
Thursday, May 01, 2014

Hey Sailor

...touch you for a quarter?
I didn't wear the hat out today because Danny came downstairs wearing a flashy cowboy shirt, and I didn't want to look like The Village People.

I wanted a sailor dress for the longest time, so when I came across this 80's dress I was rather excited, Unfortunately, the loose shape, and ties at the back make me look like an expectant mother, which I am not. I wore it anyway-any fool that thinks I look young enough to have a baby and wants to wish me well will be happily thanked.
Know what would sex this frump right up? Some leg, clad in opaque grey tights. OK, they're support hose but that can be a turn-on in some circles. OK, retirement homes.

Outfit Particulars:

80's sailor dress-Thrift World .98 cents
Grey tights-Walgreens
Sailor hat-Nobbies
Blue silk cardigan-bought it in the 90's
Handbag-Hand-Me-Ups store
Avon Pin-Hand-Me-Ups store
Bracelets-K Mart
Whiting and Davis hummingbird clamper bracelet-Goodwill
Blue snood -had it from the 80's
 I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the Whiting and Davis stamp inside this bracelet. I knew it was "better" costume because it had a safety chain, but I really had no idea just how much better until I got it home.
These are just cheap plastic, but from a distance look nicer. No one wants to get too close to me anyway, so I guess the secret is safe.

The bag is gigantic. That comes in handy when toting a small pharmacy with you.
I'm still trying to figure out how to work the timer on my camera, so I'm afraid better photos will have to wait. I did toss a blanket over the shower rod for a set-styling effect. This was my dad's blanket he bought in Canada in the late 40's. He had a difficult time finding one that wasn't made in the US. He finally spotted the Made in Canada label on this one. I guess that would be disappointing to go looking for Canadian woolens and find it stamped, "Made in New York."  He figured he was over-paying, but could barely communicate what he wanted in French. It has seen plenty of use since then, with it being used by both my sister and myself, and now Danny. I do wish we could be done with woolens already. Comrades, it is May Day-it should not be 35 degrees F.


  1. Well, hello sailor. Love that hummingbird bracelet. Nice to see you making an effort to change the set with the red blanket while we await the self timer results - works well with the sailor dress I thought.
    Thanks for your canary jacket suggestions, will post an update when I get a mo.
    Just have to say again, I really love that hummingbird bracelet.

  2. Ahoy there! I wish you HAD worn the hat out and about with Danny in his cowboy shirt (and snapped a pic, of course). Perhaps Mr ETB could have been persuaded into Village People mode too; I'm thinking Construction Worker, what do you reckon?
    The frock is lovely, as is the birdy bracelet and the giant bag. I have a thing for vintage tapestry and vinyl bags, love 'em.
    If it makes you feel any better, our weather has been shit today - cold and pissing down with rain all day. May Day? Huh. Not so's you'd notice... xxx

  3. Your posts leave me laughing. I love your sailor dress and love the comment about being happy on a compliment of pregnancy. You are too funny. Funny how any ol'complement will make us "old ladies" happy:) What a great find on your lovely bracelet. I love it! Kind of reminds me of Delft jewelry. YMCA all the way! I do see a lot of vintage patterns out there from the 30s and 40s with this type of look, so you are certainly in vogue:)

  4. The sailor dress is really nice and I hope you did go flash a bit of leg at a retirement home or two during the day. I remember someone years ago patting my tummy and asking when I was due, to which I replied, not sure as I wasn't pregnant yet. I laughed, she walked off and never spoke to me again!! Funny how a loose dress automatically in some minds means maternity wear. Thankfully at 52 I am deemed way to old to be breeding!! You should have worn the hat, what is a bit of village people antics on a nice day!
