
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Stray Vintage

I'm rather specific about the items I purchase for my collection, but sometimes I find things that are just too good to leave. That's generally okay if I can wear the item, but what to do with a vintage crepe Eisenberg suit? It was too cheap to pass by, so I brought it home and it will get packed away as a lovely piece that doesn't quite fit with the overall goal of my collection. Suits happen.

The mustard yellow photo is closest to the colour in person. Ignore the messy bookcases and jug of vinegar on the floor (I get through a lot of vinegar between cleaning and canning). 

This vintage Glentex faux fur jacket purred from a bargain rack at the thrift store. $1.99 later, I was the proud owner of an early 60's jacket I can't wear (I can barely get one arm in it). 

The size would best suit a child. Unfortunately, I don't know many children willing to wear a leopard print jacket (except for my son, but that was part of his Little Edie costume). Into the collection it goes waiting for one of my friends to have a child (or grandchild) that can wear it.

The last thing I need is a wool 80's dress. Something made me look at it closer. The trim was so perfectly applied, and the overall tailoring seemed to be of good quality. The dress is heavy, and the pattern matches up in the back over the zipper. A quick look at the label, and I knew I had to buy this Bill Blass dress for the grand sum of .49 cents! I didn't want it, but it would be madness not to. I might wear this one, if I ever find myself needing to look like Nancy Reagan. It is a flattering dress, and well made, but not the sort of thing I would actively seek out.

Finally, where was this magnificent coat in the 80's when I was going to the Limelight Club? I have no obvious use for it today, so it gets used as a sort of over-the-top pool cover-up. I figure it can serve dual duty as a sun reflector enhancing my tanning potential. Perhaps I should just use it as a blanket.

I live in a good part of the US for vintage, as it isn't as highly valued as it is in other places. There are some vintage shops, but they tend to be affordable, and there aren't so many dealers that the good stuff gets snapped up at the thrifts. A few of the thrift stores have started selling from a dedicated vintage section-but they don't do well as the prices are absurd for the condition of the items. To get Etsy prices, you have to clean and repair the items. Eventually it all ends up on the sale rack where it belongs. I tend to favour the 70's, which hasn't really caught the attention of locals yet. Still, when you find a 40's suit there's little point leaving it behind. Eventually I will need to sell some of the pieces that aren't interesting to me, or I will run out of room. I've been selective with my purchases, but you know how that goes.

Do you bring home strays?


  1. I've never really had a collection with overall goals so I can't really say. These hidden treasures are what thrifting is really all about isn't it? Worse comes to worse you can always clean and or mend your bargains and sell them on regrEtsy to further finance your collection, right? i've never bought anything on regrEtsy or fleaBay, perhaps that needs to change on my next visit to the US?
    Who doesn't need a gold lame coat ? That Bill Blass dress is stunning! Love the leopard jacket & Eisenberg suit too.

  2. There are some great sellers on both sites, particularly for perfume. I don't buy much clothing online as I like a bargain and don't mind thrifting for it. I do like the online vintage seller 1860-1960 who also has an ebay auction site. She knows her stuff, and though not a bargain, if you're looking for quality and an honest seller, that's where I'd shop.

    But really, ebay and etsy for perfume are great. Next time you come to the US, I'll email you a list of sellers that are trustworthy.

  3. The Black Country sounds very similar to your area, nobody gets vintage which is fab for finding stuff but very frustrating to have to travel to the other end of the country to sell it!
    I don't have any goals. I keep what I love and buy stock that is colourful, in good nick and that I can imagine people looking amazing wearing it. The lame jacket would definitely have got snapped up as would that beauty of a leopard coat. We've got a big community of Romany Gypsies who love dressing their little girls up in fake fur and frills.
    Shortened with red opaques and ankle boots that Bill Blass dress could look fab. xxx

  4. I don't bring home clothing that doesn't fit, no matter how good it is - I'm very good at going straight to my size. I'm terrible for bringing home pottery, though. If I ever win the lottery and buy a big house, i'm going to have a crockery pantry!

    You make amazing finds. I'm always in awe of what you are able to get.

  5. I do bring home occasional clothing strays that I just can't leave behind but I do tend to sell them or pass them on to people they might fit.

    It's other things like crockery or bags or brooches I just don't have room for and yet I still keep buying them!

  6. I can relate to this! When my favourite vintage shop is having one of its crazy sales, I can't resist bringing home unsuitable items either. Somehow, I always think I will do something with them, but no! The result is that I've got a few boxes full of lovely but useless-to-me things. I love messy bookcases by the way, but cannot abide the smell of vinegar. xxx

  7. I love the space blanket coat and the Bill Blass dress is fabulous. It wouldn't suit me - it would make me look square shaped, which I am, but I couldn't have passed either of these by, either!

    If I do see something fabulous, or something cheap and it's not my size, I try to think of who might like it, and if I come up with someone who would like it, I buy it and give it to them. I bought a beautiful green 1980s Laura Ashley dress for £1.00, not my size, and I offered it on my blog. Someone wanted it!

    0ne of my cousins in Ireland is tiny (UK size 8) and loves vintage, lace, velvet and sparkle or bling. If I see something in her size I buy it for her and take it with me.


  8. Oh sweet lord yes I can utterly relate to this terrible dilemma ha! My 13yo female spawn is the receiver of such extremely important historic sartorial items when they don't fit me, which is increasingly becoming the case. Recently I bought an 80s blue taffeta strapless cocktail dress with matching bolero jacket and an 80s Laura Ashley olive taffeta flouncy skirt. She turned her nose up at them but I know in my heart I did the right thing. Seeing this post, I should probs do a post too right? Keep up the good and righteous work Goody! xoxoxooxo

  9. Well done, curator of clothing that should be saved until... Who knows, perhaps Danny's daughter will be thrilled to slip into the vintage treasures tucked away in your cedar chest. There are young ladies in our family who are enchanted by their great-great grandmama's hat notions and bits of lace.

  10. @Vix
    I could never sell vintage at home either. You do get to visit some great places though (I love your posts about the different places you've participated in sales. I'm no festival goer, but you *almost* make me feel I've been there.

    Crockery is useful (as I keep insisting when I bring home yet another piece). Someday perhaps you can show us some of yours in a post. I'd love to see what you have.

    @Miss Magpie
    Brooches are hard to resist!

    After seeing what vintage Laura Ashley sells for online, I'd snap it up too. I'm glad you were able to find a home for it-I'm sure it was a delightful surprise to have something so sought-after.

    I missed you!
    Yes, blog! Seeing your smiling face on my comment form made my entire day...WEEK!

    You know, I've already started saving nice antique lace tablecloths, hand towels, doilies, etc. I *hope* he marries (because he's not spending the rest of his life living here) otherwise I'm going to have quite a supply of Belgian lace. I figured in this era of young marrieds to be going to register at Target for dish drainers and appliances, someone ought to be setting aside some nice things. I've got the "Good China" and silver covered too. Vintage clothes would just be the icing on the cake (or they will hate that sort of thing and dump it all on ebay or whatever exists in the future).
