
Friday, July 15, 2016

A Favourite Handbag

*Note-I have no idea why all the photos look elongated, but eh, whatever-I like Modigliani. You'd think all that elongation would make me look thinner, but alas, no. 
Army green really isn't my colour, so I guess I'd better forget enlisting (can't march worth shit or follow orders either) until they come up with snazzier uniforms (I could do alright in the Navy, so long as I never had to leave land).  

The outfit is unimportant though, compared to this beautiful Lady Jade Designs of Montana handbag. The photo doesn't show it well, but the handle is beaded on wire, and the tapestry design is also outlined in seed beads. This isn't a handbag, it is a work of art. The bags sell for hundreds of dollars (understandably) but I was lucky enough to find mine at Goodwill for $3.99 I rarely use it as I'm terrified of damaging it. When the rain started today, I ran as fast as I could, not to keep myself dry, but to protect my precious bag! Frankly, I had no idea I could still run that fast-guess all it took was the right motivation. 

Even the bottom of the bag is beautiful. 
 The plastic owls on my door are one of several in my collection that we rotate through the year. They were made in the 70's by an American company called, Homeco. My sense is that they sold at women's parties, sort of like Tupperware, or Avon. We have lions, a raccoon, more owls, and a swan. They're great for perking-up out front door between holidays when there's nothing special to decorate.
Outfit Particulars:
Coldwater Creek embroidered and sequined skirt (and fully-lined!)-Goodwill
Banana Republic sleeveless blouse-Hand-Me-Ups
Cardigan-New Life Thrift
Platform shoes-Goodwill
Cluster Pins-Hand-Me-Ups
1960's beaded clip earrings-Thrift World
Lady Jade purse-Goodwill
Belt-Can't remember, had it about a dozen years
Whiting and Davis vintage panel bracelet-Goodwill
Other bracelet-Goodwill
Lippy-Estee Lauder Maplesugar
Fragrance-Creed Spring Flower (Oh dear God in heaven this is the stinkiest thing I've ever worn. It smells like bathroom deodouriser...and the piss and shit it is trying to disguise! I try to give new perfumes an honest chance, but it took EVERYTHING to keep from scrubbing it off. Mercifully, the longevity is short. pretty bottle though. I've got two letters to sum this one up...P&U!)
No, I haven't shat myself. This is expensive perfume. People pay good money to smell this way. Usually, I can't smell jasmine but unfortunately, this had to be the exception. 

I hope you have a better smelling start to your weekend than I am!


  1. That is a gorgeous bag - and what a fabulous find!

    I disagree, I think that shade of green does suit you;its a lovely skirt and like the top too. A brilliant outfit - so summery. Those pins are so sweet.

    I love Modigliani too - but I couldn't see any elongation in the photos.

    Today on the Schpock app on my phone I saw some Bijan perfume sets for sale for £35.00. Thanks to your recent review I knew what Bijan was, and to a certain extent what it smelled like!

    Have a great week


  2. You look quite fetching indeed, in green. It brings out your lovely rosy skintone.

    My gawd!! That bag is GORGEOUS!! I chuckled at your comment about running fast to protect the bag. Hee, hee, more personal trainers and fitness instructors should motivate people using that technique.

    Hmmmm, now I'm thinking of my favorite handbags....I feel another handbag post coming on.

    It looks like you're enjoying decent, sunny weather. I hope it lasts!!

    happy thrifting ;)

  3. I don't know what happened to Creed's Spring Flower. I owned a bottle when it first came out in the 90's & it smelled divine. A lovely juicy peach/apple rose that faded to an exquisite ambergris, jasmine, and musk base. i bought a bottle the last time I was in the US & my reaction was the same as yours. Good thing I had bought SF at Sak's so I could return it. I chanced upon Estee Lauders' pricey Tuberose Gardenia Private Collection in Delhi at an EL boutique in a swanky mall-HORRID- I did not get tuberose nor gardenia out of it just a ketone mess. I did get some lovely Madurai Jasmine cologne in Delh though!

    I recall going to my best friend's Homeco party in high school which featured all manner of sconces & kitschy wall stuff I was not interested in. She also had the crappy lingerie & overpriced Pampered Chef crappy home parties too. I think she still sells scAmway. (We both wore Babe by Faberge in HS, I miss Babe, my friend, not so much.)

    I think you look lovely in that autumnal green! That skirt is gorgeous!

  4. The army green at least is a useful background for that gorgeous handbag! I'm loving the brooches and the sleeveless blouse too. xxx

  5. The green is a flattering background for the *pops* of red in the blouse, and in that fabulously beaded bag!

    "Sweet stench of decay"...that's a phrase a floral perfume hating gentleman of my acquaintance would use to describe Creed. He loathes any scent that reminds him of mortuaries!

  6. Ew to the Creed. And Creed isn't cheap; it's a brand I've never even tried, because it's so pricy that I daren't fall in love with any of it.

    That is an excellent bag.

  7. That Creed should have been up my alley, given that I tend to love straight-up florals. This one, not-so-much. I threw the sample away (and I can count on one hand the time I've done that!).

  8. @Veronica

    I'll be interested to see what you think of Bijan. It can be a bit much in warm weather, but I do love it. Hope it works out for you.

    @Thrifty Parka
    We really should start a gym ;)

    There have been rumours of Babe being reissued-I haven't checked lately, but I think it was expected some time this year.

    I always wondered who sold Amway and the like.

    I have a mutual admiration of your brooches. They're so easy to collect, aren't they?

    I can't take being in the same room with lilies or paperwhites as they make me think of funeral homes. Strangely though, aldehydes don't! Go figure.

    There are a few Creed fragrances worth the money, but there are so many close dupes of the big fragrances that it hardly pays to buy Green Irish Tweed when Cool Water is close enough (and much, much cheaper).

    When I walk through department stores I make a point of trying the most expensive thing they have on the counter-just because.

    @Mals 86
    Some things are so awful you'd feel bad trying to give away the sample.
