
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Distraction-Oooh, Lookit the Vintage!

I built today's outfit entirely around the blouse I wished to wear. 

There is a matching skirt, but it is a rather formal, crystal pleated, maxi and I didn't really feel like sweeping the streets of Omaha with my dragging hem today. I was surprised how well the peach colour goes with brown. I found the blouse and skirt on a rail of Halloween costumes at the thrift store. 1970's formals are Halloween costumes now? Who could you possibly be dressed as wearing a ruffled, chiffon maxi? Betty Ford? Anyway, I was happy enough to bring the set home because as I always say, "Everyday is Halloween in my world."

I nearly got rid of this skirt last year, but decided the hem was interesting enough to make up for the clingy cotton sateen. The length is terrible (Who wears a skirt at mid-knee?) though I suspect on a taller woman it might look better. Still, I'm glad I kept it as it goes so well with the drop waist blouse and oversized-sash. here's a bit of a late 20's vibe to the shirt and skirt. The coat is  later (40's? 50's?) but I rather like the way it came together. I grew up thinking you had to match your shades of a single colour exactly, and as you can see the brown skirt and coat are miles off. Today, no one does that but I'll admit to feeling a bit of unease looking at the photos-sort of like the pit in the guts I get when I see white shoes or a handbag after labour day (and yes, I've seen Serial Mom-now there's a character I can identify with!).

Outfit Particulars:
Vintage wool coat-Fairytail Costumes
Blouse (part of a set)-Goodwill
Skirt-Thrift World
Shoes-K Mart
Vintage Corde bag-Hand-Me-Ups
Brooch-Yard sale
Earrings-K Mart
Gold Bangle-Thrift World
Avon brooch (on blouse) Thrift World
Fragrance-Parure (could have done Crepe de Chine, but didn't)

You might have noticed an uptick in the number of posts lately. Largely, I'm posting as a distraction from the ugliness of the news. I fully expect to sink into a funk shortly, so think of all these posts as making up for my absence in advance. Between the vintage clothes and baseball I'm still holding it together. Sort of. 

The Haunted Physics Lab begins tonight!
We go every year, and though it is pretty much the same, we still enjoy playing, "Stump the Graduate Student" with complicated physics questions. And you get to play with lasers so, fuck yeah, Haunted Physics Lab! 

The Lincoln City Library Book Sale begins tomorrow. Unlike the weekly sale at Swanson library, this is a big, annual sale and worth the road trip to Lincoln. 

Finally, the Heartland Philharmonic presents their annual, Children's Hauntcert at UNO on Sunday afternoon at 2:00 pm. This is a shorter version of the concert given earlier this week with the members of the orchestra in costumes. Yes, Danny is too old for it, and yes, we're going anyway. You're never too old for the Hauntcert

While I'm mentioning upcoming events, there's an eclipse in August 2017 that we'll be in a rather special spot for viewing in Nebraska. Admit it-you've been looking for a reason to visit Nebraska but didn't think superb thrift shopping, crane migrations, and hanging out with me were reason enough to book a flight. Well, you've just run out of excuses. You'll want to start planning your visit now. 

I'm off to think up some physics questions. 


  1. Well I am certainly enjoying the uptick in your posts. And the seasonal events you're planning on attending sound like fun.
    you are never too ole for anything Halloween I say!
    That 50's jacket is gorgeous.
    What on earth were those blouses with the yoke and ruffle like that called in the 70's? I recall they became popular when the Little House on the Prairie & Holly Hobby chic was sweeping the US.
    I listen to BBC radio on my iMac. I can't handle the asininity on TV anymore.

  2. I don't know what it was called. If it closed in back, it would be a "Smock Top" but I don't know what the hell this is.

  3. That colour looks wonderful on you an is just the lift brown often callas for. If I was still a jeans wearer it's the kind of blouse I'd wear with skinnies and knee high boots, a proper 70s rocker look.
    Knee length skirts. The kids put them on with clumpy Doc Martens and look absolutely brilliant, I'd look like a grandma. xxx

  4. I don't do floofy blouses, but I've have snapped up this one (and the skirt) for its line and color. The crystal pleated skirt would have been seized as just the thing for jeweled twin-sets worn to suburban restaurants offering cloth napkins.

    The detailing on the coat reminds me of something worn by Joan Crawford in "Mildred Pierce" -- and somewhere in a dim corner of my fashion data bank there's a remark from a senior female relative that such detailing looks good with crepe "when furs are too heavy." Yes, this does sound like one of those what-does-one-wear-afternoon-vs.-evening events conversations women had when they wore hats.

    I, too, appreciate the uptake in postings as I avoid the news. I've been watching lots of cat videos and catching up on Adam The Woo and Justin Scarred vlogging travelogues. What does one wear to a Haunted Physics Lab? Got any SteamPunk?

  5. You Americans do take your Halloween seriously! What a lot of good events in store.

    Goody, that wool coat is so beautiful. I love the detail on the front and it goes so well with peach blouse. I'd love to see you style the maxi skirt; I bet it will look fab!

    Love the extra posts,too.

    Have a great weekend


  6. That blouse is quite something, and yes: Betty Ford springs to mind. I've just bought a peach coloured blouse with a print, and I was actually wondering what colour skirt to combine it with. Well, brown of course! xxx

  7. Haha! I'm checking Hotwire for airline tix now!!

    In the words of Billy Crystal, "You look Mah-velour!".

    Happy Halloween!

  8. @Vix
    I hadn't thought of jeans-I'm going to try that. Now, I just need some fringed knee-length boots...

    *Nods head* I remember (and miss) conversations like that with my great aunties. In the 70's they were still wearing hats and gloves to go to the corner store.

    We do love Halloween. Omaha has a large Mexican population so we get to celebrate Day of the Dead as well.

    Peach also works with beige (if you can stand it), yellow, and pink. I had a bedroom in that colour scheme many years ago.

    @Thrifty Parka
    Can you imagine the fun we'd have hitting the shops? Someday, I'll come visit you (not in winter).

  9. Good lord that coat is gorgeous.

  10. An excellent outfit, I do like the dropped waist and the colour scheme. I actually really like combining different shades of the same colour, I find it pleasing to the eye. Of course the particular shades matter, but these browns are delicious together - like the difference in colour between a chocolate cake and its icing. You're definitely better reading than the news nowadays, thank you for the public service! 😉

  11. Any distraction from the news is welcome right now.

    I can see why the inexact colour matching might make you twitchy, though it looks fine as the coat is so clearly not a part of a set with the skirt. Had it been a jacket, it would be more twitch-inducing.

  12. @Miss Magpie
    Thank you. It has a few tiny moth nibbles, which is why I was able to snag it inexpensively.

    Thank you, hon.
    I like the cake analogy...and now I want to try beige with a deeper brown. Actually, I think I just want cake!

    I feel like I'm enjoying the last few days of normality before all hell breaks loose. I really hope I'm wrong.
