
Saturday, September 24, 2016

Autumn Hues

Picture Heavy Post warning.

 We're having a brief return to summer with heat and humidity better suited to July, but I know too well that it won't last but a few days. The evenings have been cool, which makes sleeping pleasant. I do enjoy this time of year, still having opportunities to wear lightweight items as well as the woolens. Layering is definitely a good strategy.
 The jacket lasted about five minutes outside, but went back on as soon as I stepped indoors. This is my, "Don't fuck with me" pose, also known as the, "Clean up your shit, or it is going in the bin" pose. Depends on the circumstances.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you because my ears are already full of excuses. Try again later."
Outfit Particulars:
Dress-God knows. It is so old I forgot when I bought it. 
Kate Spade bag-Goodwill
Sara Coventry earrings-Garage sale
Brooch (on dress)-Hand-Me-Ups
Lippy-Wine With Everything (More like, "Whine" around here lately)
Fragrance-Vintage formulation Cabochard

Tuesday brought a bit of paisley x 2 with the addition of a scarf. 
Not that I required a wool scarf, but hey, matching! I don't judge how you get your thrills, okay?

Well, maybe I do...a little.
 These beautiful vintage clip earrings were .25 cents at the Sarpy County Museum Garage Sale.
 Outfit Particulars:

Vintage Willi of California Dress-Goodwill
Vintage wool scarf-Hand-Me-Ups
Brooch-Yard Sale
Clamper bracelet-gift years ago
Other bracelet-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage earrings-Sarpy County Museum sale
Vintage handbag-Goodwill
Oh look, another brown handbag. I'm consistent, if nothing else.

The vanity in the powder room is much higher than the upstairs. I didn't have any trouble getting my leg up, but down was another story! 

Thursday was, "Dress like your Nana Day" so I dug out this frumpy spotty dress and a checked vintage Handmacher jacket. It wasn't really "Dress Like Your Nana Day", but had it been, 
I was ready with appropriate attire. I miss Clara more and more as I get older. I made a prune plum torte this week and almost cried that I couldn't share it with her. No one loved prune plums like my nan. Anyway, this is exactly the sort of combination she would have worn, though with considerably less pattern mixing. 
Here's a rare photo of both grandmothers sitting together without fighting (at least long enough for the photo). Alice is on the left, Clara on the right. Alice was more fashionable, but Clara was more stylish. I probably dress a bit like both of them on any given day. That's not a bad thing as far as I'm concerned.

The band has yellowed, but the watch itself is in nice condition. I have two identical watches now, so perhaps I'll try replacing the band on one and see how it looks.
I was afraid these Italian made earrings would catch my hair horribly, but to my delight, they didn't.

Outfit Particulars:

Vintage Mario Forte for Handmacher jacket-Hand-Me-Ups
Earrings-Sarpy Museum Garage Sale
Sara Coventry brooch-Sarpy County Museum Yard Sale (.50 cents!)
Mod vintage watch (the centre spins when wound)-Sarpy County sale (I found two!)
Spanish tapestry purse-Salvation Army
Fragrance-Vintage Formulation Samsara (still makes me sneeze. Bummer)

 Finally, I dug out my very favourite autumn skirt for the first wear of the season. In the sun, the coppery colour shows better, but even on a dull day, I still feel like a (recently discontinued flavour) Quality Street. I'm not really a toffee person myself, but I do adore this skirt (Really people, Christmas isn't ruined forever. They've changed the flavours before, the Earth still turns, life goes on).

 Anyone for an absurdly over-priced French handbag? I didn't think so. Mine was NWT at the Goodwill for a fiver. This isn't my typical style of bag, but it was so nicely made, and brown (always a selling point for me) I bought it anyway.
Outfit Particulars:
Vintage jacket (part of a suit)-long gone vintage shop in Brookline, Massachusetts
Shoes- K Mart a few years ago
Vintage polyester crepe blouse-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage belt-Hand-Me-Ups
Bangles-all over
Vintage earrings with seashells and flecks-Sarpy County Museum Sale-.25 cents
Vintage brooch-Mum's
Fragrance-Vintage formulation Opium

Whew, that was a lot of outfits. I apologise for the mega-posts, but life has been so upside-down lately I don't know if I'm coming or going. You could be worse things than busy though, so I'll not complain too much. 

I'm headed to an Alpaca farm tomorrow. I'll be wearing old shoes. 
Hope you're having a splendid weekend.


  1. Dress as your Nana day!! I love it, but you won't catch me dressing like either of my Nanas, I still aren't ready to wear powder blue and beige!! Loving all your outfits, and yes consistent you are my dear. You consistently make me laugh.

  2. The "God knows. It is so old I forgot when I bought it." dress is a traditional Kashmiri print!
    You always look sooo GORGEOUS in those Autumnal colors! I look all sallow & sickly in them.
    Lovong those gold pumps, talk about sassy, brassy & sophisticated!
    Those metallic high heel sandals look divine too.
    Your nans look sweet.
    Is that Maroussia the Russian civet bomb of which I've heard?

  3. So many fabulous looks! Where to start? Paisley - my all time favourite pattern in any colour; you look wonderful in yours. Absolutely amazing jewellery and didn't you do well at the Sarpy County Museum sale?

    I think your 'dress like my nana' outfit was spectacular. You look so smart and elegant and what a beautiful brooch.

    I loved the NWT brown bag, the wonderful skirt in the last photo and those fabulous beige suede shoes....

    It's good to be busy but it's also nice to have some downtime too - hope you're getting some downtime as well.

    Have a great week


  4. The old Kashmiri print dress is such a great cut! So flattering - I love when a dress shows ones shape properly, without allowing any bits to fall out! As always, your outfits all are most enjoyable, love those gold wedge sandals!

  5. Paisley *love*. I can't decide which I like better, the first dress or the second.

    It must be bittersweet that the torte reminded you of your nanna. I have a set of pyrex dishes in a hideously 1990s pattern that mine gave me, and I think of her every time I use them. I guess the memories mean they're still with us, in a way.

  6. I'm loving your autumnal looks! I'm quite a fan of autumn hues myself. The second paisley dress is my favourite and I wouldn't mind having the brooch in my collection. That watch! It's just awesome. Your last outfit, with the coppery skirt, is very chic. I'm loving the colour combination and how you styled it. Just perfect. xxx

  7. The paisley combo is truly a seasonal delight: "matching fall colors" as when leaves raked in a pile blend so beautifully one simply stands and stares in awe.

    And those magical shoes! Those and the chic suedes with strings are splendid indeed!

    Please add those coppery clip earrings to the list of mementoes I hope you'll leave me in The Will.

  8. @Sue
    Yeah, I don't see you doing powder blue and beige any time soon (thank goodness)!

    The original Maroussa in the red bottle is heavy on the civet (Danny had to flee the room once he caught a whiff of it)but it isn't nearly as bad as vintage Jicky. I rather like it, and the overall composition does have a cohesiveness that keeps it from being, "Civet with some more civet." It isn't nearly exotic as the branding (and beautiful bottle) make it seem. I find it perfectly wearable in cooler weather (I wouldn't try it during your monsoon).

    I'm not getting any downtime. Can I come run away to your place?
    I think keeping busy probably saves me from paying too much attention to the madness going on around me.I'll be glad when the election is over-it really is bringing out the worst in people.

    Most of the time I wear a blouse beneath the dress, but I got too big for that to work. I did pin the neckline a bit so I didn't give anyone an eyeful of middle-aged boobs.

    I'm aware of getting older now, and because my mum died so young, the only role models I have for ageing are my grandmothers (Clara lived to 103, Alice was in her mid-90's).

    I never could wear pastels, so I suppose I go a *bit* overboard buying Autumn clothes.

    I must be honest-those shoes are all murder on my feet. If I'm going to do any amount of walking, I keep a pair of flats in the car for a change. My days of running to catch a bus in heels are long gone.

  9. Paisley, metallics and Grandmas, three things I absolutely love! Those grey shoes are fabulous and even though i dodn't wear watches I love that Mod one so much.
    I live in my Grandma's house so think of her every day. I swear that, unlike her, I wasn't interested in sewing until I bought the house and moved in - I'm possessed by her spirit. xxx

  10. @Vix
    If you stare at the watch too long it gives you a head-rush!
