
Monday, November 28, 2016

Let's Visit Des Moines, Iowa

"Fancy running into you here, Danny! What brings you to Des Moines?"
"You did, I was riding in the back of the car."
"You don't say. Since we're here, how about going to visit the Saylorville reservoir to look for migratory birds?"
"Fine by me."
 There were both golden and bald eagles as well as pelicans, merganzers, and ring-billed gulls (none of which managed to be photographed by me).
Danny took better photos-perhaps I'll convince him to share some with us later on.

It was blowing a gale, but the weather was still unseasonably warm. I bought this leather coat expecting a few wears before I required something heavier, but I'm pleased to report it is getting plenty of wear this autumn.

Outfit Particulars:
Skinny jeans-K Mart
Vintage acrylic sweater-Hand-Me-Ups
Boots-Goodwill about 10 years ago
Vintage 70's leather coat-Goodwill
Vintage copper Hopi necklace-New Life Thrift
Knit headband-K Mart
Velvet shoulderbag-Goodwill
Fragrance-Alfred Sung

 We caught a buffalo.
Ready to tour the State House? Great, let's go inside!
The state house was constructed between 1871 and 1886. It is the only five-domed capitol in the United States. 
I'm sure they'll have this removed shortly as it is now been deemed irrelevant.
In the case is a replica of the battleship USS Iowa.
I'm glad polishing the floor tiles isn't my job. It must take a small army to keep this place as gleaming as it is. At the front bottom of the photo is a round of glass tiles that function as a skylight for the lower floor.
I did get a bit dizzy looking up, but it was so magnificent it was worth the discomfort.
I would imagine working in a building like this would give even the lowest-tier state workers the impression that their work was important and meaningful. It might not last ten seconds after sitting at a desk and getting to work, but I would think the walk in each morning would leave an impression.
 Obligatory covered wagon painting.
 Stained glass window.
 Fake marble. I learn something new every day.

 We learned so much on our visit, I'll bet we even look smarter.

The Iowa State Capitol is closed Sundays and holidays. Guided tours are available. 

Iowa Sunrise Cocktail:
1oz. vodka
1oz. white rum
1 oz. lemonade
1 oz. Sprite
4 ounces orange juice
Splash of grenadine
In a large glass add the alcohols, then the lemonade. Sprite, and orange juice on top. Add the grenadine and it should bleed through the layers making the sunrise.


  1. Scagliola (from the Italian scaglia, meaning "chips")-Scagliola is a composite substance made from selenite, glue and natural pigments, imitating marble and other hard stones. The material may be veined with colors and applied to a core, or desired pattern may be carved into a previously prepared scagliola matrix. The pattern's indentations are then filled with the colored, plaster-like scagliola composite, and then polished with flax oil for brightness, and wax for protection. The combination of materials and technique provides a complex texture, and richness of color not available in natural veined marbles.

    I learned something new too! What a beautiful state capitol building.
    They might be able to salvage that quote by just flipping around 2 words- "Nothing is morally right which is politically wrong."
    There! That sums up the situation perfectly!

  2. That state building is fab. Is the classical, domed style common to most states?

  3. Haha! Yes you DID look smarter! And Danny looked taller, you must be feeding him good food.

    Love that leather trench! You look very Shack!!

    The Capitol building is beautiful! Clever use of glass flooring which also acts as a skylight for the floor below.

    Happy birding AND thrifting ;)

  4. @Bibi
    Don't give them any more Orwellian ideas.

    The domes are common enough, though five domes is just showing off. The Nebraska Capitol building is an oddity of 1920's/30's design. I'll be doing a trip there soon and will try to get a post up.

    @Thrifty Parka
    Danny is thrilled you think he's getting taller. All his asthma medications are keeping him from growing (kids get caught-up eventually, but not fast enough to satisfy him)much at the moment.

  5. I love that state building, how very grand!
    You both look highly educated in that last shot, the trip did you good! xxx

  6. @Vix
    If only we could learn to "Talk real good" like the sophisticated types!

  7. The state capitol building is impressive, especially that view up to the skylight. I'd love to see Danny's bird photos. My godson is a bit of a bird buff as well. When my dad used to take him to an air show at the local airport, my godson only had eyes for the birds. Much to my air enthousiast dad's disappointment. xxx

  8. Scagliola sounds like a new Italian dish!

    Des Moines looks wonderful and what an amazing State building - I'd never seen a covered wagon painting before so that's a first for me.

    I love that you so many varieties of birds - eagles, wow! Tell Danny I'm very envious. It's very rare to see an eagle in the UK unless you are in Scotland or Ireland; I don't know about Wales...

    You look fab in your jeans and leather coat - very hip and cool.

    Hope your week is going well

