
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Spotty Weather

We went from 90 degrees F. and sunny, to dark skies and tornado watches in the space of an hour. We're still under the watch all evening, but so far everything has been calm, if a bit dark. This has been the strangest spring I can remember. I expect a bit of up and down through April and May, but this has been abnormally cold, and when it does rain, we get enough for flooding. If I believed in Divine retribution, I'd think some deity had it in for Nebraska. 

I'm wearing, "Things I forgot I own." I think the dress made an appearance on the blog once, but the shoes have been languishing in a box since the 90's, and the small handbag was a gift years ago from an elderly neighbour who was happy to have a young person willing to take her old items. She didn't have children, which made finding a good home for her handbags and hats a challenge. She's been gone a very long time now, but I'm glad I am able to remember her each time I reach for one of her pretty handbags. This one doesn't get much wear as it is so very small. 

I like the strap at the back for holding the bag, though it takes a bit of getting used to. 

After wearing the shoes a bit I remembered why they were packed away-my feet slide forward in them. That's easy enough to fix, so later this week I'll stop by the cobbler's shop and have him glue in some inserts at the front. The shoes are otherwise comfortable, and now that I've waited long enough, fashionable again. Win!
Outfit Particulars:
Dress-Can't remember, probably Goodwill
Shoes-Not positive, probably Jordan Marsh when I worked there
Necklace-Bloomingdales, 90's
Earrings-K Mart
Silver bracelets-errrr, maybe Filene's? (I wasn't kidding when I said these items don't get much wear)
Lippy-Elf lipstain in red layered with some cheap gloss (Wet and Wild, I think). Better than expected results. 

I just looked at the forecast for the next week-looks like we're in for rain each day. Perhaps I can do a feature on raincoats and umbrellas. 

That's not that bad of an idea, now that I think about it. 

Hang in there-tomorrow is Friday (and in some places, it already is). 


  1. I LOVE THAT DRESSS! i had a similar one back in my 50's wardrobe I dispersed. All that & Nahema too? Fabulous!
    BBC radio announced that the "Monsoon is eminent in South Asia" so I'll be stringing clothesline about the inside of my house to dry laundry til September.
    I find lipstains to be drying, how's that ELF working for you? Best drugstore lip gloss = L'oreal Infallibles.

  2. Well you know I will give this outfit the big thumbs up, SPOTS!!!! Those shoes are really nice, and I do hope you do get the inserts in so you can keep wearing them. We are having a lot of rain down here at the moment, and quite frankly, I am over it already. Have a good weekend when it arrives, maybe in your garden.

  3. Looking gorgeous, Goody. That dress fits you wonderfully.
    That bag is beautiful, I've got one with a similar strap I think was my Great-Aunt's. You're right, the method of holding it takes some getting used to. How lovely to remember your neighbour each time you wear it. I suppose I'll have to start giving away some of my stash at some point, too.
    Filene's? I visited Filene's Basement when I went to Boston in 2002, is it part of the same shop? xxx

  4. SPOTS! Well, of course, they are one of the few non-high calorie sources of energy and so we love them! The bag's edging is exquisite, but that bag's odd strap placement puzzles me: what is the advantage? Did one slip onto one's belt?

  5. Adore your dress,sandals and bag.

  6. Spring has been up and down here as well. You are looking gorgeous in that polka dot dress. I'm not sure how you could have forgotten about it. It's beautiful, and so is that handbag. I've got quite a few pairs of shoes packed away as well, espcially summer shoes which give me blisters when wearing them on bare feet. Somehow, I tend to forget about those during winter and end up having to limp home from work. xxx

  7. Ooooh - a spotty dress! Lovely! Why do we love spotty clothes so much? I can't pass by a spotty item on the rails if my life depended on it.

    The dress is lovely; you look so elegant and it fits you perfectly. The little bag is beautiful and I love the turquoise clasp; what a brilliant touch. Love the shoes, too. I hate it when shoes make you slide forward in them, but you have the solution, you clever thing!

    It has certainly been weird here, too, but it seems to have settled into a pattern of cold in the morning but sunny and warm in the evening...

    Have a great week, Goody.


  8. Also meant to say what a brilliant colour the lipstain is - the perfect red!


  9. @Bibi
    I hope the monsoon arrives soon. I've been reading about the insane temperatures in your part of the world and wondering how you can stand it.

    I like the elf stain (eeeeewwww, "elf stain" sounds bad) but you're right, they are drying. Years ago, Loreal had one in a bottle that was liquid you brushed on like nail varnish. It took longer to set, but it worked so much better than the pens. I really wish they'd bring it back.

    You have the best spotty dresses of anyone I know. Hope the rain stops soon (at least you guys don't get don't have to shovel rain ;)

    Filene's basement originally was in the basement of the department store where they sent the discounted items that didn't sell in the store upstairs. Later, the company sold off the trademarked name, and they opened several locations. Filene's was eventually sold off to Macy's-I have no idea what happened to the basement chain as I moved from Boston in 2001. If you visit the store at Downtown Crossing in Boston (there's a subway stop beneath it) that was the original landmark store where the items upstairs eventually landed in the basement on sale. I worked at both Filene's (Upstairs) and another defunct department store, Jordan Marsh.

    I once went to a dress sale in the basement and someone in the communal dressing room walked off with the dress I wore there! Luckily, I found it in a pile of discarded try-ons. I guess the person that snagged it from the floor didn't like it.That place during a sale was chaos on a scale I've not experienced since.

    The strap is meant to be held so that you are almost holding your bag like a shield before you. Perhaps I ought to get a sword to go with it.

    Thank you.

    Isn't it amazing how we can forget all the suffering shoes inflict on our feet?

    Spots (or as we say in the US, "Polka Dots" are just fun, aren't they? I can't say I get excited by stripes, but I do love a spotted fabric.

    I use the lipstain like a lining pencil-it helps set whatever colour I use on top. Sometimes I go for a crayon or gloss, but it wears better than if I used a lip liner crayon.

    I don't know about you, but I can't wear a red with much blue in it-my skin looks sickly and my teeth look grey. Most of the time I cheat and wear coral shades because they go well with red and are easier.
