
Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Great Reading

There are so many great blogs, tumblrs, and websites I frequent that don't always make it onto the sidebar (they will, they will!) so being the start of a new year, maybe I can introduce you to some.
Shelley knows her way around vintage fashion, plus size sewing, and illustration. If you enjoy a peek into vintage catalogues, this is the blog for you.
Exactly what the title implies. Your eyes will pop out of your head looking at the images of vintage fashion on this tumblr. This is where I go when I'm having a bad day, or the internets are being angry/stupid. Sometimes, you just need a Worth ballgown to make everything OK.
Costume Captures is no longer posting, but the archive...oh man, is that incredible. If you've ever desired to get a better look at a costume from a film, this is the place to go. I've had Cleopatra on the brain for a while, and I find this blog most helpful with my..."project." Yeah, you'll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, give this blog a look.
Be warned, you cannot read this blog without immediately clicking over to eBay or Etsy to start hunting down everything you see. She has an incredible collection.
Burlesque performer, pin-up model, knowledgeable hair and makeup artist-Lady Lace has tons of great things to read whether you participate in burlesque or not.
Vintage sewing site where you can share your projects, get advice from others, and find tons of inspiration. This is also a great way to discover new vintage/sewing blogs.
She didn't just cook, you know. Having this available on line is quite nice, and helpful if you find yourself mired in a smocking project (don't ask). I do like the Anchor needlework book, and some of the more recent stitch guides, but if you're a serious needlework nerd, it doesn't get any better than Isabella Beeton. But really, stay clear of smocking-that shit will drive you crazy.
Vintage photos your thing? Want to know how people wore they styles in their daily lives? The Hysterical Society is a great place to start. Be warned, you can lose hours there.

And in other news, we had a pair of hawks camped out in the tree over the feeder again. We shooed them off, but they have been known to eat smaller birds. This has been happening quite a bit. I suppose it is practically like setting the table for them.

 They don't look that large in the tree, but when they took flight they had impressive wing spans.

I hope they weren't after this fellow

Danny snapped this picture of a mourning dove. He considers it his best-ever photograph.

It is supposed to be -10 degrees F. by daybreak. Maybe I'll just sleep in, and try to miss it.


  1. Oooh, ta for those, Goody. I shall deffo check them out - Lady Lace looks like being very interesting.

  2. Yikes, two hawks! Word of your birdie buffet has made menu-of-the-month in Raptor News. However, if your neighborhood is as rife with rabbits as mine, the dove might live longer. My home is near a river banked by giant sycamores -- said sycamores being ideal for eagles' nests. This year a pair established housekeeping and reduced the rabbit count considerably. There are also fewer feral cats, alas.

    -10 F here, too, Goody. Sleeping in sounds like a cunning plan.

  3. Thanks for the links Goody, always good to have some new recommendations to check out. Great photo of the Dove by Danny, showed it to Mr NMDS who is a photographer and he says 'Good job' so well done Danny, keep up the good work. . . .

  4. @Beth Waltz
    I love watching eagles, how they build nests and take turns bringing fish (and feral cats) to the nest for their young. I know they're back in force these days, but I'm old enough to remember how close to extinction they were.A great success story. Of course, if I have a Bald Eagle show up at my platform feeder, I may need to reassess.

    I let Danny see your comment and he's beaming with pride. He tells me it was taken through the window as snow was falling (I guess that's the white streaks).

  5. Oh my gosh, Goodie, reading your blog is like going to college. I mean, I went to college and I didn't learn anything like this. The U of Goodie is far more practical. Yes, that is an Awesome photo!!!
