
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Cool and Composed...Like a Salad

We don't go wild with tossed  salads around here. Once in a while when the potatoes and green beans are nice at the same time, I make a composed salad. Aldi had yellowfin tuna in olive oil for a buck, so that was the fish. The boys enjoyed it, being something different and cool on a warm evening. Obviously, you don't need a recipe so I will instead offer you my method of making hard boiled eggs, and the dressing.

To hard boil eggs:

Place eggs in a heavy-bottomed pan with water to cover by a few inches. Add 1 teaspoon white vinegar, and a pinch of salt. The vinegar helps if the eggs crack to prevent them pouring out into the pan. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat, cover and let sit 18 minutes. Transfer to a bowl of ice water and let cool completely before peeling.

For the dressing:
4 tablespoons good quality olive oil
3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
1 large clove garlic
3 peeled shallots
a generous pinch of dried tarragon
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon sugar
A generous grind of black pepper

Puree in a blender or food processor. You can double the recipe easily.

The maple tree behind the house has started to bud. This is very early. As always, Danny welcomed the first burst buds on the tree with an asthma attack. We'll be keeping the windows closed for the next few weeks until it is through shooting pollen all over. It is a beautiful tree, but oh how I dread the first few weeks after it decides to wake up in the spring.

I've been decorating for Easter. Not sure where to put these felted eggs. They'd work well to stuff a bullet bra. 

Who me? Vulgar?

I met with the rheumatologist Thursday. I''m old enough to be his mum. This point was driven home when I was sent off to the lab for blood work and I asked, "Don't I need a form to bring over?" There was a pause before a smile broke across his face and he gently told me, "No, we can send it over by computer." 
Right, because it is 2016. Duh. 

The lab was interesting-almost luxurious. I have no idea if it was due to the West Omaha (read: posh) location, or if the downtown offices are just as nice but if they hadn't been drawing nine vials of blood from me, it could have been mistaken for a spa. Yeah, that's not a typo-nine. And that's not even a complete workup, that's just the various antibodies and crap they look for with my particular issues. It will take a bit for some of the results they can't do there, but I don't expect to hear anything I don't already know. Left with prescriptions for the same medications I've used before, and hopefully I'll get over this hurdle and get back to ignoring my illness and pretending nothing's wrong "normal".

This moth brooch rarely gets worn, and I'm not sure why as it goes with just about everything.

Outfit Particulars:
1980's skirt (has a matching top) New Life Thrift
1990's twin set-Sears
Beads-Thrift Store in Seward, NE
Vintage Ntauralizer shoes-Thrift World
Vintage Kadin handbag-Goodwill
60's Clip earrings-Hand-Me-Ups
Wood bangles/ Cinnabar bangle-Hand-Me-Ups
Large red Made in Japan bangle-Imaginarium
Moth brooch-Goodwill
Lippy-Revlon 5th Avenue Red

Hope you have a great weekend. 


  1. The spa atmosphere is the done thing in hospitals hereabouts. It seems the kids in charge have just discovered what we old hippies have known for decades: serene surroundings, plants, good music, and non-aggressive direction of visitors does lower the blood pressure and encourage "compliance." I've friends who are resuming post-retirement careers as masseuse and aesthetician serving ladies in re-hab.

    Meanwhile, you're looking good while not feeling well. The caramel and tangerine combo is delicious! Had I encountered you at the lab wearing these pieces of jewelry, I'd probably have edged closer for a friendly word and a closer look.

    Pollen allergies, like ants on the kitchen counter, are an unwelcome signal that spring is nigh. Noticed that the local hippie shoppes are again displaying their homeopathic remedies. Have you or Danny ever experimented with them?

  2. Now I want salade Nicoise. And a moth brooch.

  3. Gosh - that salad looks fabulous!

    Warm evenings... it will be a while yet for us, but oh I am so looking forward to them!

    A very chic outfit - I love twin sets.The skirt colour and twin set go so well together. The brooch is brilliant, you should wear it more often; it's lovely and I love your handbag, too.

    Your trip to the lab for nine vials of blood sounds like something from a vampire movie! I hope they can sort your health problems out and if it's any consolation; you look very well.

    Asthma attacks are horrible and frightening; I hope the maple tree and other budding culprits do their thing as speedily as possible for Danny's sake.

    By the way, I think you're right about the robins - I've seen fledglings over the years!



  4. @Beth
    I did see something posted about massage-for all the dough the hospitals charge it seems only right that they start making the experience nicer.

    Yep, the ants are out here too. Terro makes rather effective baits, if you haven't tried them yet.

    I have to stay away from natural remedies for Danny because his allergies are so intense it would be risky to use anything herbal-he can't even have chamomile tea. He's been going for his allergy injections but that takes a long time to start working. Have you had any success with natural remedies?

    You can probably get better produce in California than I can here for a salad. I envy the bounty of California.

    I find myself wishing the tree would get some sort of blight and need to be removed!

    I'm sure it will all get sorted eventually. It is really my own fault-I've been neglecting my condition and eventually it caught up with me. I'd like to say I learned a lesson, but as soon as this episode is over I'll likely go back to ignoring it until the next time I have a serious flare. I am the world's worst patient.

  5. A maternal great-grandmother was supposed to have been a "weed woman"; however, only a few fragments of family history about her activities have survived. During the Great Depression this good lady treated illness in rural southern Indiana using elderberries, peppers, comfrey, mint, sage and an assortment of tinctures and wines. An elderly doctor told me he believed she was well-educated for her era and was probably using a WWI Army Field Medic guide and a standard pharmacopeia.

    Elderberry wine or syrup does seem effective against flu and cold. I myself have made teas from sage and mint that I used as sore throat remedies. An aunt tried dried mullein teas as a relief against what might have been sinusitis or asthma. Crushed comfrey is still used locally on wounds -- the doctor says it contains B12 and healing goodies. He suspected GGma was experimenting with capsicums to cauterize cancerous lesions, and found that especially interesting because it meant she might have been in correspondence with a medical man who was an oncologist.

    My time working in a health food shoppe was decades ago; however, I'd still recommend trying the elderberry syrup or wine if you're comfortable with the source. (The stuff is popular with home brewers.) Wouldn't both with sage tea unless I did grow it myself, and I no longer trust red clover or rose hip teas, period. Too many fields are sprayed with who knows what.

    Homeopathic remedies, like the Bach Flower remedies, fascinate me because they do work for some people with certain symptoms. HM the Queen favors them, and she and her husband seem to be thriving..

  6. Never seen the likes of those felted eggs ... The moth brooch is a first too. Hope you get back to whatever you count as "normal" soon. Xxx

  7. Did you feel weak after they had sucked out all that blood? Sure hope you do feel more like yourself, it sucks when you don't. Those felted eggs are fabulous, I am surprised there wasn't a photo with them tucked into your bra. As kids we used to apples on our chests to make us look like we had huge boobs - I would so go back to flat, boobs can get in the way!!

  8. @Beth
    I grow sage-maybe I'll give it a try (on myself first, of course. I'm reluctant to go that route with Danny). It IS fascinating though.

    @Polyester Princess
    The eggs were purchased last year at a garden centre. They're stretched over a cardboard form, so not soft all the way through. Thank you for the well wishes.

    I did! Mr. ETB was with me, and he had to drive home.
    We stuffed our bras with tissues, which led to some embarrassingly mis-shapen boobs.

  9. Nine vials of blood? That must mean a whole lot of tests. Hopefully they'll be able to sort out your health problems after that lot.

  10. That moth brooch is a winner. Yes yes. Bring it out more often. I'm constantly having gallons of blood drained out of my bod, too. It's a drag but it is what it is. I'm trying to replenish my supply with borscht.

  11. @Mim

    They have you sign up for this on-line site where you can see the test results arrive in real time, and look them over before your appointment. I'm an anthropologist, not an MD and I sort of feel the same way about this as I do the self-checkout lane at the supermarket-that's not MY job. Anyway, from the few tests that have arrived so far I've been able to see that I have some inflammation going on. As the kids would say, "No shit, Sherlock."

    I guess I should be pleased that there isn't anything I didn't already know about.

    "I Bleed Borscht" would be a great bumper sticker.
