
Saturday, December 06, 2014

The Angel Drank All My Booze

A couple weeks back at the art show, I spotted this cardboard angel at the booth of the woman who sold me the Tweed Perfume. I was attracted to it, but I didn't buy it. Today, I went to visit her studio during the Hot Shops open studio event, and the angel was still there. She offered it to me for a much lower price knowing I really liked it (or she was creeped-out by it and wanted it gone) so home she came.

"She reminds me of someone, but I can't place it" I kept saying to my husband. Then, in a mix of horror and amusement, I put it together.

Same pointy chin, eye colour/shape, and everything. Same icy stare.  So we named her, "Lolita", and stuck her on the piano. Then, because it's the holiday season, we got her a present.
Sorry Mum, they were out of, "Penis Coloda" mix, but a White Russian is nice too.

It was strange too, walking around the studios with Danny and Mr. ETB recoiling at an unfamiliar smell that I associate so closely with childhood and my mother's years at the art school. If you've never smelled clay, or clay in a kiln it can be hard to place. I find studios and art supply stores rather pleasant places even if I'm not artistically talented. Anyway, it was an interesting day. The only perfume I found was an old bottle of Rive Gauche from  the 70's. It is mostly gone, and there's been evaporation, but it has concentrated in to something really wonderful. I doubt I'd wear it as it feels too, "Time and place" for me, but I'll enjoy a sniff now and then. If Disco ever becomes a thing again, I'll be ready.
Oh hell, who am I kidding...I don't need Rive Gauche to be 1977 ready.

 But don't worry, we found the glass blowing demonstrations.

They were all for sale. I didn't buy any this year. 
I did purchase a sea-horse brooch from a woman who took a look at my rings and remarked, "You like shiny things too." 
I do!
 Shiny and sparkly like a Christmas tree. This is all Danny's decorating work. I sat and watched whilst stuffing my face with lebkuchen.
Outfit Particulars:

Red velvet skirt-Thrift store in Seward, NE
1970's Russ polyester blazer-Thrift World
White poloneck-Gordman's
 Vintage Angel brooch-Thrift World
1970's Present brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Christmas Tree Earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
1980's Cazal frames-Mum's
1970's felt hat-Hand-Me-Ups
1970's vinyl bag-Goodwill
Fragrance-Jovan Woman
Belt-Thrift World
Flower on belt-Tiff and Tam
Shoes-K Mart a few seasons ago
Rings-all thrifted

 The shoes that were always too big now fit perfectly. Thanks, localised swelling!
 Danny made this snowy owl tree topper years ago. Nothing says, "Owl Be Home For Christmas" like an owl atop your tree.

Two owls are sitting on a perch. One looks and the other and asks, "Do you smell fish?"
That is the best joke ever. A close second is...

Two vultures are eating a dead clown. One asks the other, "Does this taste funny to you?"

Right. I'll stick to the clothes and recipes.

Hope you're having a terrific weekend.


  1. You are absolutely, fabulously 1977 here. I just showed the guy your tree (ours is about 20% decorated as I can't be arsed) and he said "it's almost too much, but not". I know what I'm doing tomorrow haha.

  2. Lolita is pretty darn cool!! Funny how things remind us of people. So mummy was an artist?? Mine painted and dabbles in her patchwork stuff these days, not my thing at all. I am going to inhale clay next time I am at my friend Dawns place now. I have never seen glass blowing, something I want to see and possibly have a crack at, looks amazing. Tell Danny the tree looks superb and I love the Owl topper.
    PS: Your shoes are EXCELLENT!!!

  3. @Autumn

    Maybe I DO have a disco to go to...a local is planning to open one in our entertainment district near downtown. In the paper it was described as a place for 50 somethings to dance to Bee Gees records.

    Predictably , people who have expensive condos down there don't want it, "It will bring the wrong crowd."

    Yeah, those middle aged people in their white polyester suits listening to Bee Gees records. ANYTHING but THAT!

  4. @Sue

    My mother was better with sculpting than painting, but I think she enjoyed mixing paint if not slapping it on canvas.

    Danny embraces all things holiday, and Christmas is no exception. He'll be pleased you like his tree, he's quite proud of it.

  5. Rive Gauche! Remember when that stuff came in a SPRAY CAN?

  6. You look both 1977-esque and rather festive in red, so a win-win. Love the shoes!
    Lolita is fantastic, though she might be a bit of a minx, judging by her expression...
    Danny's tree decorating skills and his owl are impressive! xxx

  7. I'm loving the Kmart shoes!
    YSL Rive Gauche, the first thing I ever bought my mom that she actually liked!

    "Rive Gauche is a fragrance for free and independent women, a gracious inhabitant of the city who likes the sun and wind more than anything but who is also quintessentially metropolitan."
    OoH la laaa!
    I didn't know they changed it-

    "The well-known and much loved composition of floral aldehydes was enriched in 2000s with clear woody and aromatic accords. The aldehyde note is now surrounded by pelargonium and rose absolute, which somewhat softens the sharp metal note of the original composition, ending with a comfortable combination of oak moss, vetiver, musk and balsamic notes."

  8. @Propagatrix

    I don't remember it as a spray, I only had the slim glass bottle that towered over everything else on the perfume tray.


    I DO wish they would stop messing with perfection. You don't want to know what happened to Tabu.

    A minx seems appropriate ;)
    She is starting to creep me out though, she may have to go live with the light-up plastic angel I bought last year, but can't bear to display.

  9. That angel is rather splendid, and the resemblance to your Mama is amazing!
    I like Penis Colada, and getting caught in the rain.....oooer! I really do like that cocktail.
    Your awesome jokes remind me of a couple of favourite Far Side cartoons, one has two moose, one on a couch blowing up a blow up female moose, and one behind him, leaning over, saying "she's looking good, Vern"....The other is a gang of vultures having a munch on a dead and steaming something-or-other, and one of them says "pewwww weeee, thank heavens for ketchup!"........
    Weekend? Long over. But thanks to your joyous finger I know I'll have a good Tuesday!

  10. Proof!

  11. @propagatrix

    Love it. Like dousing yourself in Aqua Net, but without the lacquering qualities!
