
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Caftan of the Week-and Week in Review

 I'm not promising a caftan *every* Sunday, but let's see how long we can keep the feature going.

 It is definitely caftan weather-we hit 80 degrees F. today (not predicted). If only the pool would open before May!

1970's Caftan-Hand-Me-Ups
Sunday started with a big breakfast of corned-beef hash for Mr. ETB. I made him a corned beef at the start of the week, and this was the very end of it. The vegetarian skipped the beef part. For me those eggs would be overcooked, but I just make 'em the way they order 'em. Danny prefers scrambled.
Then, it was off to the garden centre for a trellis. I managed to escape without any additional plant purchases.
 The fashion pages have been full of advice for how to dress 70's. As I spent the better part of the 70's wearing corduroys and flannel shirts, I very much doubt you want my advice. But in case you do-earth tones. And clogs. There, that's sorted now.
 My parents had stoneware dishes that would have matched this skirt. And our orange and brown kitchen. It was a great kitchen though (I would kill for a wall-mounted double oven). That particular house was built to suit for them in 1977-and it looked it. I'm sure it has undergone extreme renovations over the years.
 See kids? Clogs. Forget the stupid platform sandals and cork wedges. These are the shoes you want.

And a vinyl bag to complete the look.

1970's skirt-Goodwill
1970's vinyl bag-Goodwill
1970's bracelet-Hand-Me-Ups
1970's Ultra Suede jacket-Thrift World
Earrings-K Mart
Vintage Napier necklace-Hand-Me-Ups
Fragrance-Laura Ashley #1

 I stopped by the thrift store and saw this clown. I don't think the cross is supposed to go through the eyes making him look dead. I really want to know what's in his hand...
I say, "Turd."  We didn't buy the clown.

We had the car washed. Rain soon to follow, I'm sure. 
Earlier in the week,   Danny though we should go about dressed as for yachting. I made him leave the coconut at home. 
Danny's Wearing:
Jacket, shirt, and trousers-K Mart
Shoes-K Mart
Cologne-Habit Rouge

 I'm wearing:
1970's polyester dress-Goodwill
Nautical wool jacket-Goodwill
Vintage Naturalizer shoes-Thrift World
Vintage Mar-Shel handbag-Can't remember
Dior Slip-Thrift World
Dior earrings-Thrift World
Glass ring-Hobby Lobby
Seahorse pin-art show
Fragrance-Jardins de Bagatelle (which hardly smells of much (to me) which I'm guessing is the jasmine issue).
But now it is time for another exciting week to come to an end. Who knows what next week will bring...and which caftan will make an appearance. 

Have a great week. 


  1. Caftan of the week. Now there's an activity I can get behind...or inside. That skirt is bang on 70's. I can just see it walzing down the hallways of my high school. Neat.

  2. Brown and orange? Yes, indeedy, a brown and orange plaid sofa fabric encasing solid pillows on an extremely heavy pine sofa frame permanently placed on an avocado green shag rug? Remember it well! (Did you know that avocado appliances never die?)

    I cherish my garden clogs, except in icy weather. But those elegant Naturalizer heels -- those I could cherish 12/12!

    You and Danny are nattily nautical. You remind me of Hyacinth Bucket's hilarious riverside buffet outing -- what was the word for it?

  3. "Riparian"! Hyacinth dubbed her riverside picnic (complete with candleabrum) a "riparian entertainment."

  4. @Connie

    If you care to join the Caftan Celebration, post a photo and I'll happily link to it.

    @Beth Waltz

    A certain unnamed person called my sister, "Hyacinth Bucket". Personally, I think she's more Little Edie.
    That said, I don't think she'd ever bring candleabrum to a picnic.

  5. Love the caftan, love the clogs, and love he 'lets go sailing' outfits!! Funny how everything in the 70's was brown and orange for a while. My parents had a brown sofa with huge orange flowers on it, we thought we were way cool!!

  6. Not getting the scary clown is probably a good thing. It'd give someone nightmares, for sure.

    Having been of an age to get vaguely interested on clothes in the 1980s, one of the rules that got imprinted on me was THOU SHALT NOT WEAR BROWN. Just too 1970s. Took me years to break that one. I wear loads of brown now.

  7. Make sure those corduroys are belled & hip huggers too!!
    Oh the WHOOSH of my thighs wearing flared skin tight cords with a Goody comb in the back pocket & a Bonnie Bell lip smacker in the front.
    Got a bit of "Sex in the City" chic going with that caftan- (actually I only watched 1 episode of SITC, that was all I could stand.)
    Speaking of the 70's Danny seems to be channeling the Captain of Tennille & "Muskrat Love" fame.
    Eeek!I just Googled this-
    "Tennille filed for divorce from (Captain) Dragon in the State of Arizona on January 16, 2014, after 39 years of marriage. Dragon was unaware of this until he was served with the divorce papers."
    Who knew?!?!??!

  8. Somewhere I have a Skipper doll who is wearing an almost identical skirt.

    Is Danny aware of Captain and Tennielle?

  9. Isn't it funny that the fashionistas have decided the Seventies are cool again? Some of us never thought otherwise... Ah well, they'll move on soon and recreate another decade with poorly made, over-priced reproductions instead of wearing the Real Thing, like your cool kaftan and fabulous orange and brown skirt (which I LOVE). The turd-holding clown... nah, not so much.
    The matching nautical outfits made me smile - ahoy there! (Feel free to insert your own poop deck joke here.) That handbag looks wonderful too. xxx

  10. @Bibi
    I heard the divorce was not quite so out of the blue, and it was done to keep them from going bankrupt as he has developed MS. That's our American healthcare system. "Family values, blah blah blah."

    I just did a Google image search for him-he's intrigued (hopefully not enough to want the records or anything). Danny was shooting for that bit in Caddyshack with the dueling yachts.

    Right! I noticed a rack of jumpsuits at Marshalls, but when I looked closer they didn't look like they'd survive more than a few washes.
