
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Get Out Yer Festive Fabrics

I knew there was a reason I bought this silk shirt-dress a few years ago-it is the perfect Christmas dress. Well, perfect when it is 50 degrees and sunny outside-I wouldn't want to wear it in typical December weather.
I remember hesitating because it really wasn't my style, but then quickly changing my mind when I noticed it was silk, and .99 cents. This would have been an expensive dress in the 80's. The belt was missing, but I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find something that works, I'm staying in doing chores today, so I doubt anyone would notice a missing belt beneath my apron.

 Outfit Particulars:
1980's silk dress-Goodwill
Christmas brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Fragrance-Dana Forbidden (I can see why it was discontinued...*gasps*)
Blondin the squirrel feasted on a slice of stollen this morning. Fifteen minutes later, he was back at the sliding glass door, nose pressed against it, standing on hind legs peering inside. I can't say I blame him. For the record-there's nothing cuter than a squirrel's nose dusted with icing sugar. I wonder if he knows how good he has it compared to other rats squirrels?

I don't know why I'm carrying around the Christmas tree like something out of the Christmas Truce. I guess I was taking pictures a few days before Christmas and it seemed appropriate.

 I made an effort this year to wear some of the more elaborate pieces in my wardrobe, and this beaded top is one that I'd had packed away waiting for an occasion. I could die waiting for that, so out it came, and here it is! I teamed it with a polyester maxi skirt to save it from looking too formal (not that I have issues with evening wear in the daytime). It is a fun piece, and I'm only sorry I waited so long to wear it.
Outfit Particulars:
1970's Pikettes polyester maxi-skirt-Thrift World
1990's beaded top-Goodwill
Vintage velvet jacket-Hand-Me-Ups
Snowflake clip earrings-K Mart
Fragrance-Lentheric Dark Brilliance

On Sunday, we stopped at the hospital where Danny was born to take photos in the lobby (I instructed him to cry like a newborn, and he happily did so). The receptionist admitted we were not the first people to think of doing that, and on average she sees one or two families a week making the pilgrimage to the lobby for photos. The hospital no longer handles maternity (there's a new hospital devoted to deliveries down the road a few miles) which is probably for the best. I love Danny, but I had the worst experience with this hospital and the delivery. I wouldn't ever want to go through that again-there's a reason he's an only child. Good thing we like him.

I wore these crushed-velvet palazzo pants through the final months of my pregnancy as they have a stretch waist. I was a real vision around the last few weeks before delivery.

Outfit Particulars:
Velvet Palazzo pants by Tapemeasure-Bloomingdale's early 90's
Liz Claiborne velvet jacket-Hand-Me-Ups
Beaded silk waistcoat-Goodwill
Gap ruffled poet's blouse-Goodwill
Handbag-New Life Thrift
Wreath Earrings-Big Lots

Today has been spent finishing up end of the year paperwork for school (lesson plans, attendance sheets, that sort of thing). I'm making puff-paste for the mushroom Wellingtons, and it is such a nice, relaxing task. I take things slowly, spacing my "turns" at thirty minutes, and it hardly feels like a chore at all. Danny is watching a Christmas movie (Polar Express, I think) and I have the holiday music on. I suggested to Danny it might be fun to drive over to the mall and watch the chaos as disinterested parties. He thinks that would be mean...I think it would be satisfying. 

Perhaps I ought to drag the kid out for a walk. I suspect we don't have too many nice days like this left. 


  1. What a lovely holiday post. I think it's wonderful that you took Danny to his place of birth. So sweet. My kids don't like to think that they were born. They prefer to believe that they just showed up fully formed, bursting with ideas and requests. Velvet Palazzo Pants!!! Oh Baby!

  2. @Connie
    My parents told me they found me at an old pawn shop, and that they traded in a guitar for me.

  3. Love those palazzos & beaded waistcoat!
    Dana's creations & my husband don't get along as he says - "Dey geevs me beeg HEAD CAKE!"
    I agree with Danny, I wouldn't even want to deal with the pandemonium of the mall parking lot this time of year. Actually going inside a mall - NO WAY.
    It's going to be 61F here today, which isn't that cold. But if you have leaky hand made windows & nothing to heat the house with it gets a little brisk.
    Happy B-Day Danny!

  4. @Bibi
    "Head Cake" would be the greatest name for a perfume blog, or a niche perfume brand.

    Yeah, Dana's fragrances are kinda bad. I know people insist that the vintage Tabu was better, but I've smelled it and while it is different from the current formulation, I wouldn't call it better. Platine didn't do much for me either. 20 Carats, Canoe, Emir, Ambush-I can't stand any of them, though heaven knows I've at least tried to understand them. My best friend at university wore Tabu, and it was good on her, but I've never encountered it being anything but awful on others. I mean, there must be something there-but I don't smell it. I have a gigantic bottle of Tabu I wouldn't even use as bathroom deodouriser. It is that bad.

    I hope you figure out a way to get some heat soon. 61 and damp can get miserable.

  5. What a fab selection of outfits - you bring all the sparkle to the yard. The former goth in me can't resist some velvet, so that's my favourite look on you - velvet's so warm and comfortable. It's amazing that the trousers still fit you if you wore them as maternity wear - must be some elastic!

  6. The maternity hospital I was born in is now a mental hospital, says it all really!
    I thought revisiting a maternity hospital would be an unusual thing, fancy lots of people doing it.
    That maxi is a stunner, I'm glad it got an outing. You & Curtise both rock the feck out of the 1980s. I love that sequinned waistcoat and the silk dress is gorgeous.
    I don't think I've ever seen a Xmas film. War, espionage and hideously gory subtitled thrillers are my usual festive season fare. xxx

  7. The very idea of a dark silk dress for only a dollar makes me quiver like a Lab looking at a dying duck. Well scored! Dunno if I could manage the palazzo pants without wearing Vixen-ish platform suede boots; however, I've definitely got what it takes to wear the beaded vest. And the earrings!

    Our weather is weird and getting weirder. I've turned off the heat and stacked up the firewood, ready to stoke a blazing fireplace over the holiday. Now, I'm wishing I could get the lawn mowed or stake out some goats or sheep before my guests arrive -- it's that lush! We're going to pay for this, mind my words, we're going to get a bill.

  8. P.S. Whilst running the sofa covers through the commercial laundry, I perused the 'housekeeping' magazines provided. And, lo!, there in the 2014 Christmas edition of Real Simple was a plaid bag on a braided chain, closely resembling the one you recently carried. This was listed as "Talbot's, for $129"! Eureka!

  9. @Mim
    I balked at spending what was then, a hefty sum on those trousers, but over the years I've come to see it was a good investment. They've held up rather well.

    I'm trying to find the joke about Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence not being a proper Christmas movie...but I can't quite get it!

    Seriously, this is strange stuff. Our lawn is green, and I harvested enough lettuce from the containers in front of the house to put together salads last evening.

    Who pays $129. for a purse from Talbot's? Good heavens.
