
Sunday, August 10, 2014

No Traffic, Plenty of Jam

We made it to Seward with Danny's fair entries, and back. Here's Danny pulling the nervous face as the volunteers checked over his submission, filled out forms, and taped up the box.
Correction-this is his nervous face. My goodness, what did he think the little old ladies were going to do, smash the jars on the floor?

We'll be going the last day of the fair in Grand Island, so a couple weeks from now, we'll know if he has any ribbons. I'm just so proud of him doing this on his own, who cares if he wins a ribbon (well, he does obviously, but you know what I mean).

When asked where we are from, I was tempted to whisper, "You know that story about the aliens crashing at Roswell? Shhhhh, don't tell anyone. How am I blending in?" But I just replied, "Omaha."
We saw plenty of frightening clouds, but the rain held off until we were back in Omaha-it started just as we turned onto into our street. That's what I call good timing.
We stopped at a rest area in York to stretch our legs before heading back. York rest area on I-80, you need to clean up your act. I have seen cleaner livestock pens. I would have been better off doing what was required in that corn field behind the facility. Would have been just as private, and certainly cleaner.
If you were wondering what Nebraska looks like West of Lincoln, it looks like this. For 500 miles. When we got to Lincoln, the Ben Franklin was closed! They don't open on Sunday anymore. Hrumph. I'll visit in a couple weeks when I'm back out that way, but I really could have used those plastic rain bonnets today.
Outfit Particulars:

Esprit rayon wrap dress-bought it retail, circa '92
1970's (I think) Betmar hat (has a black and white Union label)Hand-Me-Ups
1950's Janice Brent cardigan-Hand-Me-Ups
Clarks shoes-Goodwill (they were brand new)
1950's/60's shell clip earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
Enamel brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Bakelite bangles-thrifted here and there
Crochet gloves-Hand-Me-Ups
Well, now all there is to do is wait. I suppose meanwhile we can continue furiously drying cherries for our holiday baking because I make my puddings and Christmas cakes in October and (gasp) that is just around the corner! How the hell did that happen?!

We have movies for tonight, but Mr. ETB checked out, On the Beach, and The Day After. Yes, he really did-at the same time. Nothing like finishing out the weekend on a high note, eh? Geez.

Hope you have a pleasant week.


  1. How very DARE you mention the C word?!
    *Pause for flapping about frantically*
    Eeep, a state fair! I long to attend one! It's just SO American!!! I hope Danny slaughtered them with his efforts. He's quite right to be nervous of the old ladies. The old dears are probably out back RIGHT NOW with axes and knives and chainsaws and doing dastardly things to the tune of Mull of Kintyre. NEVER TRUST AN OLD LADY. They are exceedingly suspicious!

  2. Gasp-I think we're on the internet *at the same time*

    The fairs are fun, I think they're similar to your Field Days (lots of agricultural/cattle/home economics stuff).

  3. Filthy rest stops just ruin the rest don't they! So hope Danny gets a big pile of ribbons for his efforts, I would love to go to a State Fair. We used to have Agricultural Fairs with competitions but they seem to have fallen out of fashion over here which is a bugger! I liked them! Love your hat.

  4. What, no "Threads" for that feel-good film fest?

  5. Haven't been to a fair like that for years - we always used to go to our local County Show as kids, all jam and vegetables and flower arrangements and sheep and tractors. Lovely!
    Danny does look worried, doesn't he? maybe Helga's right and the old dears are out to sabotage his jam, the buggers.
    You look particularly ladylike, I think it's the floral print and the hat! And wow, Nebraska has some Big Skies - beautiful. xxx

  6. @Propagatrix

    Library didn't have Threads (he said he thought of it) but I own a copy of Failsafe, so maybe that can go next.

    Danny was completely unimpressed by The Day After, but I'm worse each time I see it. When it aired everyone was worried about traumatised children, but I think it was far worse for the adults.
