
Sunday, December 28, 2014

On the (Pin) Ball

With Mr. ETB'S time off coming to an end, we wanted to finish off the holiday on a fun note-so we went over to Bronco's Burgers to play the pinball machines.
Bronco's has been around for 50 years, and is a bit of an Omaha institution. I only ate there (or rather, attempted to) once, whilst pregnant, and left most of the food, so that should give you an idea of how bad it was. Mr. ETB has more self-hate than I do, and enjoys a meal there occasionally. Today, we just went to play the pinball machines.
Worth a stop for the kitsch value anyway. Not many places you can go in a polyester jumpsuit and fit right in.
Well...maybe not *right in* but not as weird as I'm capable of. I feel like Little Edie in this getup.
I had better than expected luck at the thrift store today. I like Lady Manhattan blouses from the 50's and 60's and I found three today. That was cool. I also scored another vintage Pendelton fully lined wool shirt, and a beautiful cable pullover from  New Zealand... and a custom made emerald green formal from the 60's with a matching bolero jacket, which I need. I swear I do. This makes what, four? Sigh, at least I'm consistent. 

We didn't buy this. Someone will, of that I'm certain.

Outfit Particulars:

1970's polyester jumpsuit-Goodwill
Red platform shoes-K Mart
Turban-Made it myself\
\Hair flower-Tiff and Tam
1960's faux fur coat-Thrift World
Black cardigan-Goodwill
\Large brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Handbag-Thrifted years ago

Quick, snap a photo with the sun in my eyes! Thanks.
The deep freeze arrives tonight. By mid-week we'll be well below zero. Ah well, it was going to happen sooner or later. I'm planning to make a gigantic batch of baked beans tomorrow. The oven needs to be on for several hours, so I try to do it on a cold day and then we can benefit from the heat rising upstairs to Danny's bedroom directly over. There will be a steamed brown bread (made in a coffee tin) as well, because,..tradition. The molasses and cornmeal in the bread does go nicely with the baked beans.

The Christmas tree doesn't come down until the 6th (and yes, there will be Three Kings Cake to celebrate) so that leaves this week blissfully without much to do. I certainly won't be going out in the arctic blast (go ahead and laugh Canadians-I know I'm weak) and with Danny being off school, I suppose the best thing to do would be to watch as much Retro-TV as possible. Danny's discovered The Odd Couple, and Wonder Woman which are fun to watch from a distance of forty years.

Oooh, it is nearly New Year's Eve. I wonder if Broncos will be open?


  1. Pink with polka dots, winning combo in my mind!! Hope Mr ETB has enjoyed being off work, but tell him that all good things have to come to an end eventually. Maybe he could call in SICK!!!!

  2. That's a jumpsuit? I think I want it! Fabulous bag and coat too. Awww, Mr ETB is almost back to the grind? Poor sod. Let him watch a few Wonder Woman episodes along with Danny as compensation! xxx

  3. You are the queen of thrifting! I love seeing the treasures you are able to find. Oh that jump suit! I love it!

  4. Thanks everyone. The sad thing is-this isn't even close to being the craziest thing I own. I do wonder about the person that made it-off the shoulder clown suit? WTF?
