
Monday, December 12, 2016

Purple Velvet

 This poor old blazer only gets out once or twice a year, and I don't know why. It isn't like velvet ever goes out of fashion, and purple doesn't seem particularly holiday-ish. I think it would look just as nice dressed down with denim as it does with a sparkly skirt. I'll have to resolve to wear it more as it really is too nice of a piece to keep packed away.
That's a snow fence behind me. I realised some readers might not live in a place with enough blowing snow to recognise one. When I was growing up, the snow fences were made of wooden slats through the chain link and judging by the gaps in this one, I suspect they were superior. The fence isn't much help to us, but it keeps the snow from blowing across the college campus next door. It hardly helps. Each time there's an evening snowfall, the maintenance people are out ploughing at 3 AM. That's nice for the people needing a place to park the morning after a snow, but had I known I'd spend a good part of winter listening to metal scraping asphalt and the, "Beep beep beep" of the truck into the wee hours-I might have moved elsewhere.

Enough about that, let's see some outfit details...
 Outfit Particulars:
Vintage polyester blouse-Goodwill
Vintage velvet jacket-Hand-Me-Ups
Vintage sparkly skirt-Costume shop
Earrings-can't remember, old
Brooch-I made it!
Belt-Thrift World
Vintage Johanssen handbag-Hand-Me-Ups
Fragrance-Vintage formulation Bandit
 Yes, I have a bandage on the ring to keep it from sliding. The ring is made of glass, so it works rather well.
 Isn't that fabric the best? I wish they still made maxi skirts with this much personality.
Something about the holidays makes me forget about taste. If I'll wear a silly sweater with penguins in santa hats, it should come as no surprise I'd be tempted by blue eyeliner and mascara. This is strictly a holiday look for me, but it was fun experimenting.

Today's Cocktail:

Gin Buck:
1 1/2 oz. gin
Juice of 1/2 lime
Ginger Ale
Squeeze lime into highball glass. Add gin, ice and top up with ginger ale.

I'm going to keep this short and sweet as I have Lucia buns to bake for tomorrow. Saffron and butter-is there a better bread?


  1. That's actually a really authentic mid 70's suburban look. Right down to the blue eyeliner and mascara. Ooo St Lucia buns sound fab! I'm baking persimmon cookies tomorrow & maybe a pumpkin stollen.

  2. You are looking positively regal in your purple blazer - it's fabulous. I love the maxi skirt and the frilly blouse together and what a brilliant hand bag.

    You made the brooch? Well done you, it's lovely.

    Never knew such a thing as a snow fence existed - everyday's a school day!

    Hope the snow lets up and you're not kept awake at all hours; that 'beep,beep,beep' sound drives me mad...


  3. What a fab outfit, like a funky Edwardian lady on acid. The skirt is spectacular and I do love a ruffle and some velvet.
    A snow fence? Well I never! xxx

  4. Ooh! That is a good look! Funky Edwardian mixed with suburban 70's makeup.

    Haha! Yes snow fences are a necessity. Luckily I park my car in an area where my home and snow banks act as a snow fence. So the snow doesn't deposit too heavily and I'm able to get out of my driveway after a snowfall.

    I don't mind the beep-beep-beep sound but the rusty scrape of the plow blade against concrete would put my teeth on edge. Perhaps a fan, humidifier or noise machine would help block it out?

    Happy thrifting ;)

  5. I'd never even heard of a snow fence, but then again, it didn't even snow here last winter. As for your outfit, that's simply fantastic. I very much love that maxi skirt and of course that jacket needs to come out more often. xxx

  6. Agreed, that lush velvet jacket works equally well with a luxe fabric maxi or denim jeans! I've a plum version of the jacket that's worn with black jeans or black velvet trousers, and a pet black "velvet" flat cap that carries the cat pin du jour.

    You say you made that brooch? Dare one hope this is a recycled jewelry project? Please tell us more!

  7. Like the other Euro-ladies, I'd never heard of a snow fence. You do weather bigger out in Nebraska.

    Vix's description of your outfit as 'Edwardian Lady on acid' is superb. Throw a few aggressive brassy bits on and you'd be bordering on steampunk.

  8. @Bibi
    I adore persimmons, but won't pay two fucking dollars a piece for something we used to have all over the lawn in Illinois! Pumpkin stollen sounds interesting.

    We should wear our purple velvet on the same day-we can be twins on opposite sides of the Atlantic.

    I like the idea of a Victorian on acid! Well, I like it better than the idea of me on acid...

    @Thrifty Para
    I knew you'd be familiar with snow fences. And block heaters. And snow tyres. And...well, yeah. Keep warm up there.

    I always say I'd prefer rain to snow (you don't need to shovel rain) but I suppose it would get to me after a bit.

    I bought a packet of self-sticking pin-backs at the craft store and now all my broken pieces are getting a new life. It has been particularly good for finding a use for earrings where I've lost one. Plus, I like projects that take ten seconds as that's about all I have to spare of late.

    Yeah-why do something half-way?!
    You're right-I need goggles!

  9. This outfit is wonderful. Every bit individually, and all together. A purple velvet blazer is indeed the sort of garment that should be worn frequently. Love your brooch.

  10. @Radostin
    Thank you, that's a lovely thing to say. I'm never quite sure if these combinations work until I see the photos and get feedback from readers.

  11. Love the outfit and the blue eyeliner mascara combo is gorgeous and definitely not just for Christmas.
