
Monday, December 05, 2016

Kitschmas Time in the City

If there's tacky holiday earrings to be had, I'll have them! These came from Big Lots, which has fueled my pursuit of tacky holiday items over the years. I only wish there were more days in December to wear them all.

This weekend was the Holiday Lights Festival's family day. Several museums, the downtown library and other locations had free entertainment, activities for children, and rides on a trolley between locations. It was so much fun! The crowds were (mostly) well behaved, the weather was beautiful, and I didn't hear a single complaint out of Danny, which is a rare day. He's at that age where everything is "stupid"-you know how that goes. That said, he wouldn't dance the Hokey Pokey because he's just a bit too self conscious for that!
We had some snow earlier, but this was all that remained of Danny's snowman, Roland. We stuck his head in a plastic bag and froze it until it gets cold again. Yeah, when you're young you never imagine being asked to keep a disembodied snowman noggin in the freezer amongst the peas and gin (what? You don't keep you gin in the freezer?) but life has a way of throwing odd stuff at you, particularly if you have children. Anyway, poor Roland will hopefully get a full body transplant next week as we're expecting more snow. He'd better not touch my gin if he knows what's good for him. Rolaaaaaaaaand!

 Outfit Particulars:

Vintage wool skirt-Thrift World (I think)
Vintage wool coat-Etsy seller
Star pattern leggings-Target
Vintage Snowland boots-Goodwill
Sparkly top-Somewhere in Cambridge, Mass 90's
Vintage purse-Goodwill
Red cashmere socks-gift
Belt-Shop Ko
Earrings-Big Lots
Headband-K Mart
Vintage Shiny Brite Christmas corsage-Thrift World
Vintage Necklace-Hand-Me-Ups
Brooch on sweater-can't remember
Fragrance-Guet Apens (anyone care for some oakmoss with their oakmoss?")

The gingerbread house pieces are baked, and I've learned from experience, it is best to let them cure for a few days before assembling. I've also learned to decorate the pieces before assembly-loads easier. I guess it goes without saying you shouldn't attempt it drunk.

We're expecting a deep freeze over the next few days which will be nice as I'd like to wear my Dale of Norway sweater at least once this year. Last year it never got unpacked, so hopefully we'll have a good old fashioned Midwestern December. Without an ice storm of course, because ice storms suck.
But if the worst happens, I'm prepared with my Snowland boots. And gin, unless Roland got to it first.


  1. I keep my rum in the freezer!
    Fab boots, coat and hat combo and the colour of your skirt is divine. Poor old Roland.
    I can't mention the Xmas trimmings as I'm trying to avoid all mention of the C word until at least 20th December. Bah humbug. xxx

  2. Poor Roland looks like he needs the gin more than you. I hope you keep your vodka in the freezer too!
    As I recall Guet Apens had that wizened peach in Mitsouko ensconced in that blast of oakmoss over the customary dose of Guerlain-ade.
    We're wearing sandals and light sweaters here. Sunny and breezy 75F highs and 52F lows. San Diego weather in the Himalayas, who'd a thunk it?

  3. Hahaha! Brilliant funny post! I hope to see more of Roland the Snowman in the future.

    Happy thrifting ;)

  4. Poor Roland! But at least that way he will get another lease of life, which cannot be said of most snowmen. I love your outfit, especially the hat and I seriously want that skirt. Oh, and even I succumbed to a little sparkly reindeer brooch the other day, which must mean that Christmas is definitely on its way! xxx

  5. Mmmm, I had no idea you could freeze alcohol!! I wished I'd known. I could saved my bourbon for when I fancy a drop - rather than someone who shall remain nameless, guzzling all the left over alcohol from Christmas by the end of January...

    Roland is a most excellent name for a snowman. I'm sorry to hear that he and his body had to part company but you have a transplant in hand I see...

    I love your coat and the green pleated skirt is so stylish. I know why you liked my snowflake tights! I love your necklace and all your Christmas jewellery. I'm a bit of a Christmas curmudgeon, I refuse to wear Christmas jewellery, Christmas jumpers and party hats out of Christmas crackers.

    Hope there are no ice storms coming your way.


  6. I forgot to mention how gorgeous your hat is!

  7. That necklace is stunning with a black top! You've inspired me to transfer my clunky green-blue costumery into the winter-holiday wear drawer. (Had relegated it to summer-wear with whites and blue florals heretofore.)

    Gin and vodka freeze well. However, my father the merchant mariner advised us kids to beware any drink that arrives at the table in a block of ice -- and still pours. (Aqua-vit?)

  8. If Roland touches the gin, it's the stockput for him!

    I listen to Halloween songs all year round, so you could do Christmas all year round if you liked. Or perhaps have a quick week of Christmas halfway through the year, just to top up on kitsch.

  9. Roland clearly the Walt Disney of the snowman world! Is it time to break out the Christmas brooches? I love your tree, I shall have to hunt mine out.

  10. @Vix
    Now you've made me crave rum. What brand do you favour?

    It was supposed to smell like that, and I bought a bottle by special order back in '99. Opened the bottle, sniffed and..."OMG this smells like something scraped off a log and then rolled in a hefty dose of Johnson's Baby talc." It mellowed as it aged, but it ain't no Mitsouko. I would say it is the least, "Guerlain-Y" Guerlain I own.

    I've never cultivated a taste for vodka, but I use it as a base for cordial making.

    @Thrifty Parka
    I should send him to you-he'd be much safer in Canada (hey, wouldn't we all?!).

    Hard to resist reindeer, isn't it? The hat is really just a faux fur headband to keep my ears warm without messing up my hair. I bought one in pink too. They're surprisingly practical.

    Alcohol won't freeze solid, it just gets a bit syrupy from the sugars, which wouldn't stop anyone from drinking it straight from the freezer (A slug of ice cold gin from the freezer is one of life's pleasures in summer).
    I will wear the cracker crowns and all the rest. We make our own crackers and I put Danny in charge of the jokes...I should probably reconsider that...

    You're organised! I have everything jumbled together.
    A few years back (maybe 20, but that's a "few" when you get to my age) I saw Martha Stewart on TV freezing bottles of vodka into blocks with flowers. You father probably had something more rustic in mind.

    I like sparkle, velvet and eating too much so an all year Christmas sounds great!

    @Miss Magpie
    It depends-how many Christmas brooches you own. I clustered three together on my top today because I'm worried about running out of time.

  11. Your skirt is the perfect shade of green, wonderful! I do love wool skirts.
