
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Sue Made Me Do It!

Look at this riot of colour! You know where I got my inspiration.  You're a good influence on me Sue!
Born Comfort shoes that are not comfortable. At all. Unless it is supposed to be Born as in labour pain, which wouldn't hurt near as bad as wearing these blasted shoes. I'm not even going to re-donate them. 

I have three bags like this-one red, one black and this blue. I know they're all so similar it is absurd to keep buying them, but I can't help it. There's something about these plastic beaded bags that remind me of my youth, and they're typically so inexpensive it would be silly to leave them. I'm always happy when I can find an occasion to use them as it makes my purchases feel less frivolous. 

Outfit Particulars:
Square dancing frock-Thrift World
Cotton embellished Mexican cardigan-Thrift World
Beaded bag-Hand-Me-Ups
Hair flowers-Tiff and Tam
Belt-K Mart, years and years ago
Earrings-The Mexican Shop, Evanston, Illinois
Vintage necklaces-both Hand-Me-Ups
Bangles-All over
Born shoes-Goodwill
Fragrance-Galanos (I really AM reliving the 80's) 

I tried catching another sunbeam today from the window, but as I suspected, the camera wouldn't play again. I did get a ridiculous pose, so here you are. I feel like a cross between a wizard and a Balinese dancer...without mastering either. A wizard could get the sunbeam magic back. 

So that was the flash of colour, to break-up all the duller clothes in my winter wardrobe. I'm on a higher dose of steroid medication than I'm used to and it has really blown-up my face. I don't care, but I don't want to frighten anyone with these photos. It will go back down again...eventually. My hand is healing, and that's really what's important. Anyway, back to the beige. 

I bought this mohair/angora combo coat earlier in the year but it never seemed like the right time to wear it. Today's 50+ mph winds made up my mind. It wasn't that cold out, but the wind made it feel terrible. I've alos been waiting for an occasion to wear this mink pillbox hat, so with spring on the horizon (hopefully) it seemed like now or next year. I'm more of a, "Now" person, whenever possible. 

Outfit Particulars:
Top-K Mart
J.H. Collectibles jacket-Goodwill
Flower-Tiff and Tam
Vintage shell earrings-New Life Thrift
Vintage Necklaces-Both Hand-Me-Ups
1970's wool skirt (part of a suit) Goodwill
Liz Claiborne belt-Goodwill
Box bag-Hand-Me-Ups
Mink hat-Hand-Me-Ups
Tights-DKNY years ago
Vintage Naturalizer shoes-Thrift World
Lippy-Revlon Jungle Peach (a 60's shade reissue)
Fragrance-Vintage formulation Diorissimo (I'm on a lily of the valley kick at present)

I made a quick stop at two of my favourite thrift stores this weekend, and both yielded some treasures. I wasn't particularly in the mood, but the boys wanted to look for movies and books, and being out and about does me a world of good when I'm feeling awful, so I went. The lizard skin box bag, and the silk and wool wide-leg trousers were good scores, but the huge California Ware platter with affixed bowl was the prize of the weekend. I also found some California ware mugs, so it was a very successful trip. Now, I need a better bookcase to display the pottery collection before it threatens to take over my life. I do use the pieces, and I just love the look of them. California pottery hasn't become too collectible yet, and you can still find pieces easily if you're looking for something interesting to collect. I can't promise it will ever become valuable, but most of the potteries are now defunct, and I've noticed pieces being made in that style coming from China. If you've been on the fence about it, I do think this is a good time to start acquiring pieces. I'll try to put together a post devoted to the potteries, and show some of my collection (but there's a LOT of it, so probably not soon),

I hope you have a lovely week. If my finger/hand lets me, I'm going to plant a border of gladiolas around the garden this week. That little wire fence was driving me mad. 


  1. Are you certain it was Sue who...? Isn't there a possibility that you're channeling a Ukranian ancestress with a sense of style?

    Love the legs on the beige ensemble! And the pink flower sings of spring!

    Will be gone for a while. Actually, the computer is going to be gone for about a week. Hope it heals as quickly as the finger.

  2. I like you're "50's American Turista" ensemble, the square dancing dress gives it a bit Minnie Pearl- esque air and reminds me of the Sears Roebuck Priscilla curtains from my bedroom as a child.
    How swish and swank that peach and tan out fit is, love the mohair coat!
    I wonder who thought up combining lizard skin and tapestry on that divine square bag?

  3. @Beth
    Nah, I've seen the family photos. My great grandmother was a severe looking woman that would have made the broad in the American Gothic painting look like Sophia Loren!

    Hope your computer gets a shiny new whatever and is back to peak performance soon.

    I have a weakness for Mexican tourist jackets, dresses, and purses-always have. There's a place in the Mexican neighbourhood that sells all this incredible pottery-I've forbidden myself going over there! I'd either end up spending a fortune or getting a job, and at the moment both of those situations would be impractical.

    Oh, not THIS bag-I meant the one I bought this weekend. This one is some sort of plastic canvas needlepointed with yarn, and held together with plywood. I should have been clearer. It has a Gaymode label (this one) which tells me it is vintage Penny's.

  4. Love the colourful Sue-inspired outfit, that bright blue is glorious. And I'm a sucker for those beaded bags too.
    You know, I'm not the biggest fan of beige, but your tan and pink outfit is so elegant, I think you might have converted me. It's very Jackie Kennedy, all ladylike and expensive (even if those aren't the words you'd usually think of to describe yourself!)
    Of to find out what you've done to your hand now... xxx

  5. Love those brown and white shoes, and I am very intrigued to hear about the California Ware. You do collect interesting things. We're starting to see a small resurgence in things made in Britain over here, including in the potteries, so perhaps it will happen in the US too.

    I have added Sue to my ever-growing blog roll...

  6. You are absolutely slaying that first outfit, Sue will be prod of you!! I love a bit of tourist wear.
    I've got far too many of those beaded bags, definitely a throw back from my childhood. Every so often i have a massive clear out and sell them then start collecting all over again. xxx

  7. @Curtise
    "Whadah ya mean I ain't a laidy?"
    I'm glad I'm not alone in my love for those beaded bags-they're just so fun.

    I just know you and Sue are going to get on famously. She's great, and so are you!

    You could argue that since they are all slightly different, and in other colours they aren't actually the *same* bag, and that's why you need all of them. That's MY argument anyway!

  8. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!! A colour explosion of the very best kind, and you looked fabulous!!! I am so behind in bloggering so playing catch up, smack me!

  9. @Sue
    You inspire the fabulous in everyone you meet!

  10. What lovely outfits! The first one so colourful - brilliant cardigan and bag! It's weird the shoes are so uncomfortable they look the exact opposite.

    I love the second outfit too; lovely muted, almost ice cream, colours and the shoes and bag are a perfect match. You look very stylish and beautifully turned out.

    Glad you got some lovely finds in the charity shops. I'll have to look up California ware - I've never heard of it until your blog!


