
Monday, June 29, 2015

Don't Eat the Cobbler!

 "Yeah, you just go ahead and touch that hairdo Mr. Prairie Dog, and you can forget about my signing petitions to save your furry ass from angry farmers. Yeah, go on-see if I mean it. And what's with the bandit mask anyway? It makes you look like a dick. Don't touch my hair."

Outfit Particulars:

Barkcloth 1970's dress (late 60's maybe?)-thrifted in Massachusetts decades ago
1960's handbag-Goodwill
White cork heeled sandals-K Mart
Bangles-all over
Hair flower-Tiff and Tam
1970's Triffari necklace-Hand-Me-Ups
Fragrance-None, I think it was the prairie dog.
 The gardens are in full-bloom at the Swanson library. I just adore that place.
 Our flowers are a bit slow this year, so I'm enjoying theirs as we wait.

 The Georgia peaches have arrived.
 What the hell?!
                                                            Don't eat the cobbler!
Yeah, I have no idea what goes on down south, and I really don't want to find out.
Uh oh, I think we picked up a zombie along the way.
 Outfit Particulars:

White dress-Gordman's about 8 years ago
Gold sandals-Goodwill
Enid Collins bag-Antique mall
1970's necklace-Hand-Me-Ups
1950's clip earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
1950's milk glass coil bracelet-Hand-Me-Ups

 Pretty detail on the hem, but it doesn't photograph well. This dress is about three sizes too big on top, but on a hot, humid day it is just the most comfortable thing in the world to wear. No one yelled, "Watch the sideboob" at me, so I think I was able to remain decent. Mostly.

This is a dual holiday week with Canada Day and the Fourth of July. I'm not Canadian, though my grandmother did live in Canada before settling in the United States. As it was the first stop for my Dad's side of the family in the New World, we observe it as a day to celebrate our neighbo(u)rs, and appreciate the refuge they have given to so many. And it is a great excuse to eat poutine and butter pies. Thanks, Canada-we love you guys!

We live in a location that permits us to see fireworks displays from all over the city and surrounding areas easily (higher elevation helps). We'll have our annual July 4th picnic at the park (weather permitting) and then head next door in the evening to watch the panoramic view of fireworks from the lawn of the college next door. Last year, we had it to ourselves (and the security guards) and that was great. No crowds, drunks, idiots shooting off guns (because that's how idiots celebrate around here) just us and a city's worth of entertainment two minutes from home. Danny's been having some terrible asthma following what we thought was just a simple cold, and the last place I want him is in the poor-air-quality of a fireworks show. There's something to be said for living upwind of nearly everything. 

I promised to bake something from my terrifying Americana collection of cookery books for the celebration (they will NOT eat jelly (Jell-O), so that rules out quite a lot of traditional holiday desserts). I have a few days to come up with something. 

Not shown-three librarians watching laughing from the desk as I make an idiot of myself. Oh well, they know me. 


  1. Damn, Canada Day already? I better get the Nanaimo Bars going!

  2. Both! outfits are miracles of accessorizing! The barkcloth demands the lozenges of pendant and purse; the precious detailing of the white sheath begs for gilding (those glasses are fantasies for the face). You appear so cool and poised, despite the oversized rodent looming in the library. I'm certain those librarians are delighted to see you entering their shush-shush spaces.

    We're having record rainfall here in Indiana. Molds, pollens, spores are gagging us all, so I can sympathize with Danny. At least we've managed to persuade the building maintenance lads to keep cleaning those filters!

    Happy celebrations to you! Moi, I do it simply with blueberries and strawberries dribbled over a mound of vanilla ice cream, plopped on a slice of pound cake (which I do not bake moi-meme). Once upon a time I also indulged in Korean kimchee on American hot dogs, toasted over a wood fire, and served with icy German beer. I can no longer cope with the resulting fireworks.

  3. Love that barkcloth dress. Yeah, it's hot as hell here too, so I am all about trying to keep from melting... Any side boob flashing is purely accidental. (Like anyone is looking!) xxx

  4. @Propagatrix

    "What's in a Nanaimo bar?"
    "Hooker and drunks, mostly."

    @Beth Waltz

    What is it with the Midwest this year with all the rain? Hang in there, we'll have a frost to kill all this stuff before you know it.

    I love the idea of kimchee on a hot dog-you can't get more "American melting pot" than that! Maybe I'll give it a try on veggie dogs. Most years I make Coronation Tofu (just like the chicken, but with baked tofu) for our picnic on the 4th as a nod to the other side of the family, but that's a bit of work.

    I'd look!

  5. That's the cutest zombie I've ever seen!
    Love the elegantly deshabille white dress with the glamorous accessories.

  6. My Southern Baptist mother always specified Hebrew National hot dogs -- "because they're clean and kosher"-- to the amusement of my German Lutheran father who prefered his sausages more robust. However, we've done blind taste tests and they do taste better!

  7. @Beth Waltz

    In your grandmother's time they might have been cleaner-Sinclair wasn't exaggerating the conditions in The Jungle. The only advantage to buying kosher is that you know how the animal was killed, and that there won't be any "surprises" in the hot dog like eyeballs and rectums (because that isn't kosher. Even a rump roast is considered too close to the offending butthole to be kosher).

    Helpful tip:

    If you buy kosher meat from a butcher, wash it well before using and whatever you do, don't salt it! Salt is used in the kashering process to draw out blood, and if you forget and salt the meat it will be inedible. Having been vegetarian since the early 80's I found this out the expensive way after ruining a steak I was making as a nice gesture for my husband.

  8. Two beautiful outfits. I definitely envy you that white one - with the gold necklace and glasses it's simply gorgeous.

    We mostly get *rubbish* peaches in England. The supermarkets import them while they're pretty much unripe, so they 'ripen' into a flavourless mush. A little market stall in Bath sells the flat peaches, and they're much better. I bet those Georgia ones are heavenly.

  9. @Mim

    We call the flat ones, "UFO's".
