
Sunday, March 29, 2015

Caftan Sunday and Other 70's Looks

Greetings from Caftanistan. This is indeed an Afghan caftan, made from pieces of very old brocade worked into a newer dress in the late 70's/early 80's. I've personally owned this piece for 25 years, though I rarely wear it as it is heavy from all those bits of mirror and glass sewn in the bodice and cuffs.
The blue dye is not terribly colourfast, so it gets dry cleaned. I made the mistake of wearing it once in hot weather. Blue armpits weren't a thing in the 90's.

So that's this week's caftan. Moving along, how about some linen trousers?
 Worn with the highest heels I own, they're *almost* the right length. I wanted to give them a wear before deciding if it was worth the effort to hem them. This was another pair of .99 cent trousers from Hand-Me-Ups. I like these better than the embroidered pair, so I guess I'll be sewing hems.

They're not terrible from the back, which is a rarity with white anything, let alone slacks. The disco-era top just felt right today. 
 Sometimes my back enjoys a breeze.
 It was windy today-note the plastic bag photo-bombing me. It flew up to the roof shortly after the picture was snapped.

Outfit Particulars:

Caftan: 1980's purchase, long-gone gallery, Evanston, Illinois

70's/80's sequin top-Goodwill
Ralph Lauren fully lined linen trousers-Hand-Me-Ups
70's silver clutch-Goodwill $3.99
Sterling silver Mexican bracelet-Goodwill $2.99! (score!)
Earrings-K Mart
Rings-all over
Cazal Glasses-Mum's
Fragrance-Halston (I mean, what else could I possibly wear with a get-up like this?)
 Saturday was bird-banding. This woodpecker screamed, and screamed so loudly he could be heard down the hall and halfway out the building.
 This fellow was better behaved.

The real excitement came when a flock of turkeys wandered into the net! Only one got stuck, and thankfully I wasn't the one tasked with freeing it. They are just the stupidest birds. We had a flock that lived near the farm, and every single time I'd get round the corner, there they'd be sitting in the middle of the road. Anyway, all was well once it was loose.
I'll leave you with this snapshot of a couple books I found shelved together at the library today.

Woo-Hoo, I'm on holiday for 10 whole days now! I see some sleeping-in this week. Oh yes I do.
Have a great week, everyone.


  1. I like the space-age look - it seems unusual to see you in monochrome! But it's got plenty of glitter.

  2. Hmm. I agree with Mim, you do look good in a silvery version of monochrome. Methinks it's the metallic shine that balances those featured glasses that are your signature look.

    The frankenfrock repurposing of a bit of antique fabric into a caftan is another clever technique for directing attention to the featured item of an ensemble -- but woe! how does one cope with the cleaning issues for old and/or handicrafted fabrics if dry cleaning chemicals give one the pip? If the label says "dry clean only" (usually ancient rayon), I shun it.

    Turkeys are the dumbest critters ever to walk into the path of an oncoming 18-wheeler. Family groups of a male and several hens are now emerging from Hoosier forests -- the dimwits can't decide whether to flee in terror from an old lady filling a birdbath, or to roost on her porch rail until she swats them with the bambi broom usually applied to the bottoms of deer eating her crabapple tree...

    They're almost as great a menace to domestic tranquility as guinea fowl and feral peacocks!

  3. @Mim
    This stupid weather of ours is forcing me to be creative with my transitional clothing. Monochrome fills the gap between winter and the pastels of spring.

    @Beth Waltz
    Whatever you do, don't plunk rayon in hot water. It can be washed in cold, carefully, but you'll be gently pulling it as it dries, and then pressing it beneath a cloth to get it back in shape. With something like this dress, I'd give it a dip in cold water if the body needed it, taking care not to get the old bodice fabric wet as the mirrors and glass would dislodge. Sometimes the best you can do is freshen it up a bit with vodka and water in a mister as Curtise does.

    I do wash most things-but rayon is a no-no if it can be avoided (I hate ironing).

  4. A caftan you have owned for years!! How fabulous, I now wish I had hung onto some of my old threads. I have one very racy lacy Balinese top and skirt I have kept to prove I was once tiny!! Only you could be photo bombed by a plastic bag!!

  5. Love the kaftan.
    At first glance I thought perhaps you went "full tilt boogie' 70's with your new hairstyle & had used hot rollers. I've been thinking about getting a set of hot rollers since I have 'long' hair now - (I used to keep a very high maintenance 'Anna Wintour/Nancy Pelosi' power bob. Now I only get one haircut a year as I only venture to 'civilization' annually. NEVER get your haircut in a 3rd world country!!! TRUST ME!!!)
    I'm loving the black & white blinged up ensemble!! I have to confess I dress EXACTLY like that when I do my yearly 'back to school' shopping trek & visit to my favorite Aunt in West Palm Beach.

  6. Now, I was thinking the kaftan was pretty wonderful (and it surely is) till I saw you rocking the pants, heels and disco top! That's the way (uh huh uh huh) I like it.
    The Taste of Cannabalism - genius! xxx

  7. @Sue

    I've held onto the vintage/art pieces over the years, but most of my day-to-day clothes have either been worn to pieces, or donated. I was thin...once. I had dysentery! True story-lost about 1/3 of my body weight, but I wouldn't recommend it as a diet plan ;)

    Oooh, hot rollers-I can still remember how they smelled heating up, and the little foam things to stick between your ears and the rollers that never worked anyway. Now you've made me want a set.

    I cut my own hair-everyone here has the same choppy/streaked hairdo that makes you look middle aged whether you are 17 or 70. I'm trying to remember if I ever had a haircut abroad, and as far as I can recall I haven't...but I'll heed your warning.

    Thanks hon, now I'll have that stuck in my head ALL day.
