
Thursday, June 05, 2014

There's No Colour Without Light

See? Come here and get a physics lesson as well. Try it-go into a dark room, shut the door and try to see colour. You can't.
We're not completely without light today, but it looks rather grim outdoors. All right pumpkins, I guess that means I'm bringing my own sunshine. I wore red lippy-will that do?
How about a sparkly silver top? My thought, exactly.
When I emerged from the bedroom dressed in this top and shorts getup, Mr. ETB paused for a moment before asking, "1976?" But then added, "Don't worry, no one under fifty will remember it, so it will look modern." He has a point, except most of the people I know are over fifty. I was going to wear a pair of Candies as well, but thought better of it (mostly my poor knees) and went with clog-like sandals instead. You can have too much of a good thing.
In the unlikely event it warms up, I can lose the silver top and still looked dressed. Honestly, I'm not in love with the hip-hugging waist on these shorts but I have been unable to find any that sit at the natural waist.
That's pretty low, right? I may need to return to sewing for the sole purpose of making a pair of shorts that fit correctly. A belt wouldn't help. Braces might-that would be a 70's look.

Outfit Particulars:

White shorts-K Mart
Tank-K Mart
Silver Top-? Can't remember
Hat-K Mart (Geez, I do shop there quite a bit, don't I?)
1970's jacket-Thrift World, Millard
Shoes-K Mart a few seasons ago
Earrings-Gordman's a decade ago
Corde Handbag-Goodwill Council Bluff-$2.99!

 The bag still had the price-tag from the antique mall inside for $65.00
 It needed a good going over with the hand-vac as it was dusty, but it came clean easily and now looks as it should.
Same trip, I came home with another overlooked vintage bag in a basket of wallets and change-purses

I have wanted a shiny blue vinyl clutch like this for ages, but I couldn't bring myself to spend real money on a reproduction. I envied the ones at Plasticland, but nonetheless resisted. I might have let out a little scream of happiness in the Goodwill when I found this.
Sometimes I look at these photos and wonder how my grandmother's hands got on my arms.
Tomorrow is the start of the Summer Arts Festival in Omaha on the Mall. For a small-ish city, they do a good job with it, and keeping it more art than craft. Excluding Arts and Crafts which is a different thing. You know, no driftwood sculptures or macramé owls. I'm not saying those things are bad, just that they have a place. I have a love-hate relationship with art festivals as my mother always dragged me to the Old Town Art Fair in Chicago. Every. Fucking. Year.  what's worse, she knew Every. Fucking. Exhibitor.  So it took a long time getting through it in the horrible Chicago summer heat. I was usually sick 1/4 of the way through it. God, could that woman talk. I don't know a soul at this fair, so we should be able to make the rounds quickly and efficiently. At any rate, I'm bringing water. Bringing your own water wasn't a "thing" in the 70's-we usually just got dehydrated. Really, I don't know how any of us survived. You'd think my generation would have just dried up and withered away by the time we were twenty.
Do you know that I haven't been to the pool yet, and it has been open an entire week? Well, that won't do, will it? No, no it will not.


  1. You know, that is so weird, I had never thought about it, but we brought water with us never and just got dehydrated. Warm can of Tab? Check. Hydrating free stuff? Nope. If it helps, my mother is never without a bottle of water now. Good thing she learned before someone died.

    I like this outfit. Very 1976 slash modern look.

    I called our local pool last night just to find out that yes, they have resumed the Aqua-Zumba classes I liked so much last year, in fact the first class started 15 minutes ago. Something to look forward to next week!

  2. Tab! Oh god, that stuff was terrible cold, warm would just be misery. Fresca on the other hand was always refreshing.

    I never chewed tobacco, but that's what I thought Tab tasted like(something you'd spit out).

    Aqua Zumba sounds interesting. It also sounds like work, so I can't do it because taking exercise at the pool is just wrong-I'm there to lounge (and yell at kids to stop splashing).

  3. You do the shorts thing well, good pins there Goody!! Love your hat, actually loved the entire outfit. Me in shorts is just all wrong. I agree on the water thing, and being dragged around things ever fucking year by mothers!!! I made a point of not doing some things with my sons because of my childhood!!

  4. @ Sue

    You're kind to say that, but...nah.

    I always say to wear whatever you're comfortable in. I don't particularly like the way my legs look (who does, really?)but anyone that doesn't like it doesn't have to look. I like your flowy layers, and skirts.

    I'm looking at knee surgery in my near future (I messed it up terribly in my 20's, and have been on borrowed time with it for years)so I'm trying to get the legs out all I can before I have a hideous (but operable) looking knee.

    We only ended up spending an hour at the fair today-it was kind of dull. Our kids have no clue how good they have it!

  5. Looking hot, hot, hot in those shorts there Goody.

    The pool sounds a good place to be, I love to swim in our local outdoor pool after work and imagine I am somewhere exotic before I go home and cook tea.
