
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Nautical But Nice

I'm back in stripes, this time of the horizontal sort. I don't know why navy and white scream spring to me, but year after year I find myself reaching for a way to ease some white into my wardrobe before summer arrives. Might have something to do with the buckets of cold rain currently pouring down.
the terrible weather does mean taking photos indoors, which is challenging on a bright day. I appreciate the dark house in summer when the tree keeps us shaded and cool, but it is frustrating when it comes to photography. Truth be told, I'd rather have the shade as a lower energy bill will always be more important than good photos. I'm a bad blogger. Where are my priorities?!
Here's the kitchen view-florescent light ain't no friend to the pale.

Outfit Particulars:
1970's polyester skirt-Goodwill
Knit Pendleton jacket-Goodwill
Tee-K Mart
Vintage Naturalizer bag-Goodwill (I think)
Wedge heel sneakers-Goodwill
Lucite brooch-Hand-Me-Ups
Thermoset necklace-Sequels
Quartz bangle-Goodwill
No lippy because I had my teeth cleaned. I swear, I'd feel less naked going bare-assed.
Still no perfume, but I was delighted to see K Mart is now selling Florida Water cologne. I bought a bottle and I'll be dousing myself in it as soon as the weather warms up. For five dollars, you can't beat the stuff for refreshing cologne-unless of course if you don't like the medicinal anise scent. I love it.
 I don't want to jinx it but I am shocked this bracelet hasn't shattered yet. I'm not a graceful person, and I'm unfortunately a bit hard on my vintage.
That lucite ring is as heavy as it looks. I'm probably burning calories typing with it on my finger.
Probably not. I'm off to find some lipstick. Hope you're enjoying Spring where you're at.


  1. Lovely! That bangle is really something, I love all your white details here, and particularly appreciate the rich tone of the skirt. I'm so used to seeing you with lipstick that I almost imagine here you're wearing a very pale frosted one, very 60s.

  2. Indoor photos when our trees are in full bloom is a nightmare, it's like being underwater!
    Loving that striped blazer and the accompanying bling.
    A few years ago we were going to a music festival for the weekend and I realised I hadn't packed my lipstick. We had to detour to the nearest city (some 40 miles away) so i could pick up some Barry M! x

  3. Looking Spring-tastic in nautical navy!
    I am now surfing the net on my phone as the iMac went kerplooey during a thunderstorm here & had to be shipped to Kathmandu for repairs. I am praying for my hard drive. Fingers crossed.

  4. That thermoset necklace is literally enchanting. Looks like a treasure from the jewelry box of Maeve!

    I kept a spare lipstick in the glovebox until the evil day one melted in the heat of summer. Now the stub of a low-intensity lip liner pencil spends its last days of usefulness there, just in case...

  5. I hate having to do outfit photos indoors, but sometimes it can't be helped. On a gloomy day, there's nowhere with decent lighting inside our house. I'm so glad we have the wall in our garage to pose against. I am partial to a bit of navy and white myself. Your necklace, bracelet and ring are pieces I'd have chosen too. So pretty. I never leave the house without a bit of lipstick, and indeed feel a bit naked when I'm not wearing any. I'll be at the dentist on Monday, but always sneak into the restroom afterwards to put on some


  6. I'm loving your hair - it's changed - is it the that you have a fringe? It's fab.

    There's something so chic about navy and white stripes - think Breton tops. I love this jacket on you and all the wonderful accessories.

    I feel absolutely naked without lipstick and in fact unless I apply Vaseline to my lips on a no make up day they get dry and sore within 24 hours!

  7. My school uniform was in nautical navy and I still wear a lot of stripes in navy and red.You looks so elegant .I have to remind my self to wear lipstick more often.

  8. I love nautical stripes and I agree I find myself reaching for them in Spring too. I wear lipstick about once every 10 years!

  9. @Radostin
    Funny, I never could wear those pale frosty shades...maybe I should try them again?

    Absolutely! I can't think of a better reason to detour-lippy is life ;)

    Oh no. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too.

    That must have been fun cleaning up. Good tip about the pencil though-thank you.

    Good luck at the dentist.
    I like the photos posed by your garage wall.

    I cut the fringe too short about a month ago, so it is finally starting to look normal. My hair is fragile and was all breaking off by my side partring, so I switched to the middle and cut fringe.

    That sounds much better than what we have for school uniforms in the US (plaid skirts and white blouses).

    @Miss Magpie
    You've probably saved yourself a fortune not wearing it.
