrived at the idea we're a café. Perhaps she'd like a cup of tea as well.


  1. Looks like you got lots of practise here - glad to hear you will be upping your attention to detail on the ones to be bestowed on others! Maybe the robin would like one of your biscuits with her cup of tea?

  2. Your baking is brilliant, especially your icing skills. They remind me of Animal biscuits we used to buy here in New Zealand when I was a kid. How dare the birds be fussy eaters, do they not know they are wild??!! Love your blog, you may well have inspired me to bake today.

  3. Somehow the robins have decided to adopt us as their humans. Sort of cage birds sans the cage.
    @ Northern Mum & @ Sue

    Would it be weird to give a bird a treat shaped like a bird? Oh, the ethical quandary!

    Thank you both for your kind words about the icing. Arthritis has really hampered my ability to manage a pastry bag (and a crochet hook, sewing needle, etc.), so it means a great deal to me that they look good. I can still wield a rolling pin like a pro, but the fiddly stuff is more of a challenge.

  4. Maybe you could bake the bird a cookie shaped like a worm or a raisin. Even I could probably whip one of those up. Your cookies are so beautiful. We do the whole Passover Easter mash-up around here, too. I'm planning a pagan spring brunch. It's nice to offend everyone equally.

  5. Not worms exactly, but I baked emerald ash borers in their larval state once:

  6. So wait - these beauties AREN'T the give away ones? They look pretty good to me!
    We don't do anything remotely religious (ever) but the kids insist on Easter eggs. Apart from Claudia, who has worked out that it is a very expensive way to buy chocolate, but wants us to spend the same monetary value on the chocolate of her choice, thereby getting more. Clever girl, not taken in by the hype!
    Cheeky robins. I do love them though. xxx

  7. Your cookies are very impressive!

    I like Connie's idea of a Pagan brunch to offend everyone equally, but alas, I will be travelling for Easter this year, visiting my grandbabies in Missouri. At 3 and 2,chocolate bunnies and Easter egg hunts are required.

    My mom is now Orthodox, I think they have a different Easter? so maybe I can still fit one in...

  8. @Autumn

    The Orthodox Easter is later, so yeah you have plenty of time.

    Chocolate bunnies have no age limit ;)
