
Monday, February 29, 2016

Cake Tins

The weekend before last, I managed to find not one, but two vintage Easter cake tins-one lamb, the other bunny. I'd wanted a lamb one for years, but that Saturday the thrifting gods decided my time had come and presented me with both. Inside the lamb tin the previous owner had left a note in penmanship that looked so much like my own it startled me, "Do not use with cake mix-neck breaks EVERY TIME!"

I stood at my sink examining the note, and thinking how many times I've made similar notes in cookbooks, noting changes, additions and omissions. There have been so many times I've thought, "I should place a note with this so Danny will know how to use the cookie press, pasta maker, or what have you." Thrifting is an interesting hobby because you can't really know the previous owner's life except in a few cases where you meet the children selling the items, or it is a piece of vintage with an established provenance, but you can certainly get a sense of the person from the notes they leave.

My husband didn't grow up with much holiday goings-on as his parents weren't terribly interested. Coming home with not one, but two animal shaped Easter cake tins is rather foreign to him. He thinks it was an absence of religion on his parent's part, but I suspect it was more an absence of whimsy. An animal shaped cake would just be too tacky for my mother-in-law. She might bake a beautiful layer cake infused with five kinds of floral syrups and piped within an inch of its life, but a lamb-shaped cake would be too much. I get it, really I do.

My mother-in-law brought us several household items when we moved to Nebraska, and they were downsizing to an apartment out west. I find similar notes in the things we received such as how the meat grinder was used mostly for cheese when she was growing up in Pennsylvania, and how to secure the clamp. There's a recipe in the pasta maker box, but there's also paperwork from the military that they must have been required to fill out when leaving for another post and packing up their belongings to be shipped overseas. If I didn't already know  the story it would be a fascinating thing to find in a box at a thrift store.

One of the most interesting finds was a box of post cards years ago, that were sent from a father to his daughter on his business trips that spanned about ten years. Being able to read all the stories about the towns he visited (he sold large pipe organs to churches and orchestras) and how he felt some people "didn't deserve an organ" really gave me a fascinating insight into these people's lives. I'm not sure how anyone could have got rid of those cards, though for all I know she might have hated her father. That's the thing of course, we can't really know the lives of the people that leave these items, and our sense of storytelling wants to adjust everything to a happy ending.

I do wish cake-tin person had left a recipe that would work well with the tin, but I suppose if I find one, that can be my contribution to the item's future. They're nice cake tins, I think they will be around for a good long time.

Have you ever found anything in a thrifted item you found fascinating?


  1. It makes me wonder what would work well in the tin, if not cake. Jelly/jello? A milk jelly lamb might be pretty.

    1. BUTTER. A solid huge mass of butter. Mega-Butter Lamb.

  2. I think the "Mid Century Menu" blog & her girlfriends did a lamb cake recipe 'trial & error' bake off with her friends a few years back, so you might look for a workable menu there. Lots of problems with heads falling off and frosting avalanches as I recall.

    I bought a US Navy peacoat at St Vincent de Paul's near St Mary's cathedral in SF that had a ancient pack of Zigzags, matchbook from an Italian North Beach SF restaurant, & a parking ticket dated to 1947 & made out to a Mr Aristide Repetto, in perfect condition without a moth hole or cigarette burn or the stench of mothballs. Wore it from 1989 to 2004. Re-thrifted to Forgotten Felines in Sonoma with a hanky sprayed with Laura Biagiatti's Roma, a Mary's Pizza matchbook from Sonoma, and a plastic tiger I got as a Crackerjack toy in the pocket. The legend lives on.

  3. @Mim
    I think a heavier cake like a pound cake will be fine, just not the fluffy stuff in mixes. The thought of a wobbling jelly lamb scares me enough to consider doing it. or pate.

    That is a great story. Sounds like it was a great coat too.

    How did I know you would suggest that? If I were having company for dinner, I would do it-alas, that's a bit too much butter, even for us.

  4. All my cake tins came from the charity shops but no notes I'm afraid!

    Finding those postcards was lovely - I love things with a history attached and of course that's what charity shops offer in spades.

    Two recent finds (i.e. in the last year) have been a white relief pitcher/jug that I managed, through using a brass rubbing technique on the base, to date to 1875. I paid £1.45 for it and I use it as a vase.

    Another find is a plate that is a rectangle shape with the corners cut on the diagonal (I don't what the geometric term is for this shape) it's a souvenir plate from 1906 British Empire Exhibition in London. It has a lovely deep green border with pictures in the middle. I use it to keep the oral hygiene paraphernalia on it: toothbrushes, mouthwash, dental floss etc. I paid £1.00 for it!

  5. @Veronica
    In the US a, "Relief Pitcher" would be someone put into a baseball game to throw the ball after the pitcher started pitching badly ;)

    Yours sounds lovely. So does the exhibition plate. Weren't souvenirs works of art back then?
