
Saturday, November 12, 2016


Bloody bears!

Everyone feeling festive? Not here either. I'll do my best for the sake of the youngster.
 They lit the Christmas tree which means until early January, I won't have trouble finding 90th and Dodge at night. We went to the lighting as we do most years. Free food, music, reindeer-what more could you ask for?
 The tree has been re-done this year with LED lights. Looks more or less the same to me.
 I didn't feel festive this year, so I didn't wear my usual gaudy Christmas outfit. I put a snowman brooch on my coat. Good enough. Leggings and a puffy coat aren't going to win any fashion awards, but I was comfortable and warm.
Don't worry, he's friendly (the dog anyway).
 Earlier this week, I was out running errands when a woman mistook me for her childhood Sunday School Teacher. Well, that's a first. I've been told I dress like all kinds of things, but never a Sunday school teacher!
 I stopped by Mullhall's nursery to look at Christmas plants (bought a small Christmas cactus and a cyclamen) when I ran across this very expensive bear. Unfortunately, he's beyond my budget, but I don't want him anyway as he bites.
Not your Sunday school teacher.

Outfit Particular:
1970's pleated polyester skirt-Goodwill
Crew neck sweater-K Mart
Ultra Suede jacket-Goodwill
Flower-Tiff and Tam
Vintage scarf-Can't remember
Earrings-K Mart
Vintage handbag-Goodwill
Boots-K Mart

How about a vintage cocktail? I'm going to try and offer one at the bottom of each post through New Year's because you'll need a drink if you've read through to the end.

This late 50's pamphlet from Southern Comfort has a number of horrible sounding drinks (milk and bourbon?!)but I rather like the idea of an apricot half, shaved ice and bourbon. Getting your 5 a day can be rough when you're drinking to excess and trying to blot out reality, but this recipe makes it so easy, reality won't stand a chance-and you'll be getting fibre and vitamins!

The photo makes me think I need cocktail glasses like these. I don't have any tinned apricots, or shaved ice but I have bourbon and some paper cups. Par-Tay! Serve one to your favourite Sunday school teacher.


  1. They say that Santa's on his way, he's bringing lots of toys 'n' goodies on his sleigh.....
    Oh who am I kidding? A lump of coal for everyone. And 1 Bourbon, 1 Scotch. and 1 Beer!
    Actually I've had milk and Bourbon as a child. That was one of my nan from Lousiana's cold & flu cures. I guess it worked as I don't recall much after drinking it & am still alive.
    Y'know some of your outfits do look a bit 'churchlady' in the very best Dame Edna/Iris Apfel sort of way. When you start wearing opaque support hose with white vinyl wedge heeled sandals I'll let you know it's gone too far. ;)

  2. Someone mistook you for her childhood Sunday school teacher?! Thanks, Goody, for the best news I've read this morning. I'd love to hear how you coped, graciously, with sorting out the clues to mistaken identity.

    Free food, music and reindeer does sound fun! A local farm machinery outfit sponsors an annual light festival as a charity fundraiser. The last year I attended the guest of honor was an enormous buck elk named Snookie, who reclined on straw in his custom-crafted semi-wagon and nibbled oatmeal-raisin cookies (handed to him through the bars by kiddies whose parents paid $$ for them).

    Hand raised as an orphaned baby, ol' Snookie lives the good life on a local elk farm. His owner says he likes being the Big Daddy and happily climbs up the ramp of his travel trailer when they open the door. Snookie loves those plate-sized cookies!

  3. All I can say is that where you live is incredibly well organised for Christmas - already! Our Christmas street lights are erected at the end of October and then in late November there is a big light switch on ceremony - with fireworks! There maybe no fireworks this year as the local council have had to implement swingeing cuts to their budget; fortnightly rubbish collection rather than weekly being another example.

    You and Danny look like you're really enjoying yourselves and I love the bears.

    A Sunday school teacher? Maybe because you look so prim and proper? Get out of here! Have another cocktail and get those beatniks off your lawn!

    Have a great week, Goody.


  4. @Bibi
    I've been known to do the sheer nylon knee-highs with white wedge heels! When I start rolling them down around my ankles like our elderly German neighbour when I was young, THEN I'll have a problem.

    The strangest thing was, I think she was about my age (but perhaps had a few screws loose). I tried to set her at ease and said I'd been mistaken for far worse than a Sunday school teacher!

    I'd pay money to feed cookies to an elk.

    That's a rather long time between trash collections-where in the world are people in small flats supposed to keep it all?

    The tree is done as a fundraiser for the Salvation Army, so everything is donated and all the mayor has to do is show up, make a quick speech and the lights are on. You'd think given her attitude towards the poor she'd be ashamed to show her face. I guess you can't have much sense of shame if you're going to be a politician.

  5. A Sunday School teacher? Goodness me, I might have been tempted to go if they'd been as cool as you.
    I live in the same kind of "on the brink place of bankruptcy" as Veronica (most British working class towns are sadly in the same position). No Xmas lights, no illuminated tree, the late night market cancelled, no shops left to offer late night shopping, the Art Gallery, one remaining museum and 16 libraries under threat of closure. The fortnightly bin collection is no problem, we don't chuck a lot out and families who do can apply for bigger bins.
    I have no love of Xmas but we do get a float that goes around the area with Santa and his elves playing carols and raising funds for charity - but that's not until a week before the 25th December. It's still effing November! xxx

  6. They've started putting up Christmas lights here in Antwerp, but they are very modest compared to that tree. However, much as I'm trying to avoid Christmas, back in August, in the middle of a heatwave, a very large pop-up Christmas shop opened here in Antwerp's main shopping thoroughfare. It is unavoidable, as I have to walk past it every weekday. Love your new header photo with that bear! xxx

  7. @Vix
    The library closings are awful. Our mayor has been hell-bent on de-funding ours to the point where the hours have been severely scaled back. In economically depressed areas libraries are lifelines for people that might not have internet access at home. I hope your community is able to keep them from being shuttered-I don't hold out much hope for ours long term.

    The shop opened in August?! That's a *bit* early.
    That bear cost several hundred dollars, so we had to leave him, but not before I took a photo.

  8. I wonder what a person is supposed to do with that peach half when they've drunk the bourbon. Spear it out on a cocktail stitch and munch it? Top it up with more bourbon? (That'd be my choice.) Peachy bourbon is probably very nice.

    We're on the fortnightly bin collections too. Which means, in summer, maggotty stinky bin from old cat food pouches. It is GRIM. Oh, Britain...

  9. @Mim
    I think you're supposed to provide a spoon with the drink, but that seems like a good way to ruin delicate glasses.

    You throw away your maggots?! In the US we keep them to deep fry as starters to supplement a nice meal of grass clippings and fake cheese. So long as they don't try taking the Victory gin we'll all be fine...
