
Monday, October 17, 2016

Dress Like a 1970's School Administrator Day

Fine, it isn't an official holiday...yet.

 We had an assistant principal that dressed like this, every single day. Hot weather or cool, rain or shine, it was a wool skirt and polo neck in varying neutral shades for each day of the workweek. Sometimes she'd get wild and wear a yellow polo neck with a beige jacket to match her beige-blonde hair...but not too often as that was reserved for last day before half-term break, and field day.
 Punk was in full-swing at that point, and where I spent most of my time trying to stretch the dress code as far as possible, Miss B. spent most of her time trying to find reasons to make me turn my offensive tee shirts inside out. I liked her anyway-we were like those couples that thrive on good-natured arguing. A few years later I'd be entering the work world and wearing those hideous, "Female ties" that were little more than silk bows that would look alright on a kitten at Christmas but were absurd on women in an office setting. There's a vintage style I hope to never see again. Miss B. stuck to her poloneck sweaters, and in hindsight, I'd have to agree it was a good call. Forty years after the fact, I can acknowledge how put together she managed to look each day-my eyes were too blinded by the flash of my own studded leather jacket at the time to appreciate the classic styling of a wool blazer.

I did attempt a Google search to see if she was still kicking around, but there's zero internet presence for her. If she married, I wouldn't know her new surname. Anyhoo, I hope she's still still around and wearing a different coloured polo neck for each day of the week.

Outfit Particulars:
Sleeveless polo neck-Sears (about 15 years ago)
Vintage late 70's blazer (part of a suit) by Picket-N-Post-Goodwill
Vintage wool skirt-New Life Thrift
Wedge heeled loafers-K Mart a few years ago
Necklace-Salvation Army
Vintage handbag-Goodwill
Vintage Earrings-yard sale
Vintage brooch-Yard sale
Fragrance-Rive Gauche (what else could I possibly wear with this?)

I've been noticing there's even more brown in my wardrobe than in previous autumns. I don't know what's going on with me, but I wear brown the way Goths do black. I really should try mixing things up a bit, but I am clearly in some sort of rut. I need to have a clear out of the wardrobe and accept that I don't need five (count 'em) brown wool suits (three of which are tweed). This jacket has a matching skirt, and it isn't even a nice one (rather too wide and long as 70's skirts often were).
And while we're on the subject of, not turds (what's wrong with you people?!)...'s a vintage corde bag I won't be getting rid of.

As regular readers know, I don't spend much on my vintage pieces and I'm willing to do without or wait until I find a piece at a price I'm comfortable with. At $9.99, this bag was borderline. but I went ahead and bought it because A) Good condition and B) Brown. I'm hopeless. really I am.

Here's the same dress worn almost exactly a year ago. I didn't plan it that way, but I also wore the same brooch! What can I say? It is a good dress between seasons. 

Outfit Particulars:
Peacock Print dress-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage Corde bag-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage Gaymode shoes-Thrift World
Liz Claiborne Satin jacket-Goodwill (brown and navy satin...yeah, that's practical!)
Earrings-Yard sale
Fragrance-Guerlain Santal Royal ( I am aware everyone hated this perfume except yours truly. If you have any unwanted bottles you'd like to donate to a good cause (ME!) I'll be happy to give it a good home. I really don't think it deserves the hate it gets, but I'm not an oud snob-I think I prefer it to the fancy-pants oud in The Night, which I've worn a total of once).
 I'll leave you with a photo of this fellow who essentially screamed on the lightpost outside our house all morning. "Caw, caw, caw" it was worse than the budgie! I wonder what he was on about? There weren't any other birds around provoking him.

Do you have a favourite colour that you end up overdoing?


  1. For me it's got to be blue - blue dresses, blue eye shadow, blue nails, turquoise and Lapis jewellery. Love it. I'm rather fond of brown but I mix it with blue (obviously!) to make it more me and less like I got trapped in a time machine in 1977.
    You look fab in head to toe brown. Your dress looks very Liberty-esque. xxx

  2. Rive Gauche! The perfume in a CAN!!!

  3. I used to be Ms Black & White everything. India doesn't do black & white. That's ok, I can settle for black & everything else.
    Love that brown peacock dress.
    That looks like my friend Moriarty cawing there. Maybe he went to Nebraska for the Winter? Nah. Probably partying in Goa.
    Santal Royal must have flopped because there's a wall of it in the Delhi duty free shop along with all the other watery & wan stuff that didn't sell in the West- ie the Gucci garden series, the new Versace crap, and that highly touted Hermes Jardin nonsense. Prices weren't marked down yet though.


  4. You look fab in your school administrator's outfit and I absolutely love those shoes. The peacock dress is spectacular and the jacket is a thing of beauty. Amazing jewellery and as for the Corde bag worth every cent.I do like your hair up, very elegant.

    Rive Gauche was definitely the aroma of the 1970s - my ex sister in law wore it to death.She lives in Greensboro, North Carolina and I bet she still wearing it now. I never owned a bottle

    I like brown, too but don't have that much of it in my wardrobe. I've just got rid of a rather lovely brown velvet jacket that was just too tight on the upper arms to be comfortable. I know what I'll be looking for this weekend!

    Have a great week


  5. Oh my gosh. That dress! That skirt! The whole damn thing! I love brown but I really can't wear. I am jealous that you look so great in those lovely earth tones. Gosh. I remember when teachers dressed like that. It was so comforting. Here in California most teachers wear shorts and aloha shirts or ill fitting knit pants. Sigh....

  6. My school uniform was brown so it took me years to get over the hatred!

  7. @Vix
    Blue is definitely your colour, and your blue nails are practically a trademark. You say, "Trapped in a time machine in 1977" like that's a bad thing ;)

    Mine is in a glass bottle, but I do like the idea of an aerosol can.

    I think a few early, bad reviews sealed Santal Royal's fate. I like to think I'm unbiased enough not to be influenced by bad reviews but had I read them before trying it...I dunno.

    The climate in the Southern US might be well suited to Rive Gauche! It never really worked for me in Chicago or Boston.

    I hope you find yourself an even nicer replacement jacket. I find it hard to part with clothing, but tight arms I cannot live with. Good luck.

    The teachers here are casual in the khakis/jeans on Friday sort of way, but I can't imagine a Hawaiian shirt being accepted, even in summer school. Laid-back California sounds good to me!

    You look wonderful in EVERYTHING, particularly white.

    @Miss Magpie
    A brown uniform? What on earth were they thinking?

  8. I love brown and you do it so very well. The peacock dress and satin jacket are individually wonderful, and an absolutely stunning pairing.

  9. @Radostin
    Thank you. I've owned the jacket for a good long time but never could find anything to wear with it. I figured *eventually* I'd find something to go with it (that sort of reasoning is dangerous when you like clothes).

  10. If you like brown, keep rocking the brown! Nothing wrong with having a 'comfort zone' as long as you step outside it regularly. Though if you are having a clear-out, and have anything that would fit Jessica (whose house got burned down), she really loves Autumn colours and has lost all her vintage...

    Green is my colour. It used to be teal, but in recent years I've been all about the green.

  11. @Mim
    Green is definitely your colour. I always thought teal was green (ish). I suppose there's a bit of blue as well.

  12. I love polo/turtlenecks passionately ( OK, maybe I need a 12 step program at this stage ), but I draw the line at wearing them when the weather starts to warm up.

    Some of my fellow schoolmates back in the day only wore them when they had a hickey to conceal and yes, they greatly suffered when the temperatures rose after winter was done :)

  13. @Cee

    I feel like I missed out-I never had a hickey to hide!
