
Thursday, October 02, 2014

Woof and Meow

Oh look, the Gloucester Fisherman! Fish fingers for everyone! 
Because of the rain, of course. Last summer, when I bought this raincoat I imagined it would be a rare day that I'd wear it (we don't get much rain). This unseasonably wet autumn has made for a nice return on my three dollar investment in the coat. I think the detachable hood looks silly, but it kept me nice and dry.
Isn't that sweet? Charming little touches that you just don't see in clothing anymore.
This is the nicest raincoat I've ever owned, and I've had several. The fabric is so soft, yet doesn't wrinkle, can be washed and tumbled dry, and the tailoring is just perfect. It is rare for a coat to fit me in the sleeves without alterations. This one says, "petite" and really is.
As you can see, I'm still working my way through the "brown" section of my wardrobe. Be patient, there's a lot of it. Sigh, I know. I've also worn the same earrings for a week straight because I just got them, and suddenly no other pair stands a chance. You always love your newest child best, I guess (that's what my jealous sister was told when I arrived to take all the attention. They also told her she was, "supposed to be an abortion" but that's a post for another day). So yes, I'm playing favourites here with the necklace as well. Gold just looks so good this time of year.
Of course, a cheerful expression really makes the outfit as you're "never fully dressed without a smile." Or a fucking batty face like this. Take your pick.

I couldn't be bothered to iron the skirt. I thought the wrinkles would fall out, but after being packed away in a box all summer, it will take some steam to deal with it. The matching jacket came out just fine, but the skirt, well...hey, look over there, what's Blondin eating?
Awww, he likes my stale bread. He crept right up to the window to get it, after being called by name. I guess that makes him trained? He'll leave the birdfeeder alone if I give him something on the ground. Blondin tends to show up around the same time, so now that I think of it, I suppose it is we that are trained. Smart little rodent.

Outfit Particulars:
 Misty Harbor Raincoat-Etcetera thrift store, Seward
1970's Rochelle of California twin Set-Hand-Me-Ups
1970's Camelhair skirt )part of a suit) Goodwill
1970's medallion necklace-Hand-Me-Ups
Earrings-K Mart
1960's Gaymode shoes-Thrifted

Still learning to use the camera. Gloomy sort of day here, so I had to resort to the well-lit toilet. I'm not keen to spend much time editing photos. I might crop or rotate something, but by the time I get to messing with the depth and that sort of thing, I'm done. Maybe. I'm indecisive. How about some black and white?
My new $3.00 lamp. The shade is wrong, but I can switch that.
Eek! Another bat in the house. Oh, well I guess this one is friendly enough.
Cake Carrier at dusk-a study in black and white. Sadly, it contains no cake.
Sadly, contains all too much cake over the years, stored mostly in my jowls.
Yes, that's right, I bake cakes. You go tell 'em where you got it, and how easy it was.
The Speakeasy storeroom, where the baking/cooking/canning supplies live. Don't wander down there unprepared because you can't un-see all those shining bottles of jam lined up in rows. Oh yeah, there's books down there too.
Better stay upstairs, you don't look like you can handle all that sugar.


  1. Where do you come up with this stuff? Now, I'm going to be thinking of you and this raincoat the next time I am in the frozen fish isle.

  2. Okay Nature Girl - I'm saying that's an owl not a bat. Atmospheric domestic 'noir' though - scary house, best hide in the well lit toilet. x

  3. @Bernice

    Haaaaaaa! You're right! It must be my raptor-phobia at work as I couldn't bear an owl in the house.

    Don't tell the little ornithologist-he'll be ashamed to have me for a mother ;)

  4. Batty face, I would pick it everytime as I am known for the odd batty face from time to time!!! Excellent read again, you make me laugh!!
