
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Fast Post-Slow Fashion

 These clothes all date roughly from the 80's (skirt might be a bit later) before, "Fast Fashion" was really in full swing. The cardigan is something I owned when I still lived in Chicago, almost 25 years ago. The fact that the silk/viscose knitting has held up so beautifully, for so long is worth mentioning. I find plenty of inexpensive knits in thrift stores, but they are rarely worth bringing home. The blouse is beautifully tailored for something that I'm sure was intended to be worn for work. The ruffles can be buttoned together into a bow, or worn open for a more relaxed look. There was some thought put into the design.
 I DO like some well-made blouses, and ruffles are the best sort of bonus.

Outfit Particulars:

County Shop at Marshall Field's cardigan-Retail, ages ago
Glass necklace-Shop-Ko
Italian Glass earrings-Old, bought at a boutique
Madden Girl Shoes-Goodwill
Rings-Cameo (Mum's) Citron and silver (Antique shop in Massachusetts)
Bangle-Shop Ko
Fragrance-Confetti by, Lentheric
80's blouse-Thrift World

 Glass is always nice. The pendant was a bargain (just a couple bucks) at Shop-Ko.

 The shoes are starting to fall apart which is too bad as I've hardly worn them. That's your fast fashion/poor quality issue.
 I love the pattern so much on this crepe skirt. The length is good for me as well, though I'm certain it was designed for someone taller.

I was going for an early 1930's feel with this outfit as I have an old photograph of my Nan wearing a similar ruffled blouse and long cardigan around that time. The cardigan really should be longer, and the blouse would be worn out and have a finished band at the bottom if I were aiming for authenticity, which I wasn't. I did briefly consider a fur collar and cloche, but sometimes it is best to just give a nod to something rather than a full on homage.

Tomorrow is Friday, and boy do I need a weekend!


  1. Ruffle-tastic! I love that blouse and the print on the skirt has a gorgeous swirly 1970s feel.
    That ring with the head is a beaut. x

  2. Early 30s was indeed the impression I received at first glance, even without being able to feel the crepe. Pity about the shoes -- they're perfect for the look. (Might look into hi-Light dancing shoes?)

    The bangle and the necklace are gentle echoes of the skirt's print. But best of all the elements is that swingy new 'do'!

  3. Bugger about the shoes because they are pretty dam fine. Guess this only means you have to go looking for some more. Every cloud has a silver lining so they say. Love the ruffle front on your blouse. Ruffle over my boobs would just make them more than what they already are, nice colour too. Enjoy your weekend when it arrives, mine has STARTED!!!! So catch up will ya!!

  4. I echo the "no ruffles for the well-endowed" lament. I would love to be able to wear ruffles, but they make me look like a rhino trapped in a lampshade.

    Wish we had Shop-Ko here. The one in Kenosha was a major source of back-to-school clothes in my youth.

  5. @ Vix
    Thank you. I don't remember my mother wearing the ring when she was alive, and I wonder if perhaps it belonged to an old beau.

    @Beth Waltz
    I've tried subtle hints that I like American Duchess footwear, but I'm afraid Mr. ETB is clueless. I'll look into the dance shoes. never heard of them.

    I'm not sure the ruffles are doing me any favours either-but screw anyone that doesn't like it!


    That's one hell of a visual image!
    Shop-Ko is going through some sort of identity crisis where they don't know what sort of a store they want to be. That's a shame because now they play that silly game of "80% off original price" which turns out to be some insane thing like $50.00 for a pair of leggings. They'll do the, "sale" from day one, so it isn't like anyone ever paid the original price. Sigh, why must everything good be ruined?

  6. I LOVE the ruffles - LOVE them. Yes, very Thirties in inspiration. Funnily enough, I've been looking at some old family snaps from the 1930s too, and wondering about doing a post and outfit based on a few of them. We'll see.
    Gorgeous print on the skirt, and it's the silver/citrine ring that's taken my eye (I thought it was amber until I went back to check your description.)
    You need a weekend? You got one - enjoy! xxx

  7. Oh yes, please do a 30's outfit!

  8. Goody, although never a dancer myself, I did some stage work with dance troops. That's when I acquired the soft white leather shoes I wore with summer slacks. I'd go back to a local dance supply outlet for Hi-Lights now (and pay $60-90). However, I'm told by colleagues who still compete that offers exactly that. That duchesse heel you like is called a "Latin ballroom", I believe.

  9. @Beth Waltz
    I just took a look at that website-WOW! Thank you a million times. I also noticed they have a great assortment of petticoats at rock-bottom prices. Hopefully the stuff is reasonably well made (I doubt dancers would risk poorly made heels) because I've already spotted some metallic dance shoes with my name on them.

    Thank you again.

  10. The print on that skirt really is wonderful. It reminds me of a kimono print.
