
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sometimes it IS Black and White

Some days, it feels right to dress as bathroom tile. We had black and white tile in the bathroom when I was a child, and no matter what rug, shower curtain or plastic cup for the toothbrushes my parents used-they all worked. Pink, yellow, green-everything goes with black and white.  Oh, I know what you're thinking-where's the contrasting colour?
Right there. How about a smooch?
I'm really struggling with the weather and my wardrobe this year. The mornings are cool enough to need the mohair jacket, but my 10 AM it is back in the 70's. My lightweight clothes are all in pastel shades that look foolish against the drying grass and turning leaves, but my autumn clothes are much too warm. By the weekend we're expecting 80 degrees again. Black and white seems season-less to me, so I ran with it.
Not literally, because if I ran in this skirt I'd likely fall and break a hip. I went with it. There, that's better. So where did I go?
To buy more pumpkins, of course. Danny couldn't make up his mind on a large one for the front of the house, so I surprised him and said we could purchase two. Suddenly, every pumpkin had potential, and an hour later, we arrived home with our pumpkins. Sometimes more choice is a curse, but he was happy, and out of my hair for the afternoon while he painted faces on them.
There were hundreds to chose from around the store, and lot. In the end, Danny went for round orange pumpkins, but I do rather like the green and white ornamental varieties. We're constructing a scarecrow for our display as well.

Outfit Particulars:

Pikettes 1970's maxi skirt-Thrift World
Black 70's blouse-Salvation Army, Lincoln
Black glitter belt- Shop Ko
Shoes-Madden Girl-Goodwill
50's handbag-Thirfted years ago
1950's Mohair cardigan-Goodwill
Earrings-K Mart clearance
60's bracelet-Hand-Me-Ups
Lippy-Loreal British Red
Fragrance- Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Lavande Velours (applied VERY lightly. I've come to believe this is better used to scent linen than be worn on my person. I like it, but whoa, is it ever pungent).

This belt! It is elastic round the back, so why bother with holes as it will accommodate any size waist? I can imagine someone drawing it through to the far hole just to feel thinner-is this belt a symptom of vanity sizing as well? We've all gone mad, I tell you.
I wear the brooch/pendant quite a bit. It is heavy and must be stabilised on fragile fabric, but when I go to the collection looking for a piece to wear, this one always seems to catch my eye first. Perhaps I ought to pack it away for a bit, to give the others a chance at being worn.
Leg on the vanity returns. Still wearing the nan tights (I might catch cold in the 80 degree weather, you know).
I know when there's several feet of snow I'll be complaining that I miss warm weather. I can have a moan anyway, right?


I continue to be amazed at the persistence of my herb garden. In a normal year, I'd have brought them inside by now. The week ahead looks unseasonably warm as well, so that's good...if you're tarragon. The rest of us have to figure out what to wear.


  1. I agree, black and white works any time, and you look great, all 1970s chic and glamorous. Funky brooch too.
    Goof grief, that's a LOT of pumpkins! Do show us your display when it's done. xxx

  2. My co-workers are in two camps right now: those who are wearing the same things as the past 4 months due to the fact that it is still hot, and the few who have decided to dress for Fall in spite of the temps in the 90's and the broken air-con in the office. It's pretty hilarious to watch.(I'm dressing for the weather, obvs., because I am naturally hot enough at this stage in life to not need to add a sweater to it)

    I wish you cooler weather but not too cold yet-- have you seen Farmer's Almanac has predicted another Polar Vortex?

  3. Very excited indeed about your upcoming seasonal diplay - we only really get our groove on for christmas over here. As I am now the proud owner of a porch with a special display nook/ pedestal affair, maybe I should try and start a seasonal decorating surge in Cardiff. Great to see 'leg on the vanity' as always xxx

  4. @Autumn

    You guys have had really awful weather. I have been told by the junior meteorologist that the Almanac isn't all that unreliable and that these days they base the predictions of scientific models. I still hope they're wrong ;)

  5. A very lovely look:) I need to do some pumpkin hunting too. The kids love to carve them but then they get eaten by either deer or squirrel. I'm thinking painted faces might not be such a bad thing this year:) But, I may have to give in to the carving:)

  6. On this side of the world I was doing Black and White today!! So SNAP!! Those shoes are rather gorgeous! We don't get snow, I always wish for it but apparently i wouldn't like it says anyone who has lived in the Northern Hemisphere and had to deal with major amounts of the white stuff.

  7. Danny looks so grown-up since his 7th birthday! :)

  8. I'm all over this outfit, the brooch and shoes are magic extras. Black and white is perfection, I love the combo and wear it regularly, usually adding lime green or yellow.
    Just look at all those pumpkins!
    I'm going to plant some zucchini and some basil today. I am GARDENING GIRL. (sort of)
