
Friday, November 28, 2014

Black (Capped Chickadee) Friday

Rather than face the horror that is Black Friday, we headed out early to Fontenelle Forest for bird banding. Have a much nicer than the mall.
Well, perhaps this woodpecker might have preferred the mall. The birds are hanging in laundry sacks waiting their turn for banding.
These are the numbered bands that are affixed to the bird's leg. The very tiny ones on the end would be for something like a junco or sparrow.
Some birds really dislike the whole matter, and screech throughout. Nuthatches and Titmice are the worst. They just scream the entire time. Woodpeckers are a bit more resigned. Usually.
The winds were calm today, and the light was hitting in such a way that the birds couldn't see the net. Unlike days when they're lucky to band a couple house sparrows, today was very productive.
 Nice days like this at the end of November are treasured, particularly as the Midwestern winter drags on and you wonder if the snow will ever melt. We try to take advantage of the pleasant weather whenever possible.

I gave the new hat and scarf from the fibre arts show a wear today.

Outfit Particulars:

Black poloneck-Gordman's
Pleated Skirt-Sears, about 20 years ago
Scarf and hat set-Omaha Weavers Fibre Arts Show 2014
Snowmen earrings-K Mart
Flower-Tiff and Tam
Fragrance-Tweed (Review coming soon. I am IN LOVE!)

 Still no bracelets getting over those wrists, but I'm starting to see the slightest hint of an ankle. Maybe (fingers crossed) the swelling is finally turning the corner).
 I feel like I'm wearing a dresser scarf. A very warm, dresser scarf. I don't think I'll be lacing up skates this winter (though the rink is conveniently located directly across from the emergency room at the medical center)but this would make a lovely skating costume. I'm wearing my red and white pervert-proof undies too (sadly, forgot to take a photo) which seems perfectly seasonal. "Happy Christmas you dirty old perverts!"
I don't know why the snowmen on my earrings look so sombre. It reminds me of the best waterglobe I ever saw. It was a top hat, a carrot and a few pieces of coal floating in water that read, "Texas Snowman." Now that's unhappy.
But not nearly as unhappy as these poor birds. Remember kids, you don't need to put birds through the wash.

Speaking of laundry...
I noticed a pair of underwear hanging from the large tree in back of the house on the neighbour's side yesterday. That must have been one hell of a Thanksgiving gathering.

I hope you have a lovely weekend doing something you enjoy.


  1. I think those knickers are mine...
    You know you're really keen to avoid Black Friday retail when you go and seek out birds as an alternative!
    Good to know the swelling is subsiding a little. Cool hat and scarf, and looking forward to hearing your thoughts about Tweed! xxx

  2. The Forest would so beat a mall any day, looks lovely, I imagine I would take plenty of photos in the forest. Love your hat and baby poncho scarf. I have a black baby poncho, and I wore it a lot during winter. Keep warm, and so glad to hear the swelling is finally going down.
