
Monday, November 07, 2016

Falling For Autumn Colours

I had to wear this Pendleton skirt at least once before the season is over. I've never been a fan of pleated cotton skirts (too much ironing) but this one looks okay-ish if it hangs on the line rather than going through the tumble dryer.

Fine. I should have ironed it.

I do love this time of year, even with all the challenges the weather provides. My garden is still going strong, and though I have tarps and fleeces ready for covering things, I haven't needed to. I had the windows open today, which almost never happens this time of year. I haven't run the furnace yet, which I'm sure would have made my dad proud (he was a notorious cheapskate when it came to running the heat). 

Outfit Particulars:
Pendleton skirt-Goodwill
Top-Can't remember (old)
Jacket-Thrift World
Handbag-Goodwill (I think)
Bass loafers-Outlet store
Leaf brooches-both Thrift World
Bracelet (part of a set with necklace and earrings)-Hand-Me-Ups
Pine cone earrings-garage sale
Fragrance-Femme (reformulation)
After I vote tomorrow, I'm coming home to start a number of holiday projects. My Christmas card list is growing again after waning for a few years. I try to make the cards myself, which means getting started now. Last year I did cut-work cards with different coloured papers and an exacto knife. They were pretty, but extremely frustrating. The year before, I did blended crayon 60's style cards, and the year prior to that, pen and ink. This year feels like a watercolour year to me! I'm not artistic (or crafty for that matter) but the holidays bring out the cheapskate child in me, and who wouldn't enjoy a handmade card? 
 I picked these up at the craft store for Danny to decorate. The cones have all sorts of potential.
 Let's have a peek inside one of my old Christmas books for ideas...
 Aren't these fab?
 Oh, so are these!
I would love to decorate the tree in paper ornaments, but I don't think Danny would go for it (he enjoys the whole ritual of putting up the old ornaments). The paper lanterns I could probably manage. 
This fellow is an ornament. I bought him today for .59 cents. He looked sad, so I really had to bring him home. 
 I found some vintage board games as well. I wonder, whatever happened to Fran? I tried showing Dasnny some old episode of KF&O on YouTube and he acted like I'd caused him some sort of psychological trauma. He's lucky I didn't show him Romper Room or Howdy Doody.
I adore the mid-70's artwork on this one. 
 This vintage suede cape isn't the sort of thing most people would wear...but I'm not most people. Thank the Good Lord for that!
 Yes, that was me buying a 70's cape and a fondue pot. You can't have one without the other can you? That's like a hug without a kiss.
Some beautifully hand-tooled tourist leather that I intend to wear. Isn't it beautiful? In the dead of winter I can wear it and think of Puerto Rico. 
 Finally, for the bird-obsessed child I picked up this very wide tie.
 It seems so odd to think of Dior making polyester ties, but in the 60's it was a new-ish fabric that didn't have the negative connotations it does today. At the time this tie would have been in fashion, Polyester was still a wonder fabric.
I am looking forward to some quiet time making cards, starting my holiday baking/steaming/canning, and the like. Whatever happens tomorrow, we have to go on living, and for my part that living will be all the nicer with some exotic cordials. I'm making one with coffee beans and orange peel this year from a vintage recipe. Most years I do cherry brandy (a bit like cough syrup, but I like it anyway)and some sort of limoncello. It might be a long winter (figuratively and literally) so I'll want to have plenty stocked-up in the cellar. 

See you when the dust settles. 


  1. Loving your Autumn outfits!
    I'm guessing that Dior tie must be 70's because that was the last time wide ties were made? It's quite the unusual design for the 70's.
    Some other wonderful 70's kitsch you've found- the avocado green fondue pot & suede cape are classics!
    Patiently waiting for the debacle to be OVER.

  2. I was dithering over a remarkably similar suede cape a few months ago, I'm not sure why I didn't buy it but looking at yours I wish I had!
    That skirt looks fab with that gorgeous jacket. Great colours together.
    Those paper decorations are fab, I don't do Xmas but I'd have those up all year round.
    Fingers crossed for a great result. xxx

  3. I love your retro sensibilities so much. Hey, send the skirt to me. I love to iron things. I find it to be a very zen activity. I must have been a laundress in another life. That handbag!!!! Love it! You do autumn so well. Kukla, Fran and Ollie. No wonder Danny was confused. They were pretty demented. I often show old childrens' shows to my kids and they freak out. My son still hasn't recovered from an episode I showed him of "The Banana Splits"!


  4. That jacket and skirt go so well together and pine cone earrings? I have to say I've never seen pine cone earrings. You look so cool in your autumn outfit. I bet Danny will love the tie.

    The suede cape is wonderful and I love the Puerto Rican belt - cheerful colours.

    Of course you are a very creative crafty person - hand made cards, Christmas decorations, brewing your own liquor, canning, baking, steaming - I don't and can't do any of those except the odd bit of baking. I loved the Christmas decoration ideas book, and I can see Danny will have a lot of fun with those cones...

    It's bloody freezing here!


  5. That Christmas book is ace, and I can't wait to see you rocking that cape. (Good job Vix doesn't live near you; I can see the two of you tussling over it...)

  6. That skirt is great combined with that fab jacket and handbag. Love that old Christmas book even if I'm not really a Christmas person. I'm not even sure I sent cards last year ... You found some great things and I would definitely have picked up that fondue pot. That tie is just fabulous! xxx

  7. The jacket and skirt combo is stunning! I've already got a fondue pot, but I would make room for the cape -- and the tie! Surely you could start a new fashion for ladies wearing lovely vintage ties?!

    Quite right to begin the seasonal holiday rituals now, Goody. Methinks that we're going to need all the post-election soothing we can get. Ever nosh on limoncello with gingerbread?

  8. @Bibi
    The ties did get pretty wide there for a bit, didn't they? I have a few of my Dad's and they're like bibs.

    The suede is a bit worn, but it looks vintage, not beat-up. I suspect that's why I was able to grab it at such a bargain.

    Even I find the Banana Splits disturbing!

    The cordials are just a matter of shoving fruit in a kilner jar with vodka and some sugar. Shake it once a week, strain it at the end and you've got booze for Christmas.

    If Vix lived near me we could take turns wearing it-that would *really* freak out the locals. "Oh hey Clem, there's TWO of 'em ladies!"

    I have no idea how to make fondue (melt some cheese?)but now I have a reason to do the research.

    I wore ties from time to time when I was younger, I should give it another go.
