
Sunday, May 17, 2015

I finally manged to do a bit of thrifting this weekend-I was fearful I might be losing the desire to shop (the horror!). Mr. ETB practically shoved me through the door of Goodwill, and I'm glad he did as I found a few interesting things.
A ceramic wall owl! Never can have too many of those, I reckon. The red bit in the basket is a 1960's wool cape. It needs a good wash, and it looks like it was worn-a lot. Still, for the price ($3.59) I thought it was worth trying to rescue. 

After the thrift stores, we went to a quote-along viewing of The Holy Grail. I might have enjoyed it more if I wasn't seated in the second row from the screen, but it was still fun. Everyone got a pair of coconut shells as they entered the theatre to clop along with. You can't get to Camelot without coconut shells, I guess. 

Outfit Particulars:
1970's Chessa Davis skirt-Thrift World, .89 cents
Gauze blouse-K Mart, last year
Cork wedge sandals-K Mart, several years ago
Earrings-K Mart
Hair flowers-Tiff and Tam
Bangles-all over, thrifted
Fragrance-Courreges in Blue

When Sunday rolled around, we unraveled our backs and straightened our necks (how DO people sit so close in movies?) and headed out to run a few errands, and then visit Aksarben Aquarium. 

What's that you say? Look for patio furniture? OK, let's. 

 This one's rather nice, but $750.00 seems a bit steep, for K Mart. I think we'll go the used route. We did pick up a small glass table to rest a coffee cup on whilst I read the morning paper outside.

 Oh look, they've turned potato crisps into health food. Great!
And the microwave popcorn too! What a relief, The organic corn will be such a difference when it is popped in a sea of fake-butter chemicals. And salt provides essential nutrients like iodine, which the typical American diet is seriously lacking. Lime? That's vitamin C right there. I feel healthier just looking at the package.
 Something about that smells, dontcha think?

Outfit Particulars:
Coral linen Coldwater Creek dress-Goodwill, $3.59
Vintage beaded purse-Thrift World
1950's milk glass and mother of pearl bracelet-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage Naturalizer shoes-Thrift World
Milk Glass brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Milk Glass earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
Hair flowers-Tiff and Tam
Fragrance-Jardins de Bagatelle, Guerlain

 This is Aksarben Aquarium in Schramm Park. Admission is free, and while the fish and turtles are interesting, the birding is phenomenal.
 Just look at that beautiful paved trail.
I spotted a Native Nebraskan. They're not all this adorable, trust me.

A hummingbird decided to be cooperative and let me snap his picture. Thanks, hummingbird!
They're so tiny, and move so fast, it can be difficult to get a good photo with a pocket camera. 

 The swallows are back, and sitting on their nests.
None managed to hit my head today (they swoop rather low). 
The butterfly garden was alive with beating wings.
And colour everywhere.

 We've been lucky (touch wood) this spring without any extreme heat. Given the time to bloom slowly, the park is coming back to life in a way we rarely get to observe.
OK Mr. and Mrs. Swallow, we'll be back in a couple weeks to see the babies. Eat lots of mosquitoes for us. 

I hope you had a nice weekend where you are. 


  1. Lovely pics of greenery and such. Today we're expecting snow here in Northwestern Ontario :(

    Looooove the skirt you're wearing in the first 2 pics. It looks like it were made of giant sized neckties.

    Happy Victoria Day from Thunder Bay!

  2. I knew this would happen.
    I owned that Coldwater Creek dress in navy blue & the same coral. Used to wear it to work when I was a pharmacist. It was a linen blend I think. Looked quite stunning under a white lab coat with my Naturalizer pumps & hid the bike compression shorts I was wearing underneath (people don't realize how long pharmacists stand).
    We are baking in the 'pre monsoon heat' here - it's around 90F & 60% humidity daily. Enormous insects are buzzing & flying everywhere, I have chirping geckoes in the house, & am getting blasted with heady indoles from the jacarandas & chinaberry trees by day & the nightblooming jasmine by night. in a tropical paradise!
    Still having daily aftershocks around M4.
    Looks like Kmart still has Martha Stewart patio furniture?
    I shipped my Plantation Patterns "Made in USA" wrought iron patio set I bought at Walmart 12 yrs ago here. It still looks great. Although I've heard Walmart no longer carries Plantation Patterns nor much of anything 'Made in USA' anymore.

  3. I had a lovely weekend, and it looks like you did too.

    That coral dress and brooch combo are fantastic.

    HOW MUCH for patio furniture? I'd balk at paying that much for a new sofa for the front room!

  4. After I stopped sputtering at the $750 tag at K-Mart !?, I settled down to admire the coral linen frock with the beaded bag.

    We had a stable full of swallows when I was a kid. Every spring they'd ride the shetland ponies, plucking wads of pony wool for their nests. Perhaps Danny will be able to inspect a nest when the season is over -- and tell us how it compares with nests used to make a (in)famous Chinese soup?

  5. @Thrifty Parka
    I remember it snowing once at the end of May in Chicago, but that was NOT typical. Stay warm, and hang in there-you'll get spring eventually.
    Happy Victoria Day to you!

    It was bound to happen sooner or later that we'd have the same clothes ;)

    I could see it if it were a high quality product, but fake wrought iron made in China isn't worth that kind of money.

    @Beth Waltz
    On the farm we'd save hair from the poodle's haircuts for the nesting birds-they loved it!

    I'm not sure Danny's familiar with the soup...I have to go tell him! He'll freak out.

  6. Love the patchwork-y panelled skirt and you look fab in coral. That style of dress reminds me so much of the 90s, I wore similar ones.
    Birds, butterflies and blooms - how lovely! xxx
