
Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Decade

Danny turned ten today, which seems incredible, though I suppose every parent feels that way.  I had a planned C-Section, late in the afternoon which left me anxious all morning before it was finally time to arrive at the hospital. I'd had an ultrasound where the technician calculated that Danny was some insane size like 10 lbs+. When he was born I was surprised to see he was 6lbs.8 oz. Must have been the technician's first day on the job or something, because she was waaaaay off.

"He looks like someone, who is it?" I asked Mr. ETB.
"Hubert Humphrey?"
"No, that isn't it."

It took us a few days, but then it dawned on us just in time to send out the birth announcements.

Uncanny, no?
 Well, from that angle he does look a bit like Humphrey. Strangely enough, that was my MIL's first reaction as well.
 The knit waistcoat and shorts were made by my husband's grandmother for him in 1960. When Danny was born we were given a box of hand-knit baby clothes from long-gone granny. They were so beautifully made, with such perfect tiny stitches. I have them carefully packed away for Danny's children someday.

The high point of Danny's birthday was being let loose with a canister of Silly String

Then, we went to the railroad museum to use the train simulator

The Union Pacific Train Museum in Council Bluffs is a regular stop on birthdays.
Oh look, I'm blasting dynamite to lay railroad track through the mountains. The sound effects were great.

Then, it was off to the posh hotel for a pool party and cocktails

Yes, I do have the best cover-up ever. Thanks for noticing.
But then, it was time for cocktails in the lounge
 Post-pool hair ain't pretty, but at least I dressed for cocktails unlike slobs that showed up in track suits, or flannels and jeans.

Then, we feasted on homemade curry (Yep, I'm the caterer too). 
All in all, it was a good time. Here's to many, many more decades. I love you Danny, I sure am glad I get to be your mama .



  1. Happy Birthday, Danny!

    There is a train simulator in this world? ROAD TRIP!!!

  2. Happy Birthday from the wilds of Saskatchewan Danny!

  3. Happy 10th birthday to Danny!
    Loving the towelling cover up and the cocktail kaftan, and Danny's feet-up-King-of-the-World pose! xxx

  4. Happy Birthday Danny, looks like a fabulous way to celebrate your tenth birthday. . . .

  5. Belated Happy Birthday to Danny!!I bet he had a brilliant day. Of course he did you are his mother!!!

  6. @Propagatrix
    If you ever do make it out here, we have several railroad museums in the Omaha/Council Bluffs metro. And I'll take you to the best damn thrift store in the midwest.

    Thank you, and Happy Birthday to Mary next week. Thank you for sending the photo of the girls-it was so nice to see how they've grown up.

    Thanks everyone-Danny is enjoying the Birthday wishes.

  7. I'm glad to see Danny had a tremendous time for his birthday.

    Happy belated birthday, Danny!

  8. If your family ever gets to northern CA, you must visit the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento (and the great tiny military museum in Old Town, staffed by retired teachers) and the Hays Antique Truck Museum in Woodland. The Hays Museum also has tractors and other farm equipment.
