
Sunday, September 07, 2014

Early Bird Special? Hell YES, I'm In!

I had to stop at the hardware store for something (forgot what) and it turns out, the lighting is just great for outfit photos. Sure, I got some strange looks, but when don't I?
The natural daylight wasn't so great, but take my word for it-this dream of a polyester pant suit is bright peach coloured. Much more orange than the photos let on.
If this outfit were a 70's sitcom it would be Mrs. Slocomb meets Rhoda.

Outfit Particulars:

70's blouse-Salvation Army, Lincoln
70's Polyester Pantsuit-Salvation Army, Lincoln
70's handbag-ReJenerations thrift store in the abandoned mall, Omaha
Shoes-K Mart
Hat-K Mart
Flower on hat-Tiff and Tam
Niello brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Niello bracelet-Goodwill
70's chunky bracelet-Goodwill
Lippy-Revlon Snowy Peach

In other news, the best location of Thrift World has closed. They consolidated some of the stock into the 90th location (which is closer to where I live) but they also raised the price on all the vintage. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

Actually, I'm feeling somewhat traumatised. You get attached to places.

 Since I was in the area, I stopped at a Goodwill I rarely get to. They had this beauty of a 1940's Mexican tourist jacket for .99 cents! I have wanted one for ages, but not for the prices they command on Etsy.
As I was holding up my find for Mr. ETB to photograph it, two Mexican men walked by, clearly amused at my excitement. That was funny. Sort of similar to the feeling I get when I see teenagers going crazy over slouchy sweatshirts from the 80's. Eye of the beholder, etc.
Now hurry up Lois, and put on your best polyester pantsuit, if we get to Denny's before 5 we can eat for half price.

Have a lovely week.


  1. Annnnd I happily raise the finger back! Bloody LOVE this pantsuit! Very Pam Grier in one of her 70's blockbusters, AND rather Mrs Slocombe! So glad you've heard of her, she's my IDOL! And peach! I've died and gone to heaven!
    Holy shizzer, that jacket is the most sublime score! 99 cents?! Feck ME! CAn't wait for you to rock that baby! XXX

  2. @Helga

    Pam Grier was SO cool. Wonder what the kid would make of those movies?

    Regarding the last post-Halloween wasn't always this big of a deal here, but now it is more of an adult holiday. Last year we had two kids ring the doorbell for candy (because parents are afraid to let the kids do ANYTHING much less trick-or-treat). I think kids decided it wasn't worth it when people stopped giving away candy and went for stickers and pencils (and chaperoned parties).

  3. I'm thinking with your lovely ensemble , you are "Movin' on up to a deluxe apartment at the top". I can quite see you paying a visit to The Jeffersons:) How lucky are you to find this jacket at a Goodwill! I never find these kind of things so I stopped going:) I went to an estate sale of a horder the other week and it was crazy nothing good. Why can't I find a horder who has good things? No complaints though as I've found great things on the internet:)

  4. You look gorgeous in your pants suit, but I don't think I have seen you look shit in anything! And you wear hats so well too. At least Thrift World only moved and not closed, bugger about the prices going up tho'. I want to see the Mexican Jacket on you now, I want to see what you team it with. Must be a good shop if you need a trolley to go shopping with.

  5. A blend of Rhoda and Mrs Slocombe seems the perfect inspiration to me, and I like Helga's addition of Pam Grier into the mix! Peach, ruffles, trouser suit, hat, 70s glasses - it's all there and all fabulous.
    Wow, the Mexican jacket was a steal. I too have a little snigger at youngsters treating cropped tops, slouchy jumpers and ditsy print frocks as though they are something radically new and cool... But that just shows my age, doesn't it? xxxx

  6. I have to say you are rocking that orange pantsuit more Pam Grier Afro-Blaxploitation style than Mrs Slocombe with that ever so suavely brimmed hat, dayglo flower, & oh so Superfly glasses.

  7. So envious of the jacket!!! And Emeraude was one of my grandmother's two favorite perfumes. (The other was Youth Dew.)

  8. Love the jacket and never seen a trolley in a charity shop before.

  9. That pant suit is truly something special! I am so loving that color and I would totally wear it! The hat makes the perfect finishing touch! Your Mexican tourist jacket is really cool! Really a great find and for only 99 cents! How could you pass that up!


  10. Oh sweet sister! Why do the hat and glasses remind me of Gilda Radner? Hm.

  11. @Sue &Jayne

    The Goodwill chain of thrift stores are huge buildings, like a supermarket, hence the carriage (trolley). I think it does encourage you to shop more-so much easier to throw in a set of dishes.
