
Monday, June 02, 2014

Damn Hippies With Their Long-Playing Records and Wacky Tobaccy

In an attempt to protect my skin from sun whilst remaining cool, I had to break out the flower-child duds.
The top is sentimental as I was wearing it the day I found out I was expecting Danny. We all have clothes like that, reminders of special days. I don't wear it much as it is fragile, and needs hand laundering, but it is cool and light on the skin.
Ten years. From pregnancy to the menopause. Where on earth did the time (and my estrogen) go?
Waiting to post letters today the man ahead was a real, "banker type" with the expensive suit and shoes. Danny was standing by the front windows to wait for me, when suddenly we all heard a loud, "SMACK!" I (with everyone else) turned around to see Danny having removed his shoe, swatting at flies on the window.
"Don't worry" he shouted to everyone now watching him, "I'll get him. I'm a professional fly hunter."
And he did.
Banker man turns to me laughing and says, "He could find worse ways to deal with boredom."

Since the ground didn't open to let me disappear, I decided to take it as a proud, "That's my boy" moment. The kid grew up on a farm with cattle-he really is a professional fly hunter.
Outfit Particulars:

Vintage hippie top-can't remember, quite old
Skirt- K Mart a few seasons ago
Macramé handbag-Goodwill, Council Bluffs
Shoes-K Mart
Belt-Can't remember, think I bought it new
No leg on the vanity today-I'm feeling the weekend in my joints.

Hey, where did that come from?!
 I had some excellent homemade vanilla ice cream, and fresh raspberries for sauce so I just couldn't resist. It has fruit, and the cream has calcium, therefore-health food.

See how healthy I look? A little pale, but otherwise OK for my years.

We're off to do a bit of thrifting because Danny informs me the wombat needs accessories. Who am I to argue?


  1. Fly hunting is a very special skill and should be prized. Good for him. And your hippie blouse is quite a prize, too. Very special. I have a few things that pre-date my kids and when I mentioned that to my son he said, "Mom, that's kind of good and strange." I love your shoes even minus your feet and yeah, you do look pretty darn good!

  2. I would definitely have a proud parent moment if one of my lot announced to the world that they were professional fly hunters. This is my favourite outfit. I absolutely love those gorgeous embroidered muslin tops and it holds such lovely memories for you (I nearly typed mammaries coz I'm so hilarious). xoxoxox

  3. Hey, Hippy! You look great, I love the blouse, and its special associations. Cool shoes too.
    Fly swatting, then. I didn't know you could make a profession out of that, good for Danny. Now, if only they would confer professional status on sitting around drinking wine and yakking, my career path is sorted.
    You DO look healthy. Healthy and gorgeous, despite the lack of oestrogen. I think mine is dwindling too... But we've still got it, right? (Whatever "it" is.) xxx

  4. Seeing your macrame bag reminds me I made a macrame clutch bag many many years ago, I wonder where that ended up. . .
    Your happy memory top is perfect for a cover up on hot days.
    Hope the wombat is looking well accessorised by now.

  5. @Jayne

    Maybe we need to have a macramé-along where everyone can make bags, or plant hangers (or an owl or two). I remember taking the class from a grumpy old German woman that was very concerned that we did macramé the right way (because there is a right way, and a wrong way apparently)but that's all I remember. Might be fun.

  6. Thanks all for your encouragement with respect to Danny's career path. I should mention that his first full sentence was, "Fwies mama, there is fwies."

    Do I miss the farm? Nope, not one bit. By this time of year it would look like something from a horror flick. Not much you can do if the neighbours have cattle but refuse to do fly control, well not much except arm the youngster with a flyswatter and let him work. We did have a fly-swatter related eye scrape when he was about four, and the optometrist asked him if after all that he got the fly-and he hadn't. I think that was his moment, if you will. It was a new level of fly-hunting professionalism thereafter.

  7. Totally a proud mother moment!! Kids do say the most honest things which I so love. Those sandals are rather gorgeous, missing the leg show tho'. While you are loosing the layers of clothes I am piling them on, slowly because I am still in denial about winter having turned up.
